The Changes Make My Head Spin

Angela Frost

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OOC First Name
Lemon [main]
Angela had received a startling letter a couple of days ago, and was starting to wonder if it was more than a hex-free letter from her brother. The girl hadn't been able to look at it properly yet, she had been far to busy with classes. Having no friends and all, it should have been easy enough for Angela to get all her homework done, but Angela's mind had a tendency to wander when it was crucial for her to concentrate.

Deciding she could procrastinate her Charms homework some more, Angela went down to the lake to read her brother's letter. Some of the letters were wonky, and looked more like her handwriting than Jonathon's, but she supposed he must have been in a rush to write it. It was short and badly spelt too, which was odd as Jonathan had never been bad at spelling. Maybe lack of muggle school had made him forget how to write?
Alex had decided that today would be a good day to go down to the edge of the lake and sun bake. His normally dark tan was fading and making him feel a little more vulnerable to the suns rays. He arrived at the spot where he usually sat, and swam to see a girl not to far away. He noted that she was in Hufflepuff. How come he had never seen her around before. He was the one who used to be the loner and being alone made him notice everything. He decided that he shouldn't be rude and he walked over and decided to say hello. " Hello, haven't seen you around before. Are you knew?" He asked hoping that he wouldn't scare the poor girl. His green eyes covered by his white scraggly hair, that was in dire need of a cut. He decided that when he gets it cut he was going for a rats tail. He knew he suited one and wondered how come everyone had stopped getting them. " I'm Alexander Fields, by the way." He said extending his right hand in a friendly manner.
Angela had a dazed expression on her face. Her body was at Hogwarts, but her mind was way up into the clouds For some reason she couldn't concentrate on the letter. A male voice cut into her daydreaming. She had been thinking about her family. All five members of her family had been having a picnic somewhere sunny. Her sister, Ella, had been alive and happy, and she was much older than she had been when she died. About ten or eleven. Ella would be almost Hogwarts age now if she was still alive.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I transferred from Hogwarts Scotland." Angela said, looking at Alexander. Alexander Fields, seventh year Hufflepuff. she thought vaguely. He was one of the people she had randomly started following. She did that a lot, start following random people to find out who they were. "I know you are, I followed you once." Angela blurted out suddenly. "Great, now he thinks I'm a stalker." she muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. "Um. I'm Angela Frost." Ange said awkwardly, shaking Alexander's hand.
" Hogwarts Scotland, cool." Alex said with a smile on his face. He thought it was kind of cute that someone would follow him around, it made him feel kind of important." Why didn't you just come up and say hi, I don't bite.......... Hard." He said jokingly, it was funny how some people acted, but he wasn't one to judge he used to be the same. Skulking around in the dark, spying on people. " It's nice to meet you Angela, So are you liking it here?" He asked hoping she was, because it would be awful to leave on school and come to another and hate the place.
Angela laughed. "Yeah, it's not so bad once you get used to it." she smiled. "I love being in New Zealand, Mum lived her until I was fourteen." Angela said, reminiscing. "I would have gone here when I was eleven, but Dad lived in England, so I got accepted to Hogwarts Scotland." she said happily.

"My brother's still in Scotland, seventh year Slytherin." Angela chatted, then stopped talking. "I talk waaay too much!" Angela said, laughing.
" No you don't." Alex said truthfully. " It is really good for people to talk, the more you talk the more interesting it makes you." He said thinking about what he usually lacked in conversations it was strange, he was in enough of them and made friends with everyone he conversed with. " Yeah well I come from Australia, and coming here was just the natural option, If you don't mind me asking. Why didn't you go to the original Hogwarts in England?" He asked politely hoping he wasn't prying to much into her personal life. He sat down on a log that had washed onto the shore long ago when the lake was filled with more water.
"Yeah, well I ramble on about nothing in particular." Angela grinned. For such a shy person, she talked a lot. Her grandma had told Angela that she was loud because she was so shy, which made no sense at all to Ange.

