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Dannii Merrythought

Falmouth Falcons Coach | Lion Animagus | In Love
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13.5" Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
38 (11/11/2011)

Dannii Merrythought

Dannii has been friendless for most of her years at Hogwarts and I think its time that changed. In her younger years Dannii was content to just spend most of her time alone with her sketch book but as she gets older shes been feeling more and more lonely. Dannii is a kind person, most of the time anyways. She doesn't deal with bullshit and if she doesn't like something she will tell you. She works hard to get what she wants in life and wont stop at anything but success so you could say shes a little stubborn. I'm looking for one or two close friends for Dannii, and one best friend. Boys or girls it doesn't matter, although Dannii isn't likely to befriend someone extremely girly. No one younger then 4th year please.</FONT>
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Grace is a Gryffindor 2nd year who I had sorted last 'year' and never really used again. Grace is outgoing and loud. She loves having fun and isn't afraid to embarrass herself in order to do so. Grace is a bit of a pyromaniac and so she loves anything to do with fire. She knows better then to light things on fire, but she loves the bluebell flames spell. She loves flying but doesn't feel shes good enough to try out for the Gryffindor team just yet. I'm looking for a best friend for Grace, most likely a boy. A boy she could crush on, or have crush on her, would also be cool to. No one older then 3rd year.
Alas, it has caught my attentions! After much thinking...

Kamaria is a fourth year Ravenclaw, and she acts like she is about in her sixth. She is really light,
not exactly girlie but she is very clumsy. She is the Alternate Chaser on the Ravenclaw Quidditch
team, because I did not want to stick myself (haha) with the full on position. Anyways, I think
they would get along and could be like a friend, close friend, whatever.</COLOR>
Well, she isn't a boy, but she is not what you would call girlie in any way. She is a smart and
intelligent Slytherin with a slight anger problem. To be honest, I just thought it would be funny
to have Grace get Isabella out of her shell and be a little more outgoing.​
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He is a third year Gryffindor that is hyper as hell and always running around and all. He fancies
scaring first years and anything fast. He tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and I think
that they could be just awesome friends! I have no idea about crushes though (his final), since
I am leaning on someone else right now, but even so, it would be rather cool to get him out
more since he always has me laughing with his now founded goofy side.

And that would be all that I can think of! Except Austin and Dannii, but well, prefects always hang out in the commons anyway. :r
Sounds like her and Dannii could be friends. Should I start an rp or would you like to?

Oo0o0o sounds awesome. Grace could defiantly help Isabella get out of her shell. Should I start an rp or would you like to?

I think they would be perfect friends, defiantly someone Grace would hang around with ^_^. Crushes doesn't really matter that much because Grace isn't really interested in boys yet anyways. Do you want me to start the rp?
I don't want you to start all three. xD
But I guess I can start up one for Kamaria because she was easier for me to start one with. The other two, if you want, pm me the links or post them here. ^_^ But I can start Rakas off if you can't as well. :)
Okay, I'll get right on the Grace ones ^_^
I am focusing on lessons, but I have to bring out Kamaria anyhow for DADA, so I'll start up hers as soon as my seventh years are done. ^_^
omg I completely forgot she was xD
Well, this should be interesting. =))
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