Closed the freedom of adulthood.

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
29 (1/8/2034)
willow made her way along the street coffee in one hand and toastie in the other. she was running early for work which was good as opening and closing were one of the small differences in her job this holiday. no not holiday, it isn't a holiday if you are not going back to school she reminded herself. it was weird thinking that. she was never going back to Hogwarts. at least not as a student. maybe she would go when lin graduated. maybe when ivy or her own kids graduated. but never again as a student. She wandered up the harbour it was winter and the early morning light was shining and the street was busy with people ministry workers in robes colour coded to their department hurrying to work, shop keepers opening up. At seventeen. she was no longer a child poop was the world she was living in. she pulled her coat a little tighter around herself and made her way along the waterfront. she loved her family. but she wondered if she maybe should start looking for her own place. she sighed. maybe but once she had heard back from the Auror department. she already knew it would be a few months before she heard if she had got into the training program. for now, she would live at home. work and spend time with lin before he want back to school. it would be weird not going back. She paused and checked her watch. she was early still. she had time to get some breakfast before going to work. she found a bench and sat down taking a mouthful of the drink and burning her tongue on it. "puck that's hot" she muttered to herself as if she didn't know already before moving her attention to the sandwich.
It was the first few days after graduation. Savoring the last two weeks before he flew to England with Caelan. The Puff intended to make the most of his time. With this, Noelle ventured to the Obsidian Harbour to pick up some gifts before visiting Alexis and Xavier. However, he came too early, and not all shops are open. So he decided to grab some bottled coffee. He stepped out into the road, his eyes roamed for somewhere to sit on. It may be winter but he was all warm in his jacket. Finding one, he quickly made a dash for it and sat down, not realizing someone was already there. Just as he took another swig from his drink, a voice spoke up to his right. An all too familiar voice. His heart stilled before glancing at the source of the voice. He could not believe who his eyes found.
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Sorry wrong account
willow saw someone sit on the other side of the bench but didn't really pay much attention to them as she watched a couple of seagulls fight over a crab one of them had caught. at the man who had sat beside her who had looked at her as she had cursed the coffee. she hadnt been paying attention to him as he had sat down and hadn't recognised him in his casual winter clothes. but the second he looked her way and their eyes met she smiled glad to see her friend. "Noe. It's good to se you" she said. shifting slightly to see him better but due to the size of the bench, their knees ended up touching. she could have moved away but there was a familiar comfort. something she had almost forgotten about until she felt him there. "does it feel weird to think we aren't going back to school in September" she said before giving her coffee another slightly smaller sip this time not burning herself.
When Willow met his eyes, Noelle could not help but smile. He smiled because she also smiled his way, at him. It seemed ages when he saw that smile for him. "Willow, hi." He was quite conscious at the brush of their knees when she shifted. He shifted as well, resting his arm on the backseat, facing her. "Good to see you." He did not know what to say, not wanting to say something wrong. It was good she initiated a topic. "I know. A mixture of relief and weird.", he said with a sheepish laugh. He watched her take a sip, following suit from his own bottle. "So, auror's the next plan for you?", he asked. He remembered suggesting the career to her back when they were dating. He wondered if their break up prompted some changes in her plan.
Willow was glad that Noelle was a better person than her. She had avoided noelle for half a year and even after that hadn't really gone out of her way to talk to him. she had given him space. that is what she had told herself. that she wasn't being selfish. but she had missed him. even when she was sure she had gotten over him. even if she hadnt realised it until right now she still missed hiving him around to talk to, to go running with. just to hang out with.
as noelle asked if being an auror was the next thing for her she cracked into a wide grin. "Yes it is thanks to you." she said "i will need to hear back from them. but i will be if i pass the background, psych and physical tests" she said. not that she would likely have issues with the physical ones. but the psych maybe. and background check may have issues with he parents being werewolves. she had had to declare it. and her mum had said that an auror had been bitten just about when she had graduated and she had been discharged from the office. "and how about you? Will lin be taking classes from a professor Maxwell net year?" she asked wondering if that was still his goal.
Noelle smiled, blushing slightly. He never thought Willow would still pursue the career he suggested for her when they were dating. He felt somewhat honored. "Well, it suits you. You'll make a fine Auror, Will.", he said sincerely. He listened attentively to what she said, realizing he missed the times he spent with her. And he was glad he ran into her that day. Too bad he would be leaving for the UK at the end of the week. Just as the thought crossed his mind, she asked about his career. The one they also discussed ages ago. Scratching the back of his neck, a habit he could not seem to grow out of, he met her eyes and grinned sheepishly. "The thing is... I am flying to the UK with Caelan. I am leaving at the end of the week. I will study go to college and will try to get a teaching career either here or in the Muggle world." She did not need to know that she was part of the reason why he would leave. And a certain Slytherin. He felt the need to get away. From Willow. From Sapphire. From everything.
&&I am so sorry for the month-long delay in the reply.&&
Willow smiled as Noelle said that she would make a fine Auror. part of her wanted to reach across the space and give him a hug and thank him. She wasn't sure if it was thanking him for the suggestion all those years ago or for the confidence now. she held herself back "Thank you noe" hse said before making herself take a sip of her coffee as he scratched the back of his neck looking effortlessly sexy as he met her eyes with that shy but cheeky smile.
at his announcement she felt her spirit and shoulders drop. "oh," she said. she had hardly spoken to him for well over a year she had no right to be disappointed that he was leaving. but she was. "well. I am glad i ran into you this morning." she said. she was going to be late for work but spending time with noe was worth Miss West's rath and a day de-spleening news in punishment. "if you have time before you leave, or if you come back any time we should go out for dinner or some drinks and catch up." she said. feeling guilty that she was the reason they hadn't spoken in so long. if she had the chance to go back in time she doubted she would do anything different but that didn't mean that she hadn't missed him.
If they were still dating, Noelle would say something cheesy. After all, he was the cheesy one between the two of them. Yet, he could not help himself. "Hey, anytime you need advice, I am here.", he quipped. It was true. He would always be there for her should the need arise. He immediately noticed the subtle drop of her shoulders at his news. He felt bad, bad enough that he reached out a hand and gently touched her hand. "Hey, I'll be back. It's not like I'll be gone forever.", he lightened up at her next words. "I know you still have to go to work but I am just wondering," he met her eyes and held her gaze, "I'll meet you back here and we can have dinner and go around." He hoped she would agree. Maybe this time, they could make it work, whatever that could work.
Willow had a feeling that she wasn't the only one holding back. "Thank you noe. and you know I will be here whenever you need me." she said not that I have been she added mentally.
She smiled at him when he said that he was going to be back and that he wasn't gone forever.
as he invited her out to dinner she smiled, or maybe it was the feeling of his hand on hers that had caused the smile. she turned her hand over and held his. "I would L... Like that very much" she said stopping herself from saying that she would love to. If she hadn't been able to say she loved him two years ago what right did she have to say that now. "But I am looking at a house with Chante tonight. would wednesday work for you?" she said. she had planned to find a house with her cousin and chante's girlfriend. the time difference was too much to work with between Australia. if she was going to work every day. either at the apothecary, the Auror department or elsewhere she needed not have to be getting up at 4 am every morning.

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