Old School Week That Time of the Year

Aika Chen

Quiet | Better | Software Engineer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
2043 (20)
@Silas Broomhead

Aika wanted to grab something for the evening at the dorm, so she was at the kitchens. In the long term, she was here to enjoy the coziness of the kitchens, feel the aroma that she always remembered from her childhood, and in short term, she wanted to pick up some snacks for the evening. But while the short term plans hadn't come, she had some cookies that the elves gave her and she was just reading and enjoying the atmosphere.
One of Silas' favorite things about the castle and being in Hufflepuff was how close he was to the kitchens. He always got the best snacks from the elves and even had a secret hiding spot. As he found his way into the kitchen, he saw a familiar face. "Getting something to eat?"
Aika looked up as she heard a voice and couldn't help but smile at Silas. "I have cookies and elves promised me some small minced pies and avocado hummus," she told him and handed him cookies. "Join me! I would love your company!" Aika had no idea why she wanted his company but he seemed sweet and he was definitely pretty. She wanted to know him more.
Silas felt the avocado hummus was an interesting choice with minced pie. "Is that a good combination? The hummus and pie?" Silas was willing to try everything once.
Aika shrugged her shoulders as she smiled sweetly. "Probably not but you never know until you try, right?" She patted on the bench next to her. "How are you?"
Silas took a seat and after grabbing something from a pastry assortment out and shrugged. "I'm doing alright. Just trying to keep up with assignments and the like. Can I?" he asked, pointing her weird food combo, hoping to try. "How about you, Aika?"

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