Thane Jaymes Vlahovic

Thane Vlahovic

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
"Hurtful words from my enemies of the last five years...

what's it like to die alone...?"

How does it feel when tears freeze, when you cry?
A withered past and a blurry future
[name] Thane Jaymes Vlahovic
[etymology] Thane's name comes from Croatia, and it means landholder. It would give the impression that the boy is a sturdy male, and very stable. His middle name Jaymes comes from the Hebrew origin, and it means one who replaces. It would give the impression that one is strong and down-to-earth. While his last name Vlahovic is his adopted name, he considers it to be his family, and it comes from Croatia, and does not have a meaning. The family is magical, from a mixed of magical and muggle, and very accepting of many races and blood statuses. The whole meaning of the name really fits Thane because he is a very laid-back man, and he is rather strong, whether it is emotional or physical.
[origin] Where the surname Vlahovic comes from is the country of Croatian, and it can also be traced back to Romania, however the family that Thane was adopted into was mainly coming from Croatia. The last name is from a mixed of magical and muggle blood, however if one traced it back far enough, it would come from magical folks from back in the 1200s. Thane has not done much history on his surname, because he never really cared much about History. He grown to adore his family, and they taught him how to live like a muggle.
[nicknames] Thane does not have any sort of nicknames. His name is too short to have a nickname formed from it, but he only answers to Thane, and no one refers to him by his middle name, Jaymes.
[alliance] Thane is currently neutral. He sees the Aurors and the Death Eaters as killers, and chooses to size with either of them because he believes that they end up killing each other, and it is a never-ending cycle of battles. Something Thane really does not want to get into.
[birthdate] He was born on October 2nd, 2007, where as soon as he was born, he was given up for adoption, and his name was not even chosen by his mother. He was born in a hospital in Germany, before being transferred.
[age] He is currently twenty-nine-years-old.
[gender] Thane is a male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Thane is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is females. He has absolutely no interest with males, and he does not think of them like he would a female. When it comes down to choosing whether Thane is attracted to aesthetics or personality, it is sort of both. The kind of girl that Thane likes is someone who is smart and loves the same things that he does.
[dialects] Thane can speak three languages, one being English, another being Croatian, and he also learned how to speak German, but after he had left Durmstrang, he no longer speaks German, and it will soon fade from his mind.
[hometown] Thane was born in Hohr-Grenzhausen, Germany, however he has no memory of this place, and he currently has no idea that he even has family. All he knows about that place is that his mother gave him up there, and then he was taken to Croatia.
[residency] He currently lives in Collingwood, New Zealand on the South Island. He owns two houses, one being large and luxurious however the one that he stays at the most is in Nelson, New Zealand, and it looks much smaller from the house that he had first bought. Thane prefers to stay in the small house, but one day, he would want a family and move into the larger home.
[heritage] Considering that Thane does not know his parents, he does not know what his heritage is. However Thane's mother is one-half German and one-half Greek, whereas his father is fully German. Combining them together, it makes Thane one-fourth Greek and three-fourths German.
[blood status] Even if Thane is completely unknown of his blood type, he is truly a half-blood because his biological father is a muggle-born and his mother was a Veela.
[blood type] The type of blood that Thane has is O positive, so he is a universal donor which he does donate his blood from time to time. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits are agreeable, sociable, an optimist while the bad traits are vain, careless, ruthless, cruel. The good traits tend to align with his character, however he is not very vain or ruthless, or even cruel. Thane is too laid back to be any of the bad traits.
[wand] The wand that Thane currently carries is the Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather. Oak has always been respected by nearly all world cultures. Admired for its strength and size it represents strength, endurance and power. Oak helps promote both observation and intuition. Oak provides a very balanced energy and is skewed neither toward the light or the darkness. The core of the Raven's feather establishes the balance, skewing it neither light or darkness, but creating an overall balance, and proving to be very reliable in a tight situation. The wand is stubborn and deems Thane to be its only master.
[occupation] Thane has two occupations, one being the owner of the Makutu Music store in the Makutu Mall, and he also is a professional drummer and singer. He performs his music for charities and special events when he is requested. He normally performs solo acts, so he won't play in a band however either many bands know of him, or he knows many bands or both.
[health status] He is perfectly healthy.
[allergies] Thane is allergic to cheese and bananas.
[pet] He has a golden retriever names Sparky, and he is Thane's best friend and his loyal guard.
[special that required approval] Part-Veela (Damian's brother)</COLOR></SIZE></FONT>
The blood in your veins is twenty below
My hearts on an auction
[five words] Laid-back, Musical, Talented, Friendly, Generous
[personality] Thane in general is an all around nice guy that will open the door for ladies and take them out to eat just to make a new friend or two. Even though he is very talented in the art of music, he does not let it go to his head, and those that know of him would say nice things about him. Thane is generous, and would often donate his time and money to those that are less fortunate. Just because he is this nice, does not mean that he would be a push-over. He had to learn the hard way, to live for today because you don't know when your life is over. He does anything he wants to make another person's day just a little better because of that philosophy. Though as of right now, he is content with the music and the success, but not so much with the people in his life. Thane's attitude is downed a bit because he is currently getting over the loss of his girlfriend from a few years back. Despite of this, he still chooses to follow his dream. He also does not like bands that play just for girls and money and fame. He believes that those that are truly in love with music are worth playing and socializing with.
[beliefs] He believes that music can truly save the soul if they just followed with the melody.
[boggart] Thane's boggart is that while he is playing for a large crowd, they all start booing at him and telling him that he sucks.
[fears] Thane has multiple fears, but the one that he fears the most is that once he does meet family out there, if he had any, he would not be accepted for who he is. He also fears that he will be alone all of his life, that music would have fallen from his mind. He fears spiders and anything that really crawls like a bug. Girly girls freak him out so he tries to stay away from them as well. He also has a fear of drowning, so he does not go swimming at all.
[likes] The musician likes many things in the world. He loves anything to do with music, whether that would be hanging out with someone and listening to it, or playing it. Thane loves to go rock climbing, and he loves to go skydiving as well as parachuting. The feeling that he gets from the both of them are amazing to him. Thane loves to read about music, and he loves to research into the ancient arts of music. He does love sports, and he frequently goes out to Quidditch matches to watch some of his favorite teams and give them his support. Thane also enjoys meeting new people and playing with children, teaching them music and the right path. He loves being around his friends that appreciate him more than just the usual people that want to be friends with him over funds and things like that. He also loves tattoos and piercings.
