The best things in life are free

Teagan Riley

Mum to Winter | Countess | UK & NZ Barrister
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Only two more weeks and Teagan will be out for the holidays. Lessons and studying are the two things she's doing most of the days but today, Teagan will treat herself and give it to her as a day off. Everything that happened this semester was too hard for her. The sorority and Quidditch mainly occupied her time, yes, she has her sisters and teammates but there are thousands of other people in the castle and she just ignore them. Stepping out to an almost summer weather, Teagan decided to go at the lake for a little dip of feet to a cool water. A boulder sat just at the edge of the lake, the Ravenclaw took off her shoes and left them by the grass where she could see them. Climbing up carefully and sitting to a more comfortable position, Teagan tried the water first, it was a bit cool and so she put her feet in the water. She played around as she splash water. Teagan looked around to see that the lakefront was empty which was kind of odd. But she shrugged it off, it was hell week after all.
Twyla had been sick for longer than she would've liked, an illness that had forced her to spend most of her free time cooped up in the Slytherin common room. At least she got to see other Slytherins coming and going, but it severely cut down on her exploration time.

Naturally, the first thing she decided to do once her illness got better was head out onto the Hogwarts Grounds and spend some time outside for once. The sun of the day felt warm and inviting on her freckled skin as she skipped her way toward the lake. She noticed a Ravenclaw girl a little ways down the shore, splashing in the water, and decided it might be a good time to say hi.

"Having fun, are you?" Twyla asked. "You know there's monsters in that lake, right? Or at least that's what I've heard."
Splashing water into the great beyond, Teagan sigh, another problem she had thought. On the second though, she's not excited for the holidays, she'd rather stay with her Aunt than go back to Northern Ireland. Splashing a big one out of frustration, Teagan heard someone acknowledge her. The Ravenclaw calmed herself before turning to face whoever spoke to her. "Not really, just passing the time." She answered with a smile but when she noticed that the girl was a Slytherin. Her smile vanished. Teagan has this thing about them, specially on that Murphy guy. "Merpeople live over there." Teagan pointed at the deep end of the lake. "They only attack if you attack them." She pointed out the obvious. Though, she doesn't have the strength to fight about it and gave up. "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit cranky with all the things going on." The Ravenclaw sigh and turned her gaze back to the lake.

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