That lying game

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So, yeah. I have Darcy here, she's from Las Vegas, Nevada.
Adopted or bought by a rich couple who owns a casino, who
didn't know was adopting from a foundation that buys babies
on a Black Market. Darcy was taken at the same night as she
was born with Isla. The nurse who was in the room while the
delivery told the father that the other one died and only one
survived. Darcy is Mean and spoiled by her parents and her
older adopted brother, Clide, who is 25 at the moment and is
a newlywed to his wife Bonnie. She already saw Isla at the
sorting and Darcy needs now is some friends, enemies probably
who knows Isla and some love interest or crushes.

I have a plot in mind but if ya'll have another one, let me know
and I can make arrangements. And oh, I just sorted her and just
waiting for a result. Darcy also thinks that she is half Native
American, a Lakota Sioux. Just reply here if you are interested.
(P.S: She thinks she is a legit daughter of the Sparhawk and not
Margo can be her enemy if you'd like. She likes Isla and is very protective of her friends, so if Darcy messed with Isla Margo would hate her guts.
Hey Eugene could be a frienemy maybe? He would be nice to her since he is a nice guy in general but she could be irritated by him or something? can I know what plot did you had in mind?
Heyy, so the topic Hashtag winning with Isla would probably work more with Darcy, since they are both Slytherin, if you were interested in them being friends, or whatever suits them, we could say that Isla stormed off, and in walks Darcy. Either that, or if you wanted we could start something completely new. Just let me know!
Margo: I'll wait for it :D

Eugene: Frienemy would cool. The plot that I was thinking is a wide plot but to do that, she has to roleplay with Isla's friends, like everyone of them. Then they will share their secrets to Darcy not knowing that it was Darcy, they will think its Isla. Then on the wide plot Darcy will reveal all Isla's friends secret without Isla visible just yet and then after that drama comes in and so on, but by the end of semester one, Isla will discover that it was Darcy who was doing all the trouble and then another wide topic at the great hall. Sounds cheesy but that's what I thought off, I was going to do the Lying Game like on ABC family but as we're inside the school, I can't do it and besides, Isla knows her biological parents. Would you want to start the topic?

Sage: We can do another topic, Sage sounds good to Darcy, they will click easily. Do you want to start the topic?
That sounds fine!
And I would, But I have a few other topics to start first, so it would be a while, Could you start it?
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