The freedom I longed for

Katie Swan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Katie felt free, away from the constricting clutches of her Aunt and her endlessly changing rules. It was hard to fathom that just a simple change of scenery and the people around her could make such a difference to the newly sorted Hufflepuff but it did. It was simple as that. She now had the abilityto stroll down the corridors of her new school without being constantly on edge, waiting for the click of heels to shatter the peace she had found.

Dancing lightly down to edge of the lake she sat cross legged, careful not to let the gentle waves lap at her stocking clad legs. Sitting her chin in her cupped hands she peered at her rippling reflection and caught sight of the wide smile that graced her face. Taking a deep breath Katie looked up to the sky and began to hum quietly. Glad to have found a place where she could actually enjoy herself.
The usual wear and tear of a tipical school day in Amber's life continued to unaffect her, she loved being at this school, she loved the classes and the general atmosphere of the historic hallways. Amber's classes had finished for the day and she needed some fresh air and some space to think. Amber decided the lakefront would be a good option, she would be able to organise her mind a little and have some peace and quiet, away from the other students, it wasn't because she disliked them, the Hufflepuff just needed some time alone every now and then, just like everybody else.

The Lakefront was deserted, just as Amber expected, she took a glance around the Lake, only to realise there was another student there, from how old the other girl looked, she assumed the girl was a first year. Amber felt a warm smile tickle its way onto her lips as she slowly strolled towards the girl. Amber's intentions had been to get away from other students but she was a social person and she had a feeling of concern for the other girl. Amber approached the girl , her smile still as evident as before and asked a simple question "Hello, do you know where you're going?" It was a standard question to ask a first year, Amber felt responsible for the girl, her motherly side was showing itself yet again.
Katie was shaken from her mindless humming. Trailing off she swallowed nervously before her eyes flickered to the new arrival. Exhaling greatfully that is wasn't a teacher or a scary older student she smiled at what seemed to be a friendly older girl she nodded in answer to her question. "I'm fine thanks." she laughed, "I'm Katie by the way, or Isadora if you want to call me by original name." she added in an afterthought remembering the manners that had been drummed into her over the years. They were definetly something that she would never forget. Dusting off her hands she offered one to the new girl. "And you are...?" she asked quietly.
Letting out a pleasant and polite chuckle, Amber continued to smile, she listened intently to the other girl's words and nodded after Katie had introduced herself. The proper thing to do now was to introduce herself back. "My name's Amber, it's a pleasure to meet you Katie." She said playfully curtsying before sitting down next to Katie. The shadow of the sun from the trees make Amber's pale complexion mor evident than earlier. Moving a lock of chestnut brown hair behind her ear, the second year sighed. "So, Katie. Where are you from?" She asked, making sure to repeat Katie's name so she could remember it, an unbreakable habit of Amber's.
Katie giggled quietly and bowed her head in return to Amber's curtsey. "Nice to meet you Amber." She already liked Amber even though she had barely known her for more than a few minutes. "I was born in Invercargill but I...moved to Dunedin when I was one." she said quietly the evassiveness of her answer clearly evident. "You?" she asked. Turning from Ambers gaze and looking out over the lake. "Uh... What do you like doing?" Kaite asked breaking the silence.
The cheerful and positive personality that Amber had would never let her down, it would also give her the inspiration she needed to help others to feel as optimistic as she did. "I was born here and I have moved between France, Italy ad New Zealand since." Amber replied, keeping her gaze on the first year. It was a sunny day and the Hufflepuff never avoided going outside on days like these. On a fine day like this one, you couldn't help but take a walk around, this had brought on Amber's meeting with Katie and that surely wasn't a bad thing. "I like doing a lot of things, I like going outside, I like reading, just normal stuff." Said the young girl, "And yourself?" Asked Amber, taking a page out of Katie's book and looking out to the beautiful murky lake.
Katie smiled, "Lucky, I would love to go to France..." she mused aloud, there was something about the city of love that intrigued her. She turned back to Amber. "I'm a Karate and soccer freak myself, just two things that my Aunt hates about me. Two of many... I love the outdoors too." she shrugged, "I'm a stereotypical tomboy I guess." Katie laughed, she always had found more enjoyment in sports and the outdoors in comparison to the girly things like shopping.
Like some wealthy children Amber had met, they were very cultured and sophisticated, but unlike those spoiled children, Amber had made an effort not to end up like them, focusing on only material things and money, she was a real girl and she admired Katie's personality. "I go there annually to see my grandmother, my mother is French and she wants me to be close to my roots." Amber said, attempting to ignore the memories of her grandmother's strict and old-fashioned ways. Amber had always wanted to be more than what people expected of her. "I can't explain it but there's something about nature that's so, compelling." She said, looking up at the silhouette of the trees caused by the blinding sun, they were lucky they were in the shade, otherwise it would be too bright to have a conversation like this. "I guess I'm a stereotypical... I don't know." The second year was trying to distract herself, even she didn't know what it was from, that was what being outside did to her, it calmed her, it made her feel normal, even if it was for only a moment.
Katie grinned "I'm jealous! My aunt would never take me anywhere as exciting as that." 'wouldn't take me anywhere at all' she added in her head. It wasn't that her Aunt didn't like travelling, it was more the fact that she didn't like travelling with her. Katie nodded in agreement, "I know what you mean, I would say it was 'freeing.' I always feel free when I'm outside, its such a contrast from stuffy boring houses." looking the second year up and down Katie adjusted her glasses, "I would say, stereotypical girl but you enjoy nature too, not something that all girls like... So maybe stereotypical...' she paused searching for the right word. "'nature-girl'" she said after a moments thought, "Maybe?"
The twelve year old chuckled, she thought the stereotype of a nature girl suited her very much, no matter how utterly insipid it sounded. "Maybe." Replied the brunette, casually shrugging. Amber couldn't classify herself, much like she couldn't classify any other witch or wizard into a category. In her opinion, everybody and everything were as different as possible. "Anyway, how do you like your first year here?" queried the second year, another kind smile gracing her lips. Diverting the subject back to something safe like schooling seemed like a more appropriate option for the twelve year old, after all, they were both attending the same wizarding school. "God, I haven't even asked what house you're in." Amber said before casually laughing at herself; a rare skill to learn, to laugh at yourself, enabling nobody else to laugh at you for something foolish you may have done.
Katie smiled shyly and giggled. She was glad she hadn't gotten the generalization to wrong and offended Amber, something she seemed to do often. Katie stayed quiet for a few moments thinking, "Well, its great to have sometime away from home but its different from what I thought it was going to be like. In a good way though..." she said saying exactly what was on her mind. Another habit that tended to get her in trouble. "Oh, I'm in Hufflepuff, not the house I pictured myself in but its fine." she shrugged casually. "What house are you in?" she asked in return.
The second year nodded as she listened to Katie's words, being polite as something she had held in high regard for as long as she could remember. "I'm in Hufflepuff too." Replied the twelve year old. It was now about the time Amber had to leave to do some study in the library, she had a set time every day in which she would work on her assignments and what not. So, of course the brunette had to leave and say her goodbyes about now. "I have to go now, I have stuff to take care of, but I'll see you around in the common room or something." Said the girl before she stood up, flashed Katie another smile, and ventured on to the library for studies.

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