Tessin Lochan

Tessin Lochan

Well-Known Member
Straight 14 1/2" Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Behold my inner Shakespeare
My Michelangelo with a paint brush in hand


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Behold my inner Shakespeare ,
my Leonardo Da Vinci

<SIZE size="50">FULL NAME:
Tessin Lochan

Tessin - It's a variation of Tessa which my parents had been about to call me, until they realised I was a boy. it's not actually a real name, my parent's basically made it up. Which isn't good, since now I have a made up first name. At least it's unique.
Lochan - Like my first name, I just think this name appeared in the family. it's a not very well known last name and I like that. But, most people it's part of my first name, like as in my name would be Tessin-Lochan. Which is completely stupid.

Well, My first name Tessin, was because I was going to be called after my mum. Since the muggle doctors had told them that I would be a girl, so they prepared for one. When I turned out to be a boy, my parents had no idea what to call me, until my mum muttered Tessin. And from then on that kind of stuck. Never been able to get rid of it. My mum still sometimes calls me Tessa, since she was so ready to call me that during the pregnancy. And I do respond her when she does. Sage, was my dad's idea. Something to do with the fact that he'd thought it would be funny for me to have the middle name Sage. I don't think there was really any other reason rather than comic relief. Which I'm actually okay with. It's a little annoying since every time he says it he laughs, since I'm nothing like the meaning. And Lochan, Well since that's the family name I can't really say anything about it. It's a perfectly fine name. I like it, but it annoys me since it sounds like a first name.

With three names all of different lengths I have a lot of nicknames. Tessa, which only my mother calls me, and usually that's by accident. Tess, is a name my brothers call me. It's just because they are all too lazy to just say Tessin. They also call me Essie. I don't really know why, just that they never actually call me Tessin unless they are p1ssed off with me. Loch, is a nickname a few of my school friends call me. And the female friends I have all call me Lochie. I don't really know why, but I'm cool with it. My cousin, Ezekiel also calls me Lochie. He likes it as a nickname. Out of all the nicknames I like Tess and Lochie best. And out of those two Lochie is definitely my favourite.

I am currently 30 years old.

I was born on the 11th March 2008. It was fairly late in the day when I was born. But the actual birth was the quickest of all my siblings which my mother has always thanked me for. Which I think is a little odd, but I let her do so. I was born in Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center, Burbank California. Where my eldest brother Nathan was also born.

After spending a number of studying law at Stanford university, Tessin moved to New Zealand to do a masters in politics. Now, he's set his eyes on becoming minister for magic, or at least playing some role in the ministry in New Zealand. Currently he's been working as a wizarding lawyer to those who require it. He does not charge for his services, but does part time work for a muggle firm as a consultant. However, Tessin decided after a year or so of working there that he wants to move on to something in magic. So, Tessin now works for International Confederation of Wizards, holding a seat in the New Zealand branch.

My father's name was Nathan Lochan, I don't think he has any middle names. I want him to have a really bad one so that I can take the mickey out of him with it. But as far as I know he doesn't have one. He was wizard, who was homeschooled by his parents. My father grew up on the other side of the country in a small town in South Carolina. It was close small knit community, so sending kids off to a boarding school wasn't something his parents wanted, so they taught them at home. Nathan is the oldest of him and his sister. He attended a local High School, and was the star Soccer player. He also finished 5th in his class. Nathan moved to Salem when after the summer after his senior year to attend Willamette University in the centre of Salem. It was during his time at the school that he realised school and university weren't really the thing for him. So when he graduated after four years, just after Nathan's 22nd birthday he moved to Corona, California. It wasn't a great move, and his parent's weren't pleased but, it was during his time living there working as a mechanic, that he met Tessa Walker. They dated for while before getting married when Nathan was 26. He died from a heart attack at 50, when Tessin was about 13.

My mother's name is Tessa "Walker" Lochan. The Walker side of the family are not fans of middle names, not even my cousins on that side have middle names. In fact it's really only me and my brothers who have them. My mother turned 50 during the Autumn months. She comes from a small family. And is the eldest of her siblings. She has one brother. They born within two years of each other. Tessa was born and raised in Salem, Oregon. Where she also attend Salem Insitute For Witches. When she left school, Tessa began studying for muggle teaching at Willamette. Once she had finished her degree, she took a year out of school and moved to life with her cousin who was living in Corona at the time. She met Nathan, and married at 24. She died at 58.

