the devil.

Jaden West

Apothecary's Owner ☠️ Potion 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Jaden walked fast, passing the village dwellers, reaching a path which lead to the park she had once visit. She could remember the day at a blind eye, for it was about the time she had lost her parents and Rayden to a tragic plane accident. Or was it close that time? The seventeen year inhale a breath of air, she held in for a minute feeling pushed on her lungs. When exhaled slowly, her pale eyes look about the place where she was headed. Honestly she couldn't remember when her parents died and if it matter to her anymore. These days she been nothing but selfish and worried about only getting by her last year of Hogwarts. The stunt she pulled in the beginning of the year did not get her any recognition, no one knew it was she who had posted all the posters around. And it's not like she was about to rat herself, so that everyone knew about her devious deeds. Over a dead corpse she wouldn't, so she was stuck with the facts she had done it and the dog probably knew too. still didn't leave any satisfaction, since the b!tch embraced rather then denied the rumors.

Thinking about put her in a sour mood. She ignored passers, walked in straight line, till she got where she wanted to be. In the park near the side of the bench where a few sat at, Jaden sat down with her back against the wood. Really she was bored with her social life, she basically hardly knew anyone in school and those she did knew she dislike. It was a boring way to live when you had nobody to laugh about what's she done to those poor pathetic twats at school. She either had to make up some new friends or fish out the old ones, it was a damn shame Dederick will never be her friend again. He ended up with such a disgrace, and she knew if she wasn't a lesbian she would have gone stayed with him. Like that will ever happen. She rolled her pale eyes, she couldn't be attractive to him ever.​
Elodie strolled casually through the park, her pale hands shoved deep into the pockets of her skin tight jeans. She bore a frown, she was in a bad mood. Her ankle was playing up and she was now walking with a slight limp. The young woman shook her dark hair out of her face as she walked and her dark eyes sweept the park for something interesting to do. She was alone once again, not that she usually cared she enjoyed her own company... usually. Today the fact that she was wandering by herself just annoyed her. After several months living in New Zealand she would have thought she would have made a few friends by now. But no, she still had less friends than she did in France and Elodie found her almost craving to talk to people, despite her resentment towards socialising and people in general. Friendships and relationships were always so complicated and Elodie hated the drama surrounding it.

Circling the park for the second time she noticed a spot next to a teenager on one of the benches. Elodie took a moment to observe the girl before she moved towards the spot. From what she could tell, the teen was in an almost as bad mood as she was herself, Elodie found herself moving toward the girl, most people would avoid a situation where the other person was in a bad mood but not Elodie. She was always drawn to the moody people who usually gave her nothing but trouble, but she never thought about changing her habit. Slouching over her Elodie threw herself down next to the girl and leant back against the damp wood. Inhaling deeply she let it out with a deep sigh. Giving the girl a look out of the corner of her eyes she smirked at her. She chuckled quietly, and rolled her dark eyes. "Bad day?" she muttered lowly at the younger girl. If the girl needed to b!tch about anything Elodie was prepared to listen. If not, she didn't care, she could easily just go and do something else.
Jaden pale eyes were out of focus, for she would have noticed the stranger approaching her or felt it when she sat down right next to the Slytherin. As she realized she wasn't alone anymore, Jaden crank her neck slightly to stare at the girl. It's not an everyday thing for Jaden when someone actually cared enough to both her when she was in a bad mood. no one in school did it, her family always ignored her, and now a stranger from out of nowhere was expressing some concern towards the tomboyish looking girl. She hadn't know how to response, typical Jaden would've had cursed her away. Jaden had no willpower right now to cuss anyone out. She was tired of being alone, tired of walking around with nothing to do, tired of it all really.

"You can say that" she crossed her arms together, lower her gaze to the ground. On a cold an almost winter day like this, she had nothing to say. When someone expressed an interest to Jaden she it was like what the hell she should she say?! "This fawking world is getting to me is all" she shrug looking up, she looked over the park scenery everything seems to be dying all around them. The signs of winter was surly about New Zealand, probably the last winter she would have here for a very long time. "What about you?" Jaden reflected the question back. "You look a little pissed off there" she turn her eyes again to the girl, this time she had lucid viewed of how she really look like. Thank goodness it wasn't those type of prissy girls that came over to both her. She liked feminine girls to a certain extincts, or else she found them annoying and their khunt like behavior turns Jaden off. This girl looked, (I don't know), b!tchy in a good way and Jaden saw her as someone interesting to talk to.
Elodie nodded knowingly, she saw a lot of herself in this girl, she had the same kind of attitude shortly after her mother died. She understood the attitude. She smiled sypathetically, "Well the 'fawking world' can be like that." she chuckled pulling her ankle up onto her knee so she could flex the tight muscles. "Is there anything in particualar that is getting to you?" she asked. She realised she sounded like a counciller and inwardly shuddered. She had always hated them and now she was being one, much to her disgust. "Or is just everything?"

