Terrence Blackhawk

Terrence Blackhawk

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OOC First Name
The Basics

Character's Name: Terrence "Terry" Blackhawk

Character's Birthdate: Tenth of May

Hometown: Dunedin

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Wand: -Will fill in later-

Educated At: Hogwarts, The New Zealand Branch House: Hufflepuff ( 2017 - 2024 )

Favorite Classes: Care for Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and Transfiguration.

Least Favorite: Herbology, Divination, Muggle Studies, and Astronomy

Occupation: Dragon Tamer


Hair: Terry's hair is dark brown. Its usually in a fro-hawk style.

Eyes: Terry has warm brown eyes.

Height: Terry is six feet and two inches high.

Style: Terrence wears a thin yellow hoodie thats always unzipped. He chosen the yellow hoodie to represent his pride for Hufflepuff. Underneath is a black t-shirt. He wears loose-fit jeans and flat bottom skateboarder shoes. He also wears fingerless gloves made out of dragonhide.

Other Distinguishing Features: On his back, is a burned scar that was given to him by a dragon. He has multiple scratches from hatchlings on his forearms. He is thin and lanky for his height.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Terry is a unique person. He's funny and whimsical. He was and still is the class clown. Terry is very creative, being able to get out of sticky situations. He is very smart, being able to master the simplest of spells and figure out the true meaning of a spell. He took many classes in Hogwarts and was almost top of all his classes. His favorite was Care for Magical Creatures. After Hogwarts, Terrence became free caring. But, when it came to his job and dragons, he gets very serious.

Family: Terry has two older brothers and two younger sisters.

Special Talents/Abilities: Terrence has a unique ability to think very quickly while under pressure. The more pressure he is under, usually dangerous, Terry can think of a way out of it. He is caring, being able to help small magical animals. Even the very dangerous ones that are as big as mountain.

History: On the night of September 1st of 2017, Terrence Blackhawk was sorted in Hufflepuff at the Hogwarts, New Zealand Branch. It was it's second year being established in New Zealand. During those years, Terrence learns that even Hufflepuffs can topple over the other houses. His favorite classes was Care for Magical Creatures and Charms.

After Hogwarts, Terrence went over to Romania to train with dragons. He trained there to become a Dragon Tamer for four years. Succeeding his training and taking care of dragons, Terry came back to New Zealand. During this time, Terry has been out trying to find dragons. To study them and to raise young hatchlings that have no mother.

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