Nathan Lochan - 40, 1998 - Married to Aida "Boone" Lochan (muggle). Attended Berkley University, studied English Literature. Is now teaching at Salem. 2 children, Casey Lochan and Lucas Lochan. Brown hair, blue eyes. Most mature brother.
Evijan Lochan - 37, 2000 - Attended Standford University - Married to his high school sweet heart that is also attending Stanford University doing History of Art. Clarice Bedford, muggle, also 40 years old. They have 3 children. Evijan is very close to Tessin and was always there for him. Smartest of all four brothers. Brown hair, blue eyes.
Devon Lochan - 35, 2003 - Problem child, currently living at home after first failed attempt in Vegas. Been arrested once for petty theft. Got probation and 72 hours community service. Doesn't get along with Tessin, constantly teasing him. Blonde hair, blue eyes.

Ezekiel Hastings - 32, 2005 years old. Home tutored, currently living in New Zealand. Born in California, moved at 5 years old. No siblings. Brown hair, brown eyes. Loves sailing and fishing. Very smart, great artist. Slightly neurotic when it come to meeting new people. Gets fairly lonely.
Arwena Walker - 30, 2008 years old. Attended Salem. Currently lives in Sacramento, California with her parents and her younger brother, Charlie. Girly girl, enjoys swimming, shopping, sun tanning. Very friendly and kind to those around her. Always surrounded by friends
Charlie Walker - 27, 2011 years old. Works in a coffee shop in Sacramento California. Enjoys exploring, and wandering around. Loves surfing and the beach. Quiet and shy. Tries his hardest, often over shadowed by his sister Arwena.
Rose Walker - 27, 2011 years old. Attended Salem. half blood. Tom-boy. Loves tennis and biking. Often goes biking in Nevada. Wants to be a journalist when she leaves school. Currently lives in Portland.
Simon Halle - 25, 2013 years old. Attends grade school in Las Vegas. Loves cars and spiders. Only child.
Andrew Harrison Lochan - 34, 2004 - Homeschooled. Enjoys surfing, hill walking. Loves magic. Only child. He's strong and smart.

I have never had any pets. I asked for a dog for my eighth birthday, but I never got it. Which I am actually completely cool with. I don't really like animals that much, but there was this guy in my class who had a dog, and we were always competing for everything, so really I just wanted one, 'cause he had one.

Since both my parents and both my grandparents are all magical, I'm a mixed blood. Grandmother Walker was a muggle born. And Grandfather Lochan was half blood. But Grandmother Lochan was a pureblood. And Grandfather Walker's grandmother(on his mother's side) was a muggle. So, yeah I'm a mixed blood.

I'm a mixed blood, but I'm basically muggle. I've never been wizarding school before, and even though I'm home-schooled, I go to muggle school, and always have done. And we don't really used that much magic in the house so, it's pretty easy to forget that we even are wizards. I hate people who are all about Status and hate muggles. Most of the muggles I've meet are the most down to earth people ever. They are mostly all amazing people. If any person decides to hate on muggles or people of a lower status in front of me, I will punch them across the face without a moment's hesitation.

Well, I was born in Burbank California, but right now, I'm currently living in San Diego. But I've been moving around a lot. I lived in Burbank from when I was born, till I was two. Then Sacramento from when I was two till I was about four. Then me, my brother Devon and my mother moved to Fresno. Evijan and Nathan spent every second month with us. This was up until I was 7. Then we moved to Corona. My brother Devon, moved with my father, and Evijan stayed with me and my mum. We lived in Corona until I was 10. The we all moved up to Portland to live with my dad, as my parents worked things out. Just after I turned 11, we moved to where we are currently living now. So I guess in that sense, since I've lived there the longest so far, it's probably my Hometown. My current residence is Brightstone Village in New Zealand. Where I can easily commute between different areas in New Zealand.

Both my parents are American, which makes me also American.

I'm Straight. I like girls. A lot. I have nothing against being gay, and a have a few gay friends, I'm just not.

Tessin recently got split up from his long term girlfriend after being engaged for about two years.