[dislikes] Thane has quite a few dislikes as well. For one, he hates it when people play for personal gain rather than just play for the art of music. Thane cannot stand people that throw themselves at him because of his money or popularity. He dislikes those that are aligned with just good or just evil because to him, aligning one self like that is just silly. He believes that one must do what they please, and what they enjoy because one might not make it until tomorrow. Thane tends to dislike stuck up snobs, and he hates brats or people that do not do what they are told by a higher authority. He also dislikes the water, and does not like swimming in it. He dislikes bright colors because they are not very suiting for him. He also tends to dislike anything that he is allergic to, even though he wants to taste it so much, as it all looks so good to him. He dislikes those that seem like nothing more than the town wh*re as well, and does not like alcoholics or anything of the sort.
[goals] His goal is to influence as many people to love music as much as he does.
[good habits] Thane typically keeps clean and uptight. He has a habit of neatening things, even things that are not his.
[bad habits] Sometimes his good habits can be his bad, because he will clean someone else's house without them even knowing.
[strengths] One of Thane's greatest strengths is his beliefs. He believes that everyone should be equal, even though he is very unaware of what genetics he has. He is emotionally strong, practically immovable unless something tragic happens and that rarely happens. He appears to be a temple, and stands strong through floods. He helps all that he can, and he wants to be able to assist with anyone and everyone. Thane is also strong when it comes to physical strength, as he works out, but he isn't beastly strong or anything that would be considering superhuman. When it comes to magic, his strongest spells are to heal, and those charms that would require strength and strong memories to produce. He can often to things with his hands and do something different with his feet as he is very coordinated with the two of them. He cannot really duel unless he was angered, where he would perform offensive spells when he needs to, and when he does, they often pack a powerful punch to them.
[weaknesses] Actually, one of Thane's weaknesses is his love for music. He would fall for any sort of piece, and he could be manipulated by it as well. Thane is also rather innocent at times, and he tends to bend over for another person, giving them anything they need, that is until he catches on that they would be using him or something as terrible like that. Thane is a pacifist at times, when he does not believe that violence would not solve the answer, but talking it out or compromising would. Thane bottles up everything that he is feeling, and he won't tell anyone what all he goes through every day. He pretends to be this careless guy that is very happy doing what he has dreamed about doing, but he constantly fears that people will only like him for his talents or something similar. Thane has a weakness to shunning people away also if they seem like alcoholics and he will not help them at all. He hates drinking, and he does not like to be around people that abuse that, and abuse music for personal gain. Thane typically assumes things before he knows the true story.
[loyalties] His alliance rests within himself and his friends.
[magical talents] Thane can do many magical things. He can easily heal, and he can also perform great defense spells. He also can cast a patronus though not nonverbally. He can produce nonverbal magic and wandless magic, even though he does not use magic that often at all. He can also brew some potions, but his Transfiguration is not the best in the world, seeing as the spells do not last long at all.
[other talents] Thane has an area of other talents, though most are in the music category. He can literally name off most of the songs from the old times with Beethoven and Mozart, and he can pick out genres that people would love just by talking to them for a bit over what they want in music as well as associate it with the right band. He can play the drums professionally, sing and play the bass guitar. He knows how to play the electric but he prefers not to. He can play other instruments, but they do not stand out as much. He can also heal others by talking to them, and making them feel better.
[patronus form] His patronus, like his pet, is a golden retriever.
[annoyances] Things that get on Thane's nerves are a lot of people talking at once, and shouting things in his ears. He also finds it annoying when someone tells him what to do, and find that girls love him for the way he looks or wealth or even fame. He also find most bands that play just for themselves.
Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette
It goes out to the highest bid
[chinese year] Thane was born in 2007, and that would make him a pig. People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Pig Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep.
[zodiac sign] His sign is the Libra, the scales. Being a Libra makes him diplomaitic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceable. On the negative side, it makes him indecisive, changeable, gullible, easily influenced, flirtatious and self-indulgent. All of these traits somewhat fit with his character however he is not that gullible and he is not that changeable. He also does not flirt so much either. What a Libra likes are the finer things in life, sharing, conviviality and gentleness while they dislike violence, injustice, brutishness and being a slave to fashion. All of these fit in tightly with Thane's character. His zodiac color is blue, which he does like. His zodiac startstone is the sapphire. The Sapphire is one of the most beautiful and sought after gems in the quartz family. It is considered good luck in many ways and one of the major healing stones.
[cardinal sign] A Libra is a cardinal sign, and a person that is this sign are associated with initiation, creativity and leadership.
[transpersonal sign] Also being a Libra someone principally aware of and concerned with social and societal concerns. This is strongly associated with him because he is very aware.
[planet] The planet that rules Libra is Venus. Many ascribe love to the planet but it is the appreciation of love and beauty that is more accurate. Venus has a sensual quality which represents the higher aspirations of spirit and shows softer aspects of femininity; giving the power of attraction. It is the sign that represents our more artistic side and denotes the spiritual vibrations over mundane matter. On the bright side of being ruled under this planet of love is that one is affectionate, likable, magnetic and socially correct. The downsides of being rules under this planet would make someone oversensitive, snobbish, cold, vane and demanding.
[element] Thane's element is Air. Airy people are usually natural communicators. On a positive note they are great and conceptual tasks and often tend to 'have their head in the clouds'. On the down side though, they may be so busy living in their head that they lose touch with reality. The lack of air in a birth chart can indicate difficulty in the expression of that person. Communication of ideas and the ability to conceptualise may prove difficult. Some of the positive influences that the element of air gives out are intellectual and thirst for knowledge, social, idealistic, rational and theoretical. While on the bad side, it seems to be unemotional, objective, impersonal, opinionated and distant.
[birthstone] Being born in October, the birthstone for that month is Opal. The opal is thought to have the power to predict illness. This is because the opal responds to heat. Sickness increases body temperature before signs of illness appear. The increased body heat causes the opal to lose its shine, leaving it dull and lacking color.

Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet
I live to fast, and I know I will lose her
[martial status] Thane is currently single, and he is not looking for anyone right now. Thane is considered to be off the market because he just doesn't want to have anything to do with love or relationships at this time.
[whom] N/A
[thane vlahovic and rina lavatta] While Thane was in Durmstrang in his fifth year, he met with Rina Lavatta, a fifth year that was going to Beauxbatons, and was a muggle-born that did not appreciate magic as much. During the breaks, they hung out the best that they could anyway, and wrote to each other while they were at school. During his seventh year, he asked her to be his girlfriend, and she accepted. This was on December 11th, 2025. They were completely happy. By the time that they had graduated, they moved in together and their relationship turned intimate. She was feeling ill, and had morning sickness. Thane had asked if she was pregnant, but she did not answer. One day, he was requested to travel to England since they were living in Croatia at the time, to play Quidditch for a team and be the alternate. Thane wanted to go, but she didn't want to be left alone. They got into a large fight, and she drove off. While crying, she was hit by another car as it had lost control on the ice, and killed on the spot. This happened in January 29th, 2027. The coroner revealed that Rina had been two months pregnant.
"I miss you, but I suppose someone above had better plans for you. I'm so sorry, Rina, for ever fighting with you."
[innocence] While Thane was with Rina, when they moved in together in October 3rd, 2026, they started to sleep with one another because the chemistry was so hard to fight. She had joked that it was his belated birthday present.
[turn ons] Intelligence, shyness, soft brown hair, deep appearing eyes
[turn offs] Sl*ts, body odor, too girly
[aphrodisiacs] Chocolate, vanilla, Victoria Secret's perfume
[the perfect female] Someone who is balanced and someone that knows who she wants, and what she wants to do. She has to be smart. He adores intelligent girls.
[the perfect date] Going out by the beach with a soft melody playing in the background at night.

