The Daily Prophet

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Jayke Bartlowe

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual [Kinsey 4]
9" Cherrywood with chinese fireball heartstring core

Okay, guys, I am not quiet sure how the daily prophet has operated up until this point in time, but I figure there is some fun that can be had in its involvement with the site. Whether you are a fan of such whimsical characters as Rita Skeeter or Gilderoy Lockhart or not, these characters provide a reprieve from the typical action of the story in the books. Not only that but they offered a unique narrative that set the pace for some interesting interactions. With that in mind, I have a journalist, Jayke Bartlowe, who is looking for stories to report on and write about, but I need stories to write about for him to really make his mark on the wizarding world new Zealand.

Jayke is a political journalist which means he writes articles about political dramas, scandals, and events. This means his focus would revolve heavily around the Ministry of Magic and its various offices and departments. The stories I am looking for is anything that would make normal news such as accidents, disasters, New appointments, and various legislations or laws that have been passed or changed. Jayke does not need to do interviews per say but he could pop into a thread or two and try and get a few words from officials on the scene though how successful he depends solely on how much a particular department wants their failures highlighted in the local paper.

Beyond that, I have no problem writing smaller pieces such as Sports News, Weather, Various school postings, interest pieces, gossip columns, etc. But again the success of the Daily Prophet relies on the members of the site letting the journalist know what is happening. With so many members and characters, it is a daunting task combing through all of the threads for bits and pieces.

I open this up to all Daily Prophet workers as well, who could maybe help me put together a Bi-monthly edition of the daily prophet.
Be sure to check out the Daily Prophet Offices and you'll see how things have been run and be able to plan/write articles. :r :)
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