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Noemi Costello

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Noemi browsed through the maternity wear section of her favourite shop. She was happy to be home. During her time in France she had come to terms with the pregnancy and was now embracing it. Now the only thing she was dreading was running into Ryan before the lovely child was born. She wasn't embarrassed or ashamed, she was just worried about what he would say or do. Hell, she would happily admit she was scared of him.

The brunette took the items she had chosen to the counter and reached in her bag for the money to pay for it. Just as she handed over the right cash and got her change back, she heard a familiar voice that made her blood freeze. Noemi turned but Ryan was no where to be seen.

Noemi assumed she was just hearing things, being so nervous about running into him and all. She had already guessed he would've moved on or, at least, just settled in with his wife. The would be married for seven months now. How did she know this? Well, they got married the day the little boy in her womb was conceived.

At the thought of him, Noemi's hand went automatically to her belly. She was getting huge and, surprisingly, she liked it. She wore tight clothes to show off her bump and she had never been so pleased that guys weren't hitting on her. Life was pretty awesome for her right now she thought as she left the shop, only to walk into someone. Instead of looking up at whatever person had barged her, Noemi settled for a sarcastic response. "Jeez mate, look where you're going. It's not like I'm easy to miss." She rubbed her belly and tried to keep walking but a hand on her arm stopped her. "What the hell ma...!?" She didn't finished her sentence, the speech leaving her when she saw his face. "Ryan?"
Emma walked at a matched pace with her current partner Ryan Porter. He had said that she today was about her and would do what ever she wanted. So naturally she waned to go shopping, like any sane girl would want to. She really liked this boy next to her,he seemed so different. Like mysterious but perfect at the same time. Emma was fascinated by him and if she didn't know better she could say that she loved him, even if she had only known him a week. She ad never known a guy who would spend money on her and do what she wanted. What she didn't know how ever was his feelings for her and why he was here with her now. "Hey Ryan can we go into that shop over there please?" She asked as she stood up on her tip toes and kissed him.
Ryan Porter waked through Obsidian Harbour. It was sunny and there were few clouds to be seen although s it was still Spring, it wasn't exactly what Ryan would call warm. He couldn't wait for the summer to actually arrive, he hated the cold. He liked the warm which was the main reason why he had a house here and two in Europe, so he could change with the seasons.
As he walked h was accompanied by a girl, Emma, who had her hand linked in with his. She was a pretty girl ho any guy would like to have on their arm. He only had her because he wanted a pretty girl to be around him, kept up appearances and not to mention it was someone to keep his bed warm. He had met her in the Medley and he had lied and cheated his way to her. As far as he could tell she was falling for him, which was what he wanted. To have a girl will to do anything for him. It meant that he could control her and brake her before leaving her in pieces. He just saw it as a way to amuse himself, seeing as he had nothing else to do.
As she began to talk Ryan couldn't answer her without having her lips on his. Once she was done Ryan said. "Of course we can darling. Like I said,its all about you today. Your wish is my command." He said in a fake happy voice. Ryan was so skilled at faking and lying it was almost natural and it had worked on her so far. As the pair made their way to the shop which Emma had picked out Ryan felt something or someone barge his side. He turned quickly to scold them when he saw who it was. She was telling him off as he looked at her, not believing that she was actually here. He had not seen her in like six months. His heat seemed to skip a beat, something Ryan was not accustomed to. Still he played it cool as if she meant nothing to him. "Yeah thanks or reminding me of my name." He said casually and he put his arm around Emma's waist. "Where have you been, for the past six months. With the father of that I assume" He said looking at her bump.
Noemi looked at the blonde on his arm and scoffed. She was glad she was, mainly, over the emotional stage. She probably would've cried on him for an hour if this had been her fourth month along. Instead, she scoffed at him, remembering how much of an a hole he was, and looked him in the eye. "So what if I was? Huh? And have you been with random sluts like this one instead of your wife?" She looked over to the blonde. "No offence but he isn't the most honest guy you can date."