Out from the window see her back drop silhouette
But there is an option, to die is to live in her head
[playby] Ronald Joseph Radke or also known as "Ronnie Radke"
[natural hair] Thane's natural hair color is a very dark brown, sometimes mistaken for black. It is naturally fine, and it tends to shine when it is fixed up. It is also very straight, and Thane keeps it at his shoulders and layered. Thane does not need a straightener and he does not use any dangerous chemicals in order to keep his hair healthy as possible. Although he does have a dry scalp and he keeps a special shampoo that he needs to use from time to time. Luckily Thane does not have too much hair on his head enough to give him headaches, like his younger brother. Thane does not color his hair or anything because he does not see the point in it because it would fade and look weird.
[eyes] Thane's eyes are a blend of blue and green, and they appear to be teal. One could compare them to the ocean, or something similar. If one was to look into Thane's eyes, they would see hidden wisdom as well as a sense of loneliness. They would also see happiness and kindness, just what Thane tries to be. As Thane continues to age, his eyes also appear to look like he possesses infinite knowledge. Thane also expresses many emotions through his eyes, except depression. Teal symbolizes sophistication, but because it is a mix of blue and green, the meaning is that it is intense and energetic, as well as vibrant and fresh. It represents youth and life-force, as well as conscious thought that is direct, and electrifying.
[height] Thane stands at a height of six feet four inches.
[weight] He weighs roughly about one hundred and seventy-five pounds from his build and bone structure. It is normal for his height.
[complexion] Thane's skin is slightly paler than beige, but it is not pale at all. There is plenty of color on his skin. His skin is actually very soft, opposed to his hands as his palms and fingertips have calluses on them from playing instruments.
[scars] Well, Thane did have a few scars on his arms, but one cannot see them because of the tattoos that he wears.
[birthmark] It had long since vanished, but it was a darkened mark on the back of his head.
[smile] Thane's smile is very gentle, and can be compared to when a grandfather smiles down at their grandchild, full of gentleness and adoration. Although at times, it appears to be perfectly friendly, and almost conceited if he is cutting up.
[body build] His body is lean and slender, though he does have some muscles, just not enough to where he would be too built, though one would see the muscles beneath the skin. His body looks flawless because of the Veela genetics.
[body modifications] Right now, Thane is covered in tattoos that go from his neck, down his back, shoulders and to his arms and hands. They have many colors within the tattoos and diversely differ from one and another.
[dominant hand] Thane is right handed, and that is also the wand hand as well.
[style] Thane's style of clothing is what muggles would call a punk style, and Thane dresses like a muggle punk more often than not. He often wears black eyeliner around his eyes when he is out and about. He typically wears a band shirt, and a pair of worn, ripped jeans. He varies on jackets on whether they would be hoodies or leather. The color that one would see him in the most is black, and he often wears a studded belt. As far as shoes go, he will wear Vans or Converse, but he prefers regular black hiking boots over everything else. He also wears a necklace that his adopted parents had given him at one point in his life.

