The first time

Skyle Anne Irene Darnelle

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Skyle had had an okay day and decided it was the day she was going to see the lake up close. She had seen it when she first arrived but it was dark so she wanted to see it daylight. It was beautiful with the sun just on the horizon sending a orange glow over the entire lake. She sat down under a near by tree and just watched. It was almost as pretty as the sakura blossoms in Japan. It made her long for home, but she knew there would be nothing there for her if she returned.
Izzy walked down towards the lake front where she watched a girl roughly her age sat under a tree.`Do you mind if i sit with you?`she said with a slight smile.without waiting for an answer she sat and said`hi my name is izzy,whats yours?`
Skyle had heard the girl coming but didn't mind. She asked if she could sit down and Skyle nodded. She looked over the girl and figured that she was about her age. "I'm Skyle." She smiled. She had never met anyone named Izzy before, but she was one to talk with the name Skyle.
`so what are you doing out then`she asked `do you go to hogwarts nz?`she asked

[[sorry for such a long wait and short post]]
((No problemo.))
Skyle smiled, "Yeah, I'm a Ravenclaw." She looked over the girl again, she looked a bit familiar. She might have seen her before. "You too right?"
`yeah im huffelpuff...i recognize you from some of my classes.`she said smiling.`so any plans for the afternoon.?`
Skyle smiled, the Izzy seemed really nice. "Nope, but we could do something together if you want?" She looked at the girl, had she just made a friend? It seemed as if she had. And it felt good knowing she could.

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