
Elizabeth Chang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
Lizzy was really enjoying her time at New Zealand though it was a surreal experience to be on the opposite hemisphere than she had been living her entire life. Even when she had been living in America and had been in a time zone difference of more than twelve hours, she had at least been experiencing the same seasons as her family back in South Korea. Now though, she got a second chance to celebrate summer and the season was fast approaching in New Zealand.

Although Lizzy knew she should've been studying for her upcoming exams she had spent too much time locked up in her dorm room and the day out was so nice that she just had to spend the day outdoors. Lizzy could see the lakefront from a window in her dorm room and decided to put on her bathing suit underneath her dress. She didn't know what the rules on swimming in the lake were, but she had really missed swimming and was looking forward to at least getting her feet wet if she didn't pluck up the courage to jump all the way in. Lizzy hurried down the many flights of stairs, feeling like this was one of the things she didn't like about living all the way at the top of the castle. Finally she was outdoors and she unbuttoned her cardigan since it was very warm that day. Once she got to the lake she smiled and just took a seat against a tree, watching the lake longingly.
Briar was over heating. It was a beautiful day, and she had spent all morning on the quidditch pitch, and then when the Ravenclaw team had arrived requesting the pitch she had left and started exercising in the in the lawn. now it was mid afternoon and she had finished her bottle of water long ago, and as hard as she tried she couldn't make it refill with magic. instead she made her way over to the lake hopeing that standing with her feet in the water would soon cool her down. she sat down near a tree and took off her shoes. she looked up and saw that she was right next to a girl. "hello, sorry to interrupt you I didn't see you, I'm briar by the way" she said. smiling at the girl. she knew that her face would probably be all red flushed (even more than normal) and she could feel the perspiration causing her shirt to stick to her back, but she thought that she would be better to introduce herself to the girl, even if it was just to be polite.
Lizzy had been sitting against the tree for a few minutes with her eyes closed, simply enjoying the warmth when it started to get too hot and her hair began to stick to the back of her neck. As she was twisting her hair up in a bun to get it away from her face to cool herself down she saw a girl sit down beside her. Wow cool hair, Lizzy thought, wishing she could have that hair color, but she was too reserved for that type of hairstyle for now. The girl apologized but Lizzy didn't know why and was about to tell her it was okay when the girl introduced herself. The Ravenclaw girl smiled in response and said, "Hi Briar, I'm Lizzy. You had no reason to apologize by the way," she added because she still didn't know why the girl had apologized.

As the sun continue to beat down on them Lizzy decided to take off her cardigan completely, revealing the straps of her bikini wrapping around her neck in a halter tie. "It's hot out," Lizzy commented with a nervous laugh, unsure of how to make conversation. She worried that the girl would think she was weird and choose to sit somewhere else, or that she was simply waiting for other friends to join her so there was no point in chatting at all, but the words had come out of her mouth already and all Lizzy could do was be thankful that they weren't embarrassing or awkward.
Briar smiled at the girl as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Lizzy." she said nodding at her, she then turned around and pulled off her socks. if she knew more than she did about social etiquette she would know that this probably wasn't the polite thing to do, but right now all she wanted was to cool down. "yep it is hot alright, thats why i am about to go paddling the lake" she said standing up. she couldn't remember going to the lake for the paddle, the only times that she recalled involved jumping off the cliffs, that was fun, but right now she didn't fancy the hike to get there, and to be honest she wanted to cool down, she wasn't really after a rush right now. "would you like to join me?" she asked. deciding split second to invite her along.
Lizzy adjusted the straps of her halter bikini top so they didn't dig into her skin and watched as the red-headed girl beside her tore off her socks. The brunette couldn't stop a giggle from escaping her lips at this odd gesture but put her hand over her mouth thinking it had been impolite to laugh at her. "Sorry," she quickly muttered, but Briar didn't seem to mind as she admitted she was just about to go into the lake. Immediately Lizzy put her hand down from her mouth and asked in surprise, "So we're allowed to go in?" The tone of happiness could not be hidden in her voice. She had been planning to jump into the lake already but now that she knew it was allowed, or so she thought she wasn't sure if Briar too was disobeying the rules, she was definitely a lot more at ease about it.

