Text Banner [C]

OOC First Name
Yew wand 14" essence of fairy dust
I would like Abby to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Antoinette Dupont
Banner Type: Text
*Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion)
Celebrity you're using: --
Images on banner: --
*Background Image: --
*House Crest/Dark Mark: --
Text on banner: A face without words can last a lifetime but its never the same. So, don't say goodbyes that last forever, just for a while. Because I'll be by to see you some day soon. Antoinette Dupont
*Fonts on banner: Ghostly?
*Colour Scheme: Grey and black and white
*Border colour/size: --
Links: --
*Other: --
Alright I'm gonna post all your previous graphic requests in this post too mkay? Cuz I know I took forever. :lol:

Here is your text banner from THIS request.

Okay here is your 2-image banner for Melodie from THIS thread.


I tried using the other two images you asked me to use but they had large watermarks and it just looked bad. :erm:

And then I have your 2-image banner from THIS post.

Because of the way the picture was, there wasn't much for me to make them different other than their size. :lol:

And lastly I have this current text request!

So yeah, let me know if you want me to make any changes at all to any of them. :)
Oh and if you can PLEASE re-host the images to your own Photobucket account or tinypic, thanks. :)

OMG! Its like christmas! They are all so amazing! No changes needed at all, I ♥ them all! I have re-hosted them too! Thankyou again :D
Aw glad you liked them! ^_^ Sorry it took me so long. :( :hug:
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)

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