Closed The Floating Question

Michael Newton

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Applewood Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
24 (08/2037)
Michael cleared his throat as he made his way to somewhere near the Hufflepuff house. Not realizing at the time that he would have to top his Yule Ball ask, he had decided to go simpler this time. Maybe it would backfire, but on the off chance the hallway was full of students, he didn't want to embarass Kas. He had promised Kas no more poems, and while he would stand by that, it didn't mean he wasn't at least going to attempt some creativity. They had had a fun time at the Yule Ball, or, at least, Michael had thought they had. As he stashed part of his gimmick behind a statue, the Gryffindor leaned against a wall and hoped to eventually see Kas passing by.
Kas stifled a yawn as he made his way back towards the common room. Waking up before noon had to be near the top of his least favourite things about being back at school, second only maybe to annoying second years who hadn't learnt how to travel the corridors without blocking the whole thing. Kas was so busy rolling his eyes he nearly missed Michael loitering near by, pausing and slowing down as he neared him. "Fancy seeing you here," He said, coming to stop by Michael. Annoyances about being back at school aside, there were always a few people Kas was actually pleased to get to see again once the semester started up again, and he realized with something of a jolt that Michael may have managed to creep onto that list at some point last year. Maybe it was somewhere between the terrible poetry and the dance moves.
Michael was looking at his shoes when he heard a familiar voice and grinned before looking up. "Hey, Kas," he asked the boy, taking a step away from the wall. "How was your break?" While Michael had ventured back to England for the probably the last time in a while for the holidays, New Zealand and its people were definitely starting to grow on him. "It's nice to see you," he continued, trying to think about how he wanted to ask his question with others still around.
Kas made a vague shrugging motion when Michael asked about his holidays, content that it summed up the level of excitement he experienced over the break. His cool faltered some when Michael said it was nice to see him, trying not to let his brain run away with what could easily be a casual comment here. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, you too," He said, clearing his throat. "Actually, what brings you to the illustrious fourth floor anyway, you're not hanging around looking for me, are you?" Kas meant it as a joke, but he had to wonder if that was true. He'd never really had a guy want to hang around just to talk to him before. Mostly just Freya lurking in weird places when she wanted to tell him something, which wasn't quite the same.
Michael cleared his throat unconciously as he started to talk to Kas about the reason he was actually stalking the hallway. He walked behind the statue and grabbed the balloon that had been attached to a small bag of sand to keep it from floating away. "I, uh, didn't write any poems or songs this time, as tempted as I was," he said jokingly. Holding out the balloon, he set it in front of Kas on the ground to where the balloon was about at eye level and popped it with his wand. Confetti exploded over the hallway, and Michael handed Kas a note. It was definitely less eventful than he would have usually made things, but hopefully it was subtle enough.

Dear Kas,

I like you. Let's make this more official?

0 Yes, I will go out with you and deal with your crazy shenangians.
0 Yes, I will go out with you, but we should talk about your antics.
Kas could only raise an eyebrow when Michael ducked behind a nearby statue, somehow not even that surprised when he stepped back now holding a balloon. "I appreciate your restraint," Kas said wryly as Michael set the ballon down in front of him, still flinching when Michael popped it to release a small shower of confetti. He tentatively took the note that Michael handed him next, off-handedly brushing a few bits of confetti from his shirt as he read it. Kas had been expecting another school dance invite, so he had to pause a moment when he realized this was something a bit.. more than that, glancing up at Michael before looking back at the note. "Well, I don't have a quill on me but uh, it seems I have no choice to say yes," He said, fidgeting with the note. Should he hand it back? Kas kind of wanted to keep it, as ridiculous as it was, but maybe that ruined the gesture. Making up his mind, Kas stuck the note safely away in his pocket before making a show of loop an arm through Michael's to start to tow him down the hallway. "Let's celebrate by leaving before someone asks us to clean all this confetti up," He said, picking a piece out of Michael's hair and enjoying the small warm feeling bubbling lightly in his stomach.
Michael slightly bit his tongue as he waited for Kas to choose his answer. Even though he hadn't really left a way for him to say no, it was still possible. And while Michael would be understanding, it also would bode well for him if his first attempt at a relationship here was denied. Thankfully, Kas seemed to say yes to the whole situation, and Michael couldn't help but show his enourmous smile. As he walked alongside his new boyfriend, the Gryffindor gave Kas a quick kiss on top of the head. "Ahhh, you're finally following along to the game," he teased, taking a quick glance back at all the confetti, hoping the poor house elves weren't the ones stuck with cleaning up their mess.

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