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normal text - in character/first person italics - out of character/third person
Full Name
Tempest Mara Sun. Stupidest f**king name in the world. I mean seriously, Tempest? What the f**k! My parents say that they're fans of Shakespeare, but I'd bet that there was some crack use mixed in there. The only nickname for my name is Temp, which makes me sound temporary or some s**t. I can assure you now, I'm a lot more than temporary. I intend to be around for some time yet. Anyway, Tempest means 'turbulent and stormy, or violent storm', and it sounds like 'temper'. I don't have a f**king temper, what the hell? My middle name, Mara, means bitter. Sun is just some Korean surname, I don't know what the history behind it is.
Tempest actually thinks that her name is quite cool and unique, but because of the formality of it, she shows disdain.
Date of Birth
I was born on the 8th of July, 2011. Four days after Independence Day, so there's always spare fireworks and s**t that my parents insist on lighting off to look patriotic. Yay? My starsign is.. Cancer, I think, but I don't believe in any of that crap.
I'm asian. I've got a face. I don't know, what do you want me to say?
Tempest has long, wavy, honey-brown hair in an ombre shade. Her hair is naturally straight and black, which she used to simply put in a ponytail. To change it up, at age fourteen she got it cut into a short and choppy copper-coloured bob, which suited her tomboyish style, but has since grown out. Her face is an oval shape with a soft jawline and big cheeks. Her eyes are ebony brown, and usually look watchful and challenging. The saying "the eyes are the window to the soul" is true in Tempest's case, as they are the first part of her to crack during a lie, or to show vunerablity and hurt. She has a bright smile with dimples, and it just radiates with happiness whenever she's dancing, or doing something else that she loves. Alternately, if Tempest is in a foul mood, you will be able to tell. She has mastered the death stare. Her clothing style has changed over the years, and used to be rather average and plain. As she began to get into dancing, Tempest began wearing more urban/hip-hop clothes that fit her dance style and are easy to move in. Nowadays, as her femininity has increased, she has began taking more girly liberties with her clothing. Tempest's height is on the taller end of average, but her build is slim and athletic, due to her high level of