<SIZE size="50">This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget
So I'll hang on, never let go, I dug this pain into my chest
</i><FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="#000">
[school] All seven years of his life, Thane attended Durmstrang.
[special titles and awards] The only special titles that Thane had managed were Prefect and Head Boy.
[extracurricular activities] Thane managed to gain a spot on the Quidditch team as a seeker for a few years, but he did not participate in any other clubs.
[favorite subject] Charms
[best subject] Charms
[loathed subject] History of Magic
[worst subject] Transfiguration
[favorite professor] The Charms Professor
[loathed professor] The History of Magic Professor
[grade average] Exceeding Expectations
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Arithmancy: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Dark Arts: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Transfiguration: Poor; Exam: Dreadful
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Poor
Ancient Runes: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Herbology: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable

[newt grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Arithmancy Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Dark Arts Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable
Ancient Runes Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

[graduated] June of 2026

-----Too be continued on the next post
"So for now, take this down a notch...

crash my car through your window..."

Make sure you're still alive
It's dead, one last chance to reverse this curse
</i><SIZE size="50">


[adoptive father] Drazan Andro Vlahovic
[born] September 1st, 1977
[died] July 5th, 2022
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] Croatian
[seeing] Tihana Brigita Kasun-Vlahovic
[occupation] Auror
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni
[playby] Scott Foley


[adoptive mother] Tihana Brigita Kasun-Vlahovic
[born] April 23rd, 1990
[died] July 5th, 2022
[blood status] Half-blood
[heritage] Croatian
[seeing] Drazan Andro Vlahovic
[occupation] Unemployed; Dark Witch
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Morena Baccarin


[adoptive great-great-aunt] Sibila Astrid Vlahovic
[born] February 26th, 1911
[blood status] Half-blood
[heritage] Croatian
[occupation] Retired
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni
[playby] Betty White


[biological father] Bonifaz Adalbrecht Metzger
[born] January 30th, 1979
[blood status] Muggle-born
[heritage] German
[occupation] Quidditch League Headquarters in Germany
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Gryffindor Alumni
[playby] Wentworth Miller


[biological mother] Genoveva Amalie Saenger
[born] July 11th, 1989
[died] December 18th, 2015
[blood status] Veela
[heritage] 1/2 Greek, 1/2 German
[playby] Yulia Vasiltsova


[older brother] Dietrich Gregoff Metzger
[born] November 3rd, 2004
[blood status] Half-blood, Half-Veela
[heritage] 1/4 Greek, 3/4 German
[occupation] Seeker for Thundelarra Thunderers
[education] Durmstrang Dropout
[playby] Alex Pettyfer
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger brother] Damian Garic Metzger
[born] March 2nd, 2012
[blood status] Half-blood, Half-Veela
[heritage] 1/4 Greek, 3/4 German
[seeing] Ostensia Nicola Romanes
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Gryffindor, Prefect
[playby] Synyster Gates
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-sister] Krystin Belinda Saenger
[born] October 3rd, 2015
[blood status] Half-blood, Half-Veela
[heritage] 1/2 Italian, 1/4 Greek, 1/4 German
[education] Homeschooled
[playby] Nicole Linkletter
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