Noemi couldn't bring herself to say it was his child. She had trouble telling him in the first place and she still had trouble now. "For your information, I was in Paris having the time of my life." Noemi smiled, the story stuck. She had a tan, she was practically glowing with happiness and she had a slight french tint in her accent. All in all, pregnancy became her. "Anyway, I should let you get back to your,well," She looked at the blonde. "Newest conquest." A smirk crossed her face as she went to walk away.
Emma happily walked towards the clothes shop which she wanted to go in to and buy all sorts of clothing. She turned around as she heard a woman telling Ryan off. This made her angry and she huffed. This girl was taking up her valuable shopping time. ts stunned her that Ryan seemed o know he, she looked like the girl Emma wouldnt get along with but she never usually judged a book by its cover. "Hey im not a slut. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black." She said quickly and angrily. How could Ryan know her of all people. "He isnt married anymore numbnuts. Get it right and i will have you know what we have is deep and meaningful." She said holding his hand which was around her waist.
Ryan chuckled sourly at Noemi's comment. He had learned to ignore what she said, he was the type to person that didn't care about what anyone else said. "Ge you really are behind on the gossip arent you but it like what Emma said, im not married and my heart belong to her now." He said kissing Emma on the lips before looking back to Noemi. "Wow your calling her a slut. Why dont you take a long look in a mirror before you cast judgement on a subject which you have no knowledge about." He spat at her.
He laughed when she mention having the time of her life in France. He was't a lover of France. "Yeah looks like it. Do you even know who the dad is or have you been in too many guys beds to know." He said smugly as he pulled Emma close to him. "Yeah go. Have fun with your life." He said sarcasticy as he walked back towards the shop with Emma
Noemi laughed and felt her feelings change. Maybe she wasn't quite over the quick changing emotions stage just yet. She grew courage immediately and turned back to them, the smirk on her face. "Actually, not only do I know the dad, you do too." She took a step towards him, her stomach almost touching his.

"I'll give you a hint, it was at a simply beautiful wedding. Seven months ago." She laughed and looked right into his eyes. "In the bathroom if I remember correctly about an hour before the ceremony started. The only thing I can't remember is if you took off my dress before or after we locked the door." She grinned and turned around with only one more comment. "Nothing with Ryan is deep and meaningful. Not on purpose anyway, I of all people know that." She rubbed her stomach and smirked before walking away. She would've apparated but that was bad for the baby.
Emma tilted her head as she listened to the girl talk to Ryan. He knew the father? She want surprised seeing as he knew the girl. Ryan had a lot of friends, well a lot of important ones anyway, she could tell that just by the way he acted. She was a little though as the girl explain how it happened although as she wasn't the brightest of girls the fact that the girl was saying it was Ryans baby was totally lost on her. "Well that just shows what kind of person you are. Getting with a guy on his wedding day." She said in a huff. "Ryan please can we go now I want to go shopping." She pleaded.
Ryan folded his arms across his chest as she spoke. "Yeah because the fact that I know them narrows it down mind. I know lots of people, and a girl like you probably knows so many guys that I couldn't narrow it own any more." He said smugly. He was really only showing off for Emma right now, showing that he could hold his own, mainly because she wast at all very smart ad would be impressed by this which meant he would be getting lucky later on.
Ryans mood swiftly changed at her next few words. Unlike Emma who ad not grasped the concept by the end he ad got it by the first sentence. He kept his poker face on, looking uncaring and unmoved by her words. Turning to the pretty blonde next to him he smile fakely at her. "Well i think il stay out here or a bit, just some things i need to put right. Il meet you in there. Pick something nice to wear or later." He said winking at her and giving her 100 galleons to go and spend before turning back to Noemi. His eyes lowering to her pregnancy bump. He dint believe her that much hat it was his. Though it would explain he absence for the past six months. He didnt actually know how he felt. Fr once he didnt know what to say or think. A thousand thoughts rushing through his had but all leading to the same ending. It ouldnt be his She had buggarded off with out tellin him and he had been able to come to terms with it sooner. "Why te hell did you leave Noemi. If you knew that you are spposeidle having my child you had no right to dissapear. Why didnt you fricken tell me you b!tch. What did you think you would try ad get your own back on me or tease me like usual because guess what you went to bloody far this time. Do you expect me to just wecome it wiht open arms do you expect me to ewlcome you with open arms when you come here insulting my dates, insulting me for that matter with you ungirly manner. No this time you went too far.' He said taking a step back. He did feel better after that though he had to admit He would need a lot of time to think this over before he made any kind of decision, whether that was to stay with the baby or to leave and pretend like it didnt exist.
Diego was late for meeting Noemi. After their meeting with her sister he had floo'd them to the apartment they shared, just as friends, and passed out. He had a shoot this morning so they agreed to meet outside her favourite clothes show about twenty minutes ago. Just as he approached the shop he saw his best friend there with a man, being yelled at.

DJ was very protective over her and knew that stress of any sort was not good for her right now. During the move back here she had passed out three times and the healer had told her to avoid any other stressful situations. "Hey, shut the hell up!" From the yelling he figured this was Ryan, the father of the baby.

DJ walked up to them quickly, placing his arm around Noemi. "Do you really think she needs stress in her condition?" He turned to his best friend, his eyes softening and a smile on his lips. "You alright hun?" His other hand went up and ran through his long hair. He was aware it looked like they were a couple but he didn't mind.
Noemi was about to reply, asking what the hell he had just said, when she heard her best friends voice and felt his arm around her waist. She just had to smile, he was so protective over her in her current state. To be honest with herself, however, she was feeling dizzy and she had a feeling her little boy was about to kick.