"Huh, what's Australia like?" Angela asked curiously. Johnathan had been to Queensland with her parents a few times, but Angela had always been 'too young' to go, or it was 'too expensive to take her'. The latter, to which Angela had replied: 'Are you a wizard of what? Have you never heard of side-along apparition?'

"I think Hogwarts Scotland is the original." Angel said, puzzled. "I dunno, it's always been plain 'ole Hogwarts to me. I only start calling it Hogwarts Scotland 'cause people here would get confused with this Hogwarts." Angela shrugged, Hogwarts was Hogwarts, whatever country it was in.
" Well rambling on about nothing can turn into conversation, if it is with the right person." He said with a smile. " Yeah Australia is alright i suppose, it is home. It gets way to hot over there in the summer, im lucky im here during then. So whats it like getting used to the climate change, seeing as it would have been autumn over there?" He asked as he looked out at the lake, to see a giant tentacle slap on the surface." Yeah I know it would get really confusing, I was going to go to Hogwarts England, but here was closer."
"True, it can." Angela said, nodding slowly. "I used to ramble about things to my sister, Ella. I don't think she understood what I was saying, but..." Angela's eyes looked hooded, blank. She didn't like thinking about her sister.

"I haven't noticed the climate change really. Or the time difference. Being on a plane does that." Angela said lightly. She had never noticed time difference during all the years of New Zealand/England holidays. "It's like I was automatically programed to adjust to the time zone changes." Angela said. "Robot." she chuckled.

She looked towards the lake, and noticed something huge, then it was gone. "Did you just see that?" Angela asked, bemused.
Alex smiled at the thought of her rambling to her sister, he was happy that she had one or at least got to talk to her but he couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the comment she made about being a robot. " Yeah that was just the Giant squid, it pokes it head out every now and then so the students know it is still in there." He said with a smile. He loved the giant squid except for the time it attacked him, when he was in his first year." So do you and your sister get along well?" he asked politely, hoping it wasn't to rude.
Angela blinked. "Giant Squids, wicked crazy!" she laughed. She remembered something mentioned about a squid back in the lake at the other Hogwarts, but she had never seen it. Angela's eyes turned dark, and she looked at the ground. "I haven't seen Ella since she was four." she said to the grass. She looked back up at Alexander, but not quite meeting his eyes. "She wandered off one day and never came back." Angela said sorrowfully. "She would be ten now." she murmured quietly.
Alex looked down at the ground, he felt really bad for asking. He instantly gave her a hug. " I'm so sorry, I didn't know." He said as he stepped back." If you ever want to talk about it, Im willing to listen ok." He said as he stared at her sad looking face. " I know what it feels like, to lose a love one. My whole family is dead, my real parents my Forster parent's and I'm pretty sure my brother is to. The last thing I remember about my brother was a blood curdling scream and seeing him kicking his legs frantically as he got dragged into the Forest." He said as he cast a look over towards the forest. He hated it, it made him sick to think that the things that took justice where still out there.
Angela automatically tensed when Alex hugged her. "The worst thing about her disappearing was that Mum didn't even look for her." she said. Emmeline had just looked out the window and said 'I wonder where she went'. "It was like she knew it was going to happen." Angela's eyes widened. "That's so sad!" she said, feeling tears appear in her eyes. Angela hadn't been at this school for long, but already she had heard rumors about the forest. No way on earth was she going in there!
" If you ever want to talk about absolutely anything, im here for you ok." Alex said to Angela, he didn't really know her, but she was a fellow Hufflepuff and she could relate to what he was going through. " Some people deal with grief differently, I remember at the funeral for my Forster parents, my forster dad's, father didn't even shed a tear. It is just how some people deal with it. It is the old school, macho bull sh*t." Alex said feeling really bad, seeing teh tears well up in her eyes. He also felt like crying but didn't because, he promised himself that he wasn't going to cry anymore.

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