"Me?" she asked, it was more of a rhetorical question than a real question. It was just a way to give her time to work out what she was going to say. "It's my ankle whenever its starts to ach like a b!tch I get pissed. Then everything is seems sh!t." she replied with a shrug. She usually used her ankle as an excuse to cover up what was really going on in her and today was no exception to the rule, even though her ankle was sore. She didn't want to burden the younger teen with her problems as well as her own anyway. That wasn't fair. So she told a little white lie, that in truth wasn't really a lie at all.
Jaden didn't know where to begin, all her troubles and such had always been there. Overtime she was good at ignoring situations that bother now. Taking the high roads and letting it be as just as it was, lately this haven't been the case. Lately poop has gone all wrong. Jaden emotions were unstable, she was getting to the point not caring was doing nothing to her now, and she was force to see the truth in everything that happen to her, good or bad she was humble to submit to her feelings. "It's everything, everything is just fawk up. I would spare you the details though, it's nothing you need to worry up" she said to the stranger, she looked at her almost distant, Jaden pushed down from the bench. Jaden sat forward, elbows against her knees. She was tired of explaining herself, she was tired of others not understanding, she wished all her problem could just go away and those she hated would banish with her problems too. They didn't deserve to be bothering her, they certainly didn't deserve to exist too.

Jaden crank her neck back to the girl, she was complaining about an ankle. Jaden was jealous, she wished her problems were that simple. Jaden shook her head, this girl was either lying or she really didn't have much to say to Jaden. "Is your ankle the cause of everything feeling like sh!t or ya just not sure what to say?" she asked the girl. Jaden came off blunt, something she would notice later on in a conversation. It came natural to her and she sometimes felt bad afterwards for being that way. Especially when you were a stranger lending your ears to a complete stranger as Jaden. She better work on her social skills otherwise she fear she would be the next cat lady by the time she was twenty-one.
Elodie understood where Jaden was coming from, when her mother had died everything she did she screwed up and back then she always felt like the world had been against her. She was off balance, getting herself into all sorts of scary situations, and after being in that position two years ago she didn't want anyone else to have to go through the same thing. "I know how that feels." Elodie sighed, "You don't have to 'spare me the details' you know? I'll understand. I've been through some sh!t in my time... and yeah." What she had hoped would be an impressive speech and trailed off to nothing and Elodie was mentally kicking herself. She sounded so pathetic.

Elodie's mouth twitched into a faint smile, "Okay you got me, my ankle is kind of a cover up for what's really going on. The fact is... I'm going to sound like a hypocrite now, I didn't want to burden you with my load of sh!t as well as having your own." she explained, and if Jaden was having such a sh!t time as her vibes gave off, she didn't need the added stress of Elodie's as well. "I tell you my problems if you tell me yours, trust me, I'm pretty sure I'll understand."
Jaden sat up straight looking slightly to the right, this girl was sort of like her. Having nothing to really expressed out if the other can't really put into words how they were really feeling. So she tried, gave it a shot. she thought how she would explain to a three year old or better that five year old. simplified and make it sound sane. Okay here she went, the best way she could see it. "My parents died like two years ago and so did my brother, I think they've lied about a lot things in life, I feel like something missing, like there's always something about me that's not all there. So I didn't get a chance to ask them, they died before I had a chance, before I had the chance to tell them that I was lesbian and that I hate going to school here. There's a lot of things that went unsaid, it's that type of thing" she sighed, almost felt okay speaking out the truth for the first time. She went back to sloughing over, the tension in her back was tingling her nerves.

"School been hell, I hated this one girl and people think I have feelings for her. she would be the last person I'd see myself with, in fact I had liked this other girl during school. But she deserted me, went to poop pretty quickly. My life is poop, I should be use to it by now" she recline to the bench and crossed her legs as if she were sitting criss cross apple sauce, except she kept one leg down to the floor. "Told you it's nothing, really just a pile of poop. Anyways, it's your go stranger" reaming nameless could be a good thing? Means no one knows who you are or what you are, and nothing ever mattered because they wouldn't even know your name.

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