"Don't worry DJ, I'm fine." Noemi kissed him on the cheek. She knew that it could get him in trouble but she also knew Ryan had a soft spot for her and she had perfected the art of faking stomach pains. DJ knew when she was faking but no one else, apart from a proper doctor, could.

Noemi turned to Ryan, she was feeling shaky still so was leaning into DJ. "Look, I did try to tell you, I came to find you, I was scared and you know what you did? You took my behaviour as my wanting to get you into bed. The next week I went to France." She answered the questions she remembered before flinching at the kick of her baby, keeping a brave face so he wouldn't see.
Ryans eyes quickly dashed to a boy telling his to shut up. This instantly made him mad. He took a step forward so he was up in the guy space. Squared. "You want to say that again you filthy mudblood. I swear you wont live to regret it." He threatened although as anyone who knew Ryan would know his threats were never empty which meant Noemi would probably know it. "So this is who you have been wasting your time with. A poncey nancy boy." He scoffed. He was a little disappointed in her if anything. She gone from death eater to time waster.
He was still squared up in the guys face ready to now him out with a single punch. Being a trained fighter Ryan had not yet met someone who could beat him. Fighting was a natural as breathing or him and a ponce like this guy looked would be easy. "Well to be honest the only time you ever came to me was to get in to my bed with me so excuse me for assuming thats what you wanted when you put yours hands up my legs" He sad whilst glaring at the guy with his arms around the woman carrying his child. Funny how his opinion of the baby situation ad changed since he had arrived. "If you dont let go of her in five seconds im going to break each individual bone in your body." He spat, cracking his knuckles as a warming. He knew that at any given moment his anger issues could take over, he just hoped that he could apperate away wit the guy in time so that no one could see him kill him.That had happened the last time he had lost it.
Noemi placed herself in front of DJ. Shaking her head as he went to defend himself, she knew how dangerous he could be. Luckily, DJ listened to her and stayed still. "Now look here.." She started. Noemi didn't finish as she felt a hard kick to the stomach, from the inside. She hadn't been expecting it and took a sharp intake of breath. Noemi grabbed onto DJ as she felt another blow.

"Bloody hell this boy is getting strong." Noemi managed to say through her clenched teeth. Looking up at DJ, trusting him more than the father of her child right now, with tears in her eyes she nodded. They had sorted out what to do in a situation like that already. She grabbed his arm as he lifted her and walked her to the nearest bench.

It was times like this Noemi dreaded the actual birth. She sat on the bench practising her breathing and, probably, breaking DJ's hand as she did so. After a few minutes the young lad stopped with the kicking and she relaxed. "Thanks." After catching her breath, her hand still on her stomach, Noemi looked up to Ryan. "He has taken care of me for the last five months. He is my room mate and the one person I trust most in the world right now." She looked Ryan squarely in the eye. "Doing anything to him will cause enough stress to hurt your son. You want that?" She hoped, for DJ's sake, that Ryan would halt at the thought of hurting his little boy.
Ryan scowled as Noemi got in his way. He hated that she had done that. Stupid girl knew that he had a soft spot for her and not to mention the baby growing side of her as his. His anger turned strait to concern as she went in pain. He looked at her in shocking hoping she would be ok. Ho ever this didnt last long before he was vexed again. The guy picked her up. Ryan should be the one doing that, no him. He glared at him again. Ryan really disliked this guy she had made friends with. "Yeah well i would have taken care of you better. I can afford the best medical treatments available. What the hell can he afford. Some back street school drop out." He spat, disgusted t the though of her being around such a disgrace of wizardry. He clenched his fists and turned his back on the guy. He wouldnt risk his son, but he wasnt going to be inside her forever and the second that risk was over he would get the cr@p out of him. "NO your right. dont wan to damage my son by making you go thorough stress unneeded although in my opinion, very much needed." He said trying to calm himself down but with no luck. "I want to see where your living." he said. he wanted to know what conditions she was living in.
Noemi scoffed at the school drop out part. DJ had gotten amazing grades, he just preferred the life of a photographer more. She outright laughed when Ryan wanted to see where they were living. Obviously he assumed that DJ had no money. She didn't feel like correcting him.

Noemi stood up, balancing herself on DJ, and looked him in the eyes. "Care isn't about money, DJ was actually nice to me. He's a nice person, you're just evil." She rolled her eyes at him. "Oh, right, and don't call DJ a mudblood." She didn't say that for DJ, DJ was more pureblood than she was. Ryan had offended her more than him.