<SIZE size="50">Just in time to kill you
You stole my heart but I had it first
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="times new roman">[history]
After years of trying, Drazan and Tihana had given up of ever having a child of their own. They had gone to see a doctor, and turned out, Drazan was infertile, and Tihana was missing her tubes in her abdomen, required to helping the egg travel into the uterus. They would never have a child of their own. Alas they had to go adopt a child if they ever were to have children. They decided that they were going to adopt one, and when they visited the orphanage, they discovered a child that was transferred from Germany, because the mother could not raise him. Charmed by the beauty of this baby boy, they adopted him and took him in. This was October of 2027. And Thane Jaymes Vlahovic officially had a name and a family. Thane was taken into a small home in Sesvete district, in the city of Zagreb in Croatia. Thane was growing up in a place that seemingly seem so far away from his own home in Germany. The child had Veela genetics, yet the parents did not seem to even notice. It had just seemed that all they knew of his real mother was that her name was Genoveva Saenger, and no one knew of her whereabouts. They did not even have the father's name or any pictures of the mother. Thane would grow up never knowing the truth unless Drazan and Tihana decided. As soon as he was five, he stumbled onto the adoption records, but he did not think anything of it. When he was eleven, he received his acceptance letter into Durmstrang, and his parents were thrilled! They told him that he was adopted, but he had already knew, and Thane just hugged them both and went on to school in 2019, unknown that his older half-brother was attending. Thane entered the school, and others had to teach him more German to understand the language of the school, and he learned it with ease. It seemed like he had made quite a few friends. Thane seemed safe from the group that appeared to rule the school for some odd reason. Rumors went around saying that the girl liked him, but then the group dispersed when their leader left the school after their fourth year, and Thane's first. Life at Durmstrang seemed all right, but that was also when he discovered the most beautiful thing in the world. Music. All during his first few years of school, he had been studying the arts of music. However things were not going as swimmingly for things at his home. Drazan was an Auror, and he was ruthless when it came down to the Dark Arts and those that used them. Tihana however seemed different. During his break before he would go into his fifth year, he had been awarded Prefect, but then Drazan figured out that Tihana was responsible for using the Imperius Curse on someone to retrieve a very valuable and collectible item.

As much as his parents love their adopted son, they had turned on one another because Tihana was revealed to be a Dark Witch. They battled and killed each other, leaving Thane alone. They had left him a fortune, and they had called in for an aunt of Drazan's to live with, and the only one they found that knew Thane well enough to move in was Sibila Astrid Vlahovic, a witty old woman that was over a hundred, and she never married or had any children. She preferred to be called Aunt Astrid, and Thane called her that. Thane grew rather close to her, and she appeared to love the music that he was creating, and she often danced to it even at her age. She often claimed to be living younger than Thane. She took him over to the place where he would soon meet his first girlfriend, Rina. Aunt Astrid left them alone and while they spoke. When they were in their seventh years, he asked her to be his girlfriend, even though Aunt Astrid told him that he needed to slow down with the girl before he lost her. Sometimes Thane had an eerie feeling that his aunt was a Seer or something. As soon as he graduated, he moved out and Rina moved in with him once they had their own place. It was not long before they became intimate. Aunt Astrid's warnings still rang in his head. As soon as their first argument got out of control and she left the house and was killed, Thane collapsed. He moved back in with his aunt, and he was comforted. Aunt Astrid had the coroner's report that Thane's late girlfriend was with child, and both had perished, she threw it away and thought that Thane was better off not knowing for now. She encouraged him that Rina would want him to follow his dreams, and he did exactly that. He went to college for music, and began learning more than he would ever he had ever thought that he would have. Even though he had gone to a muggle college, he did not care, he was learning about his love, music. During this time, Thane was performing all over the world, and earning galleons by the handfuls. Thane ended up buying his Aunt Astrid a larger home, with everything she would ever need, before he saved up and traveled. Thane was twenty-one by the time he bought two of his own houses in New Zealand after he had managed to buy a shop. While he is befriending bands and dishing out concerts for charity and Quidditch events, it seemed that his family, by blood, was closer than he thought. He still felt guilty over Rina's death, blaming himself, but those that are closest to him would be able to see that he was moving on.​
"Something I cannot forget...

I can't take this anymore..."

So for now, take this down a notch
And now I see you've got something to prove
</i><FONT font="times new roman"><SIZE size="50">

After the Game
none in this year
none in this year

<COLOR color="black">Crash my car through your window
And nothing to lose, so let me tell you the truth

<SIZE size="50">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Blue - Not Good Enough for Truth or Cliche by Escape the Fate; Black - Reverse This Curse by Escape the Fate
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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