I've had a lot of crushes in the past. When I lived in Sacramento, there was this girl who was in my class. She was like the popular girl, I had a crush on her for about a year when I was like 3/4. But it was a cross between eww a girl, to wow wanna play with me. My second crush was on this girl who was living in my street in Corona. She was thirteen at the time and in my eyes gorgeous, and older. But, she didn't even know I existed so it was all kind of one sided. And before my previous girlfriend and I went out, I had a crush on her for a good few months before I acted upon it. Right now, I don't have any crushes.

My first kiss was with a girl in Middle school. Her name was Kathy something. She and I were playing truth or dare in the playground and we got dared to Kiss. She was incredibly pretty so, I was all for it. I just leaned over and kissed her. We would've probably gone out, in terms understood by ten year olds, but she was sort of seeing someone else. Afterwords, we didn't really talk. Which I was okay with.

Not long after that, when I was about 11. This girl had just randomly come up to me and asked me if I thought we should date. I'd never spoken to the girl before. She was in the other class, but she was pretty, and was a guy who people kept saying that being with a girl would be good fun. So about two months into the relationship we kissed. It was awkward. Neither of us knew what we were doing. So it wasn't great, but we did it a couple more times, and it improved. However we broke up about a month later. Which I was actually okay with.

My first girlfriend was the girl I ever french kissed. And she last all of about 4 months. But at about 11 it didn't really mean anything. She was nice, and I cared about her, but I wasn't upset when we broke up. I was a little pleased. She was becoming a bit clingy. And I did dump her.
My second girlfriend happened when I turned 12. It was a short lived relationship. We went out a couple of times, and it was pretty epic. We always had fun together. But, after her parents caught us in her room, just kissing, she and her family moved to Austin Texas, and I haven't actually seen her since. I was actually a little upset when she left, but I moved on pretty quickly, I was 12 at the time.
I had a third girl friend not to long after that. And we went out for about two months, but it was mainly because we got together. And since we were both still quite young, at the time, we didn't do anything, which was why the relationship appeared to fall apart.
My last girl I had a crush on for a good few months before I finally asked her out. I was coming up for my fourteenth birthday. She was amazing. My first love. Though it took me forever to say so. Since I didn't want to drop the Love word, without really meaning it. With her it was completely different. She made me feel complete. She was perfect. She was so beautiful. I really loved her in my life. Even though I lost her, I wouldn't ever change anything. Not a single thing.

I've had a few flings since my last girlfriend died. But they really haven't meant anything, and I was just at High School Parties, and was suffering from a little too much alcohol in my system. So they meant nothing and by morning I didn't care.

I've already talked about this. It was with a girl when I just turned 17 and was looking for a distraction. it was awkward, and I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. I regret doing it for the first time with a girl I didn't love, and being so young. But, I just don't think about it.

On the edge of a single strand of thread ,
my soul dangles, hangs above a volcano

I have sandy blonde hair. It's not too long, but almost always a little messy. It like it like that. Without much order it's cool. It just sits there. I think that my hair helps me look my age. And it's the same way that my brother Evijan has it. I have a fringe which covers my forehead. I cut it often enough so it stays out of my eyes.

Nope, never. And I never want to. As much as some people find it cool, I really don't like it. I like my hair colour, and dying it would damage it, and plus I'm too scared to dye it a colour and then for it to be completely horrible and have to put up with it. Plus, I can't imagine my parents being too happy if I did such a thing.

I have blue eyes. They are exactly like all my brothers and my fathers. It's a male trait of the Lochan's. It's only the males in the family that have it. So, it's pretty cool. It's how people can tell that my brothers and I are related. we all look somewhat similar, but the eyes are always the thing that people say, aah, that's a Lochan. Which albiet doesn't happen often, but it does happen. I like my eye colour. It's cool, that I share one with my brothers and dad. It helps make me feel like I belong.

Like my brother's I'm going throw a growth spurt, but I'm not as tall as some people in my year. I am one of the tallest but, not actually the tallest. I'm the smallest of my brothers, but that comes with being the youngest. I'm taller than my mother. And she's fairly tall. I know that I'll probably be a little taller than Devon, but since my brothers are all roughly the same height, I won't be the surprise taller brother.