"Ryan, there's really no point, we're moving house next week." Noemi sighed. The flat had only been temporary, there was no way DJ would let her bring up a child in the flat, and they had, well he had, bought a proper house to live in.
DJ held Noemi up as she stood on her own. This close to the due date they had to be prepared for anything, that's why their new house was within walking distance of St Mungos. He was not apparating her anywhere now so, if it wasn't that bad, they would walk. If it was really bad, the healers could come to them.

DJ didn't even notice the shots being taken at him, he was used to it. It just made him laugh how people judged him by how he looked instead of who he was. DJ looked down at his watch, only to see he was going to be late again, he also couldn't help but notice how his hand looked weird without his ring, but Noemi liked it so he didn't complain.

"Hun, I'm going to be late for the shoot with Kira. You know how she can get impatient." Diego smiled and kissed her cheek. "Oh, the keys to the new house are on the dining table in the flat. They were delivered this morning." He grinned before turning and apparating away.
Ryan scowled at the two of them. His patients had just been worn out. He couldnt e bothered with the guy, or for Noemi right now. If she didnt want him here then he couldnt be bother to fight wit her. He waited for the guy to apperate away before he spoke. "You know what if he is so great et him act as the father because Im not sitting around waiting for you any more. You think im evil, fine I dont care. Il call him what ever i want. Im a pureblood. i can call any one a mudblood because they are against me." He said frustrated. "The choice is yours. You can either want me in your life. Which means no messing me about Or you an tell me to go and you ill never see me again and that thing inside you will not know his real dad." he said standing up strait. "Up to you" He said waiting for an answer. If she told him to say he would,of course he would. If he was told to go then he would just go back to Emma. He didnt car which option he was given.
Noemi couldn't speak. She had no plans to even see Ryan, let alone tell him about their son. Now she didn't know what to do. She didn't want a child of hers to end up as cold and uncaring as Ryan was but, it was his son and, well, it hurt her to admit it but she loved him. She sat back down and continued silence.

Noemi really couldn't deal with this right now. She had gone woozy just being yelled at like that, this wasn't doing her any favours. She began to do her breathing, the way the healer had shown her and, within no time, she was feeling better again. "Ryan. How can you possibly expect me to answer right now?" She stood up, feeling herself tearing up and hating the hormones this child caused. "I am an emotional, hormonal mess because of this boy. I can't think straight, let alone make a decision that will affect his life. Besides, DJ could never be his father and he doesn't want to be."

Noemi wiped her face, thankful she had worn waterproof mascara today, and glared at him. "You can choose. You want him, you can learn to be nice to the people who have helped me manage. You don't care, then go back to your blonde." She hated giving people ultimatums but it just had to be done right now. He had started kicking again, responding to the increase in her heart rate. She smiled, it wasn't as hard as before and reminded her she had a connection with this boy. "He's kicking."
Ryan looked at her expectantly as she spoke. He had obviously thought to much of her then if she couldnt answer his questions. So he couldn't expect her to answer a simple question but she expected him to hold back at something he believed in. That hardly seemed fare. With on swift decision Ryan switched the off button to hi emotions. He knew if he let his feelings et in to this then it would just cloud everything so he went strait to the shell. "Im sorry looks like i thought to much of you. I simple assumed you could answer a simple question. And DJ obviously cant be that nice if he doesn't want to help you raise the kid Strange he likes you when your pregnant but wont help you when it really counts." He said with a scoff. "And you think im evil." He said shaking his head.

He listened to what she said next with a smug smile on his face. She wanted him to change who he was for the sake of a bloody kid in her body that h had only now about a few minute. Now there was a thought. One that made him laugh. "Yeah i have only know about the thing a few minute and you want me to change my entire personality for it. You should know as well as me that thats no about to happen. I will however if you let me help you in any way you need but dont expect me to even allow tat pr!ck anywhere near me. Il be helping you and you only." He said folding his arms across his chest as he spoke. Ignoring her comment about Emma. As she mention abut the baby kicking he looked at her bump. He wanted to feel his son kick but hat would maybe be for another time, now he was concentrating sorting possibly a big chunk of his life out. He ooked back up to Noemi's face again
Noemi shook her head, how could she have thought that he would stop being a nasty pr!ck. "It's things like this that makes me think you're evil. Your moods remind me of my brother." Her eyes teared up at the thought of her brother, the death eater wannabe. She turned around, one hand with her bags and the other on her belly.

Noemi looked back at Ryan sadly. "I guess I'll just have to try and find something nice about you to tell Shane." She turned back and began to walk away, towards the flat. She couldn't exactly apparate away and, to be honest with herself, she didn't want to. She still had a part of her that wanted him to chase her and apologise and say he'd change. She knew it was unlikely but a girl could always dream.

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