"I was going to go in the lake too!" she said with a nervous laugh, though the smile on her face was one of relief, accepting her invitation. "It's too hot not to," she said matter of factly, as if this statement would give them an exception with a grin. Lizzy stood up and offered her hand to Briar to help her up and then carefully slipped off her shoes, placing them by her cardigan at the trunk of the tree. "I actually put on a bathing suit," Lizzy admitted with a blush, feeling foolish for having done so but she didn't want to get her clothes wet or go in her undergarments. She cautiously slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and quickly shimmied out of her dress, revealing the bright bathing suit on her extremely thin frame. The Ravenclaw girl momentarily crossed her arms over herself as if trying to cover herself up but realized this was stupid so she replaced her hands on her hips instead, in an attempt at a confident pose. "So Briar, are you a tip-toe testing kind of person or do you just jump right in?" Lizzy asked with a playful smile on her face.
Briar heard the girl laugh at her and chuckled a little herself, she imagined that she looked funny, sitting there bright red, with perspiration streaming down her face, and back. "i haven't heard that we cant go in, so i guess we can. if we don't go too deep, if we cant go in and we get caught, then you can blame me, and you shouldn't get into too much trouble" she said, the advantages of being a prefect is that you were trusted by both the staff and other students. so you could generally get away with a bit more (so long as you weren't caught). she smiled as the girl said she had put on her bathing suit, she had never owned a bathing suit, she usually just swam in her clothes, like she was planning on doing today. truth be told she wasn't a very strong swimmer, sure she could keep her head above water, even in rivers, but she had no real technique, her swimming was more of a doggy paddle than actual strokes. she laughed slightly at Lizzy's next question, the truth was that the only time she had been in the lake before was when she was cliff jumping, which she guessed was her answer. "I suppose i am more of a jump right in kind of girl, how about you? she said walking over to the edge of the lake to see if she could find the best place for her to jump.
Lizzy laughed as Briar said she was the type to jump in. "Good, because I am too," she said with a big grin. Truthfully Lizzy loved swimming, and she was very good at it, like many sports. Her athleticism was the reason she was unnaturally skinny, because even though she ate way more than a normal girl should, her activeness seemed to cancel that out and keep her thin. Sometimes Lizzy felt she was too skinny, and at this thought Lizzy crossed her arms over her chest again as if trying to hide her rib cage, but before those thoughts consumed her she looked over at the red-head beside her and said, "So on the count of three?" with a playful smirk.

The sooner she was in the water, the better, for multiple reasons really. First she was able to conceal her bony body better and not feel so self conscious in this two piece bathing suit; she really didn't know why she had allowed her sisters to talk her into it, Lizzy had always been the more conservative type, for lack of a better term, and usually chose one pieces, but now was not the time to be dwelling on things that could not be done. And of course, the main reason why Lizzy wanted to get in the water, because it was too bloody hot. She could feel her hair start to stick to her neck again so she walked over to the edge of the water, poised to jump in, and looked over at Briar again. "Ready? One. Two. Three!" she exclaimed happily, submerging herself into the lake.
Briar found the perfect spot to jump in. she took a few steps back and when Lizzy had counted down she launched herself full sprint towards the edge jumping perfectly to send her sawing into the lake. she hadn't planned on swimming, just paddling really, but she thought why not it was a nice day, and it was a little different from her usual routine. steadily she swam back to the edge, she heaver felt particularly at home in the water, much preferred the comfort of the trees, but whats life without a little uncertainty and discomfort. she flicked a little water at the girl. laughing slightly, hopeing that she wasn't annoying the girl.
OOCOut of Character:
should we say that if any mermaids want to join they can, i think that there is one looking for topics, and it will be pretty fun
Once Lizzy had plunged herself underwater she felt the adrenaline rush she usually got and couldn't help but giggle underwater. She wanted to open her eyes to see what mysteries the lake had beneath its surface but rather preferred not to find out just yet so she kicked herself up and emerged out into the hot air. "Ahh, this fresh water is just what we needed on a day like this," she said as she tried floating on her back and put her arms behind her as if she was relaxing, which she technically was. Just then she felt Briar splashing water and her and Lizzy stood upright again laughing as she hurtled water back at the redhead. Lizzy ducked underwater to avoid Briar's retaliation but came back up because it was ultimately fun to splash around.

OOCOut of Character:
Yeah sure! Mermaids are totally welcome! :woot:
Briar blinked as some water splashed into her eyes. she was thankful that it was fresh and not salt. it was the whole point of a water fight. yep this is exactly what i needed" she said squeaking slightly as she got splashed. she tried to splash back but Lizzy had vanished under the water. she put her feet on the bottom as she was not that used to swimming she got herself ready to splash the girl when she next broke the surface.
Lizzy had gone under water again and this time had forced her eyes open. The shining sun illuminated the lake for her, though she could tell if she were to swim further in it was immensely deep. She could see some fish swimming around, not too close to her or Briar, probbaly staying away from all the commotion they were causing. The Ravenclaw girl kicked back up to the surface, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. She laughed lightly simply because she was having fun and tried to block the splashes from Briar with her thin arms, as if that would work. "I wish we could have a race across the lake to see who'd win," Lizzy commented aloud. Though she knew the lake was far too big for them to ever attempt that, she still wanted to race somehow. She loved swimming and it was one of her favorite activities to do.

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