That slow burn

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Noble Bishop

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
"11 Alder wood with Dragon heart string core
I just did one of these last month but given that I have more and more time on my hand and my muse is returning (woohoo). I want to start this year off with a bang or rather a slow simmer as I am feeling saucy (awesome sauce of course). So I am bring out my one of my most interesting character of 2012.

Noble Bishop
Bad boy, Hot stuff

Noble is a brain child of mine that never got the attention needed from me besides some random thread I did with myself some time ago that I used to kill time. He is an all american bad boy though that is about as sterotypical that he gets as he is different from most of my characters. He is of course a wizard but instead of going off to a magical school he decided to attend his muggle school that he was more familiar with growing up. He had a magical mentor of sorts to show him the ropes and make sure that he understood the do's and dont's of magic but for the most part any magic he picked up he did so on his own through reading. He does not care for magic very much and is more so indifferent as his parents have struggled with the concept of magic given that they are devote Catholics. Either way after graduating he was accepted into a muggle school but he has been more curious about his magical talents and as such has travel back and fourth between the states and New Zealand to further his understanding.

He is a charming guy though he recently became single after he revealed to his girlfriend of eight years that he is bi curious and that he had a one night stand with her brother. It was one of those bad drunk decision things but one that he owned up to the next day which earned himself a one way ticket to bachelorville. He sits fifty fifty in his sexual orientation but is not looking for anything serious at the moment. He will flirt with everyone he meets and even more so if he had a drink or two but for the most part he rarely acts on his word though he has a thousand of awful pet names that he loves to use in describing people since he never really takes the time to learn anyone's name , at least none of the non-important people in his life. He is honest to the point of being rude and rarely thinks before he acts which leads to interesting mishaps and strange stories that he can off on sometimes. He is a loyal friend and is dependable though he often times like to lead others to believe the opposite is true. Besides school he is currenly unemployed and is happy to simply travel.
hey Brandon.
Noble sounds almost perfect asa friend/flirt with Alyce Brown.
alyce is 20 and moved to new zealand from england after she graduated dermstrang school, as it was the furthest pace she could think of from her family.
to be honest she sounds much lie a female version of him. she is a flirt and would flirt with anyone. she loves to party and once she has drunk she will be even more flirty. this means she is one of those firls who has flings and one night stands. although she will have flingswith either gender i cant see her having a serious relationship with a boy. she is rather blunt about things. and if you want any more information just ask.
Aeon likes the d.
He comes from Australia and has a few dark witches/wizards in his family, though he doesn't really care about good/evil. He's a HNZ Graduate and a fully-fledged Animagus. A dog, of course, because at the time I lacked the creativity to think of anything better and it suits him.
Currently he's not in the best of states and is easily-influenced. He lost contact with most of his friends and family until recently so he'd been a little depressed and took to drinking and moving from place to place, even spending around a year as a dog because he felt he got more care and affection from people that way. Currently he lives with his cousin and travels between her house near Brightstone and her other in Italy, because she owns a Quidditch team there, though he's more often spending time in the Brightstone house.
Blah blah blah anyway, like a lot of gay guys he's fine with just spending a night with a man he's known for an hour or so and doesn't expect to keep in contact with them afterwards, but he'd be happy with making a friend out of someone who's even just half his sexuality. :lol:
Though he doesn't take criticism too well because he thinks he's good at everything. :r
Nobel and Alyce

They have so much in common that it would make perfect sense to have them meet somewhere, maybe so frat party or at a club where they can sit back throw back a few drinks and talk about all the pretty people in the club that they had already enjoyed a nightcap or two with : :woot: . I am interested most defiantly if you are , so with that said would you like to start or shall I?

Noble and Aeon

Lucky for you Noble loves dogs. So a little "puppy love" Could blossom between that leads to a deeper relationship/connection which will allow Noble to maybe help Aeon out of his depression or make it worse depending on what you are looking for in that regard. He of course has no problem having a fling with this pretty boy or at the very least being friends with benefits of sorts.Either Friend or Fling I so think we should throws these two together and see what we can concoct don't you agree? So would you like to start or did you need me to take the lead on this one?
i dont mind. i can start it or you can.
alyce hasn't been in new zealand long. so she wouldn't know many people there. but they can still talk about the pretty people in the club who she would have a night with. or just talk about what ever ends up being talked about.
Noble Bishop said:
Noble and Aeon

Lucky for you Noble loves dogs. So a little "puppy love" Could blossom between that leads to a deeper relationship/connection which will allow Noble to maybe help Aeon out of his depression or make it worse depending on what you are looking for in that regard. He of course has no problem having a fling with this pretty boy or at the very least being friends with benefits of sorts.Either Friend or Fling I so think we should throws these two together and see what we can concoct don't you agree? So would you like to start or did you need me to take the lead on this one?
I'd rather not put the poor thing into a worse state, so helping him with it would be best. :lol:
If you'd like to start the topic that would be great. I have to do like a million classes for my student at the moment. Sorry for the late response.
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