I don't have any birthmarks. Well, none that I have actually noticed. I used to have something that looked a lot like a birthmark on ankle but it's not. My mum told me it was just the time, I accidently got burnt when I was in the kitchen when I was about three or four. I have looked for birthmarks, but as far as I can tell, I haven't got anything. And I'm kind glad for that, some look really odd. But, I also think it would be cool to have one. Kind of like a tattoo, but without the actual pain of getting one. And getting a tattoo by my parents without them freaking out too much. And without Devon thinking I'm coping him.

I'm well built. Since, I do a lot of school sports, and I go running very often. Since both help me think. Well running more than the sports I play at school. It means that I'm pretty healthy and fit. I don't always eat well, so it balances it all out. Which is super fantastic. But, yeah, Like my brothers I'm well built and I play sports that help keep me in shape. The sports have also lead to a few inguries, but nothing to serious.

I have no idea what this actually means. Just the one time I had to get blood taken, I asked for my blood type. I have hoped that they would then give me some information as to what it meant, but no, I just got my blood type and a card to tell me/remind me that I was. It's good to know, but since I don't know what it means, it's also pretty pointless. I can however live with it.

I'm right handed. I tried to learn to write with my left hand when I was like thirteen. Way too slow. Seriously. I then gave up and now am a proud person of being right handed. I actually really like being right handed. It's weird though because two of my brothers are left handed, as is my father. My father loves that two are and two aren't. To him it's the funniest thing. And just shows that we are all different. Since the eldest, Nathan and the second youngest, Devon are left handed then me and Evijan are both right handed. My mother is right handed too. So I literally had a fifty/fifty chance of being either right handed. And I am right handed. And proud.

Unsurprisingly I have an American accent. It's a little mixed, since I've grown up in so many different places. But it's pretty slang and I sometimes sound a little southern. Since in San Diego, my best friend is from Georgia. And he has a very strong southern accent, and sometimes I end up with it a little in my words. Which makes me laugh. But mostly I just sound American, and Californian, I guess, since I'm from there. I don't think Californian people actually have a distinct accent, but I'm just going to say that I do, since I've lived in that State practically all my life, so far. And I like saying that I sound like my state.

I can speak English, fluently, and a tiny little bit of spanish from my High School. I like learning Spanish, but it's really not my greatest subject. I pick it up fairly well, but my accent is awful, and I get confused at times, with the different verbs, and male and female. But I really try hard in Spanish. So, I generally get good grades, and my teacher says I'm making great progress. Which is Awesome. So, I can speak a little Spanish.

Patrick J. Adams

Were to leave these wings un-repaired ,
were to be injected with poison

I like a lot of things surprisingly enough. I love California. It's my favourite state. And while I haven't been to many others, it just perfect. I wouldn't really want to live any where else. I mean, maybe for like a year or two, but no more. When I lived in Salem, that was fun, but it was a little cold. And it rained a lot more than it does in San Diego, or anywhere that I have lived in California. I like the beach, I like the feeling of sand on my feet. I love going surfing. I don't seem like the type, but to live in such an area and not know how to surf is stupid really. I mean it's a dangerous sport, and I learned when I was like 12, and I'm not that great but, I still do it, and I love it. I also love swimming in the ocean. It's fun. I like being with my friends, as much as time it would seem like I'd rather be anywhere else, that's not true. I really enjoy spending time with them, and just talking about girls, or sports. I like going to parties, and having a great time. I like cycling and running. Most sports I enjoy. I like traveling. I like spending time with my cousin Ezekiel. I like eating bagels. I like going to muggle school, I'll always complain about it to every family member, but to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. Going to muggle High school is seriously fun. You meet so many great people, and the parties. I like being a wizard. I like rabbits. It's an odd animal to like, but I like it. I like sunny days, and blue skies. I like girls, and I like being romantic. I prefer relationships to flings, but flings are just sometimes easier.

I dislike almost as much as I like. I hate guys who treat girls horribly. It doesn't who the person is, if they start treating a girl like poop, I will step in. I mean I will punch the guy across the face and tell him to piss off. And then probably say sorry to the girl and explain it. It's not always the best thing to do, since most guys don't really appreciate being punched in the face, but it does get my message across. I don't like cold weather. My Californian bones and being do not do well in cold weather. I have an aversion to it. Like rain. If it rains, I have no idea what to do, cause I don't own any coats, or umbrella's. I don't like people who complain too much. Like When I'm working, and you can just hear a guy or girl complain about every little detail, and it's like We never asked you to come did we. I always want to tell them to f##k off. But I can't do that. I don't like my brother Devon. He's a ****. And I don't really like my cousin Charlie. He's young and annoying. And almost always trying to copy me, it's annoying. I don't like sea food. I live by the sea, but I really don't enjoy the sea food. I don't like snow. I don't like cold tea. I don't like country music. I don't like people who think reading is stupid, I mean I don't read that often but I still do it every so often. I hate girls who don't eat because they think they have to be very thin. It's just not cool. Oh, and I hate all musicals.

My good habits. Well, I think I treat girls well, that's a good habit. I have a good routine. I get up and go to school, then I go to work, and then I do my homework, do the magical work, and then go home. I always do the homework that I'm set. I help my mum clean up the house when she wants me to. I'm the only one still living at home with my parents, so I feel as though I have to. I'm loyal to my friends, so I guess that is a good thing. I don't really think I have that many good habits, I find it quite hard to define what good habits are. I mean I don't pick my nose, or do anything like that.

Bad habits, oh there are many, not coming home until really late, since I've taken to doing my homework on the beach outside my work. Me and my friends will gather on the beach, and some will dance to someone's music, others will make out with their girlfriends or boyfriends. And some will do homework. I do all my work assignments by hand. Which some of my teachers hate, but they are always done, so they can't say anything, but this means I don't get home until like three in morning or something. And since I have to be awake early for school the next day, my parents hate that. But, they don't say anything since it's been happening since we moved to San Diego from Portland. I sometimes lose my cool, and I'm more likely to punch someone than settle something with words. Which isn't great but I don't care. It's almost as effect as words, and sometimes words are just not that useful, and the other guy will probably not use words either, so it's either you throw the first punch or he does. Law of the jungle. But it's probably not too good.

To be honest, I don't really have any goals. Before it, it had basically been to get married to the girl I was in love with, but with that gone, I have no other real goals. I wanted to graduate High School, but really since I'm learning magic on the side, I'd much rather do something to do with magic than anything else. I want to get a good job, but that's all. I'd prefer for it to be in magic. but to be honest, I'll pretty much do anything. I don't know what I'm very good at, so I'm still exploring. I was thinking about going to UCLA, but I dunno. I'll just see what happens, just ever since my girlfriend died, everything has felt a little stupid. I mean planning a future when we could die at any moment. Although that is what I used to believe being sent to durmstrang really helped. I wanted to work a lot, and I knew I wanted to do something with law. So I went to law school in America, I have an undergraduate degree in politics and law, and can legally practice law. I want a family, I really want a family, I think that having kids would be amazing, and other than maybe becoming the head of my department that's all I really want.

Probably seeing my family dead. Any one of them. I mean I don't really get along with Devon, but they are still family. I would never wish death upon them. They helped make me who I am and I would be major d1ck, if I repaid that by wishing death upon them. Sometimes, my dad and I don't see eye to eye. And I think sometimes my mother over reacts. But, seeing my family dead would be the worst. After losing my girlfriend I don't think I could take it. That or my parents taking a break again. It wasn't a good few months. I had no idea what was going on, and there was so much yelling. I hated that my dad walked out on my mom, and I hated her for letting him. And the next few years wasn't much better. With two young sons, and bills to pay, my mother wasn't very good at keeping afloat. I think returning to something like that would be horrible. So one or the other.

I haven't done the spell yet, but I think it would be a beaver. I don't really know why, but I've always liked that animal. I once donated money to helping Beavers, and it was one of the things I liked about living in Portland. There were different animals that lived in these lakes and I always though beavers were incredibly cool. There is lilttle doubt about that. But, since I haven't done the spell yet I don't actually know. It's on my list of spells to learn. A list which is not as long as some might think.

My third date with my ex-girlfriend. it was so much fun. We didn't do anything important. We went to movies, and watched a film, starting making out near the middle. The as we left, we took a walk through the park. The sun was setting and it hit her perfectly. I mean I was fourteen at the time, but I thought I'd struck gold with the girl. She was so beautiful, and she wanted to be with me. It wasn't the point I realised I loved her, it was just a moment where I realised how amazing life was, how amazing she was, how lucky I was. And how much it would hurt if it didn't end well.

My worst memory would probably be the day that my girlfriend died. We were at her house, and I had just gone to the bathroom. And the next thing I knew the ground was shaking. It was bad, the earthquake. The house was no well built. I went to try to get her, and I the roof collapsed in. I wasn't able to get to her. And when it had stopped, I tried to find her. She was barely breathing, so I called 911, and then went to the hospital. She died later in the day. I know I can't really blame myself for what happened, but I know if I'd been there I could've helped her. I could've protected her. And I wasn't. And while I got out with a few bruised ribs and a number of other bruises, she died. I would in an instant switch our places. But, the day she died would be a really bad memory. That or the funeral, because I had to actually say goodbye to her. And I didn't want to, I didn't want it to be real. But it was an I had to watch the coffin be lowered into the ground, while I stood still breathing. It wasn't a fun week.

That's really simple. It would be me, with my ex-girlfriend. Alive and well. Ready to start wreaking more havoc at school. being the popular couple. The cutest couple. Despite the fact most people believe that I'm like a "bad boy" or something. We'd be both alive, and we'd Happy. I would happy. It's really all I want. The only thing I'd see. I mean it might change, but for now, I'd give anything to have back with me. I would never exchange all the memories I have with her, for her life. Since I love her, and our time was perfect. I just want more time to be her boyfriend.

Oh, this is easy, I love the smell, of the sea air. I would most definitely smell that. I'd smell, wood burning, a bonfire basically, since I've spent so much time around them, it's just something that I really enjoy the smell of. I would smell my ex-girlfriend. It sounds morbid, but I used to love the way her hair smelled, and how I smelled after we'd spent a certain amount of time together and she'd been leaning into me. it's a great smell, and only one I can remember the smell of. I think I'd also say Lilies, since it was her favourite flower, and I was always buying them for her. I always made sure they smelled nice and fresh, just how she liked them. I think I'd also smell marker pens. Nothing to do with my ex-girlfriend, I just love the smell. It's not exactly great to be smelling, but I like it.

Who do I look up to. It's hard to say, I think it would probably be my cousin who lives in New Zealand. Because he's a really down to earth guy. And he has a few problems making friends, but he's so smart, and he loves going to school. He has a few close friends, and he's always himself. He also likes rain, and cold weather, which I don't understand but congratulate him on. He's helped me out a lot lately, so I owe him a lot. He's helped me realise that it's okay to be upset. I was maybe never in front of him, but I know it's okay. Not to mention he's the only guy I haven't sold southern California to, so he's quite someone. He's also got a great relationship with his parents, which I really wish I had at times. Overall, he's a real easy guy to look up to. Not to mention he's a lot cooler than he first seems.

The beach. Hands down it's the beach. If ever I need to figure anything out. Or if I just want to go somewhere, I'll take my bike and I'll just head to the beach. It doesn't matter which beach, since I'm pretty close to the coast, and this means I have quite a bit of choice. Just any beach. The soft sound of the waves hitting the shore is amazing. The feel of the sand on my feet. The fact it's so tranquil. And most of the time, I head to the bit of the beach, where my friends and I always go. It's a familiar place and it's good to be there. It feels like home. My home isn't always a peaceful zone but, the beach is, and whenever I go no matter the mood, I'll always smile. Without fail, it's why I think it would be hard for me to move away from California, because I'd miss the beach.

I was never baptised or anything like that, but I do actually believe there is a higher Power. I think I'm most likely agnostic. There are some days where I really believe and I think there has to be. And when I was younger I used to pray to God a lot. Mostly asking for help to fix my family situation. For peace of mind. Asking for forgiveness for all the times that I'd done something wrong. I never told anyone that I prayed. And recently, well, I've not been feeling it as much. I really want to believe that there is an all loving god, but when the girl I loved was taken from me, and her family, so young, I can't quite comprehend why a loving God would do such a thing. Because of that, I don't really believe. I don't know what I believe. It's complicated.


Mysterious and alluring individuals, most Pisces are extremely talented, but even though they are gifted in many ways, they still manage to spend most of their lives battling "confusing" conditions. Pisces is the sign symbolised by the image of two fish. Their symbol depicts one fish heading upward, the other pulling downward. This mirrors how Pisceans are frequently torn between two pathways in life, or actually do live two very different existences at the same time. Pisceans are incredibly adaptable and resilient. They are to be found leading the field in many diverse areas of life and many Pisces can be found represented amongst top business millionaires. On the other side of the coin, prisons, reform schools and all kinds of institutions statistically hold a high number of Pisceans too. The Piscean's inner quest to explore their "ivory tower" syndrome can lead them into some most unusual and unlikely living conditions. Of all the signs of the zodiac, Pisces are the ones who end up in the most muddles over the years of their lives.

I'm allergic to Penicillin. Which is so useful, it's an ingredient found in a lot of antibiotics. And I don't know how, but because I'm also allergic to Penicillin, I'm also allergic to cephalexin. They are pretty closely related so, I'm allergic to both. I'm pretty badly allergic to Penicillin, I develop problems breathing, and if I take a lot without realising I develop an anaphylactic reaction, which is pretty bad. I found out I was allergic when I was like three, and got a really bad flu, and they gave me Penicillin, and I started to go into shock, so they quickly switched me to something that doesn't have that in it. But, considering I'm a wizard, I can just take the magical stuff, but, if I'm ever in an accident, it's good to know that I am just in case they want to give something like to me. I have one of those tag bracelets, which I wear at all times. Since they are pretty important allergies for others to know.

Tessin is a young guy with a lot of different issues. He is the youngest of his family, and therefore has always had people showing him how things are meant to be. This has meant that everything that Tessin does is not exactly right. He may chose to go about something in a completely opposite path. Driven more by his anger and temper than anything else. He has, like his siblings a deep need to protect those around him. He's a person who doesn't often properly think things through before he does them, but does mean well. Tessin takes a while to trust people around him, although polite and fairly honest. Just the type of person who avoids questions, by just not talking. Although he is a romantic guy and tries his best with girls around him. However it wasn't until recently that he ever settled down with one girl. Tessin despite having his family around him, always feels the need to do things alone, and is very unlikely to ask for help, not until absolutely necessary. He's always felt the weakest one of the family, not to mention, his name, being very girl-like, as his parents had expected a girl, often made him the butt of the jokes. However, he is now a lot more neutral towards them now. More so than when he was growing up. Although he can appear smart and casual on the outside, Tessin, is an anxious person, who is always comparing himself to those around him.

Ain't gotta know how intellectual you maybe ,
fact is you ain't all that powerful

Lincoln Middle and High School, San Diego, California

I went there until the end of sophomore year, so no longer the little ones, but still not very high on the food chain. It's a good year. I know the school a lot more than I did last year, and it's a lot easier to just get on with the work. I need to do a lot more work, and it's more difficult but I really enjoy it. Despite what happened earlier in the year, and the school reminds me a lot of her, she wasn't the only person who died, so, it's a good place to be since, I know that I'm not only in my feelings. It's not been a great year, but I still like being a Sophomore.

When I first arrived at the school I was pretty nervous. I'd never really been good at school. Plus I was still learning magic from home, so I pretty much feared that my high school education would cut into that. But, I did go to High School with a group of my High school friends, which meant that I wasn't alone upon arrival. The school itself was huge, and it was so busy. Hard to believe there were only four years of students. It was also quite a difficult day. The school has been pushing for better test scores and such, so from day one we got straight into working hard. There was no time for slacking at all. That being said, after about the first two weeks, it started to get a lot easier. Not to mention my friends and I began to get into a routine. So, my first thoughts of school were mostly positive.

When I think about High School, it's generally a good time. I smile when I think of it, mostly because of the friends I have there. My job and the fact we spend half our time at the beach. Each night, since it's always sunny in Southern California we go to the beach and have some fun. Do homework and such. School itself is good. I can always somehow keep up with everything. The sports are good, and the teacher's themselves are nice. They work hard and I think they are really underpaid. Obviously now it's a little weird the school, since I'm without her, but it's still going to be an amazing place, where lots of fun things have happened. Which is why I still very much like attending it. And it had not stopped my magical career either. I'm still learning magic on the side.

My favourite class would have to be English. The teacher I have this year is just beyond epic. he's Awesome, and completely different from all others. he actually cares about everyone, and he loves english so much that you enjoy it because he does. Not to mention it's an easy class that I don't have to work too hard in to achieve grades, and it's last in the day, so always a good way to round off a day. So, yeah, hands down English is my favourite class. And I'm sure the others in my class have the same thoughts as I do. The teacher really makes it the most fun possible, which is refreshing. And he ignores how your doing in other classes, it's just all about English

Media Studies, while the class can be somewhat fun, cause I have a whole group of my friend with me, and we just mess around, the teacher is so dull, and adds no life to the lesson. He also hates me with a burning passion. I know why, it would just be better if he wasn't so obvious about it. What we do in the class is dull, nothing new or modern. It's almost like the HIstory of media, now I love history, I think it's great, but not when I want to be learning about media, that's just not right. And I am not the only one with this opinion. I will be very happy when he retires. And another teacher takes his place.

Start of Junior Year

Yeah. I have, on a number of occasions. Nothing serious, and I've only been caught and punished for it once. It's just because I get bored, and one of my friends will say that there are huge waves at the beach, and out of school and the beach, I always pick the beach, since I can also just do the school work at the beach. I've skipped for a few other reasons as well. Like to go make out with my then girlfriend. Things like that. An extended lunch, a late start to the day. I don't skip too often, but I do skip class if I want to.

I am on the soccer team, I play a midfielder. It's a good position to play, and it's good to be on the team. I can then keep fit and have a team spirit. it's helps my for applications for University, if I decide to go. But, I mostly do it, because I have friends on the team. And since I'm actually good, the school can't ever kick me out, cause I help make the school look good. Which is what they need for extra funding from the local council and businesses. So, all in all, it's really a win, win for me. I also take part in the yearbook committee. Mostly because my then girlfriend did, and we wanted to do something together, so that's why. Now it holds less importance to me. And I feel weird going without her, but I know I have to. She'd want me to.

I'd say Jock/Rebel. Since I'm pretty popular, but I'm always getting into trouble for random things. So yeah that. I am however nice to most people who are nice towards me, so I'm not one of those **** head jocks that you sometimes get.

I have a grade point average of 3.3. Which I'm told is fairly good, and I am working on improving that over the next few years, It's just going to take a little bit of time. I'm getting back into the swing of school things.

Apart from soccer player and known trouble maker, nothing really. I am only in Sophomore so you can't expect me to have actually gotten anything done yet. Give it time, and eventually If I stick around I'll be able to say I have a title.

Currently I work at a restaurant on the sea front. It's owned by a friend of my dad's and he was happy enough to give me some employment, since I proved in the trial run that I work well and fast and therefore deserved the job. It's a fairly good job, the tips are good and I get paid fairly well. I've made some great friends at work, and they are always happy to help me out, like I do for them. I've got their back and they have mine. And since we're usually dealing with fairly well off customers, that is always something you need, because some of them are just down right nasty.

I like my work. I enjoy spending my evenings there and my weekends. It gives me a lot of freedom, and has help me, when I needed something to distract me when she died. All my co-workers were and are supportive. It's a really great bunch of people. I don't want to work anywhere else right now. It's great. And it means I have more money as does my family. I love it. I really do.

Tomorrow I may or even sometime today ,
i'll drop from the face of the Earth

Straight 14 1/2" Sturdy Hawthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: An enigma of a wand wood, Hawthorn both heals and has a propensity for the darkest of arts: ultimately, the Hawthorn wand chooses any wizard that suits it - there may be no rhyme or reason.
Core: Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.


After so many schools where I was just a muggle, transfering in was incredibly. The sheer size and power the school had weighed over me like nothing else. I knew I had to be the perfect sort of Durmstrang student. It's a good thing that I enjoy the dark arts, and all that. The people were as friendly as I needed them to be. It was the sort of strong crowd I'm used to. I prefer it to what Hogwarts would've been like. It makes more sense for a guy like me, with a family like mine to be at such a school. That and it's far enough away from my family so that I can have the right amount of fun. It's the best school.



I passed all my OWLs with O's and in my Newts I got:
Potions - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
History of Magic - O
Astronomy - EE
Transfiguration - O
Herbology - EE
Charms - O
Arithmancy- O
Muggle Studies - O
Ancient Runes - A

Coding Done by me
Song: Inner Shakespeare by Eppic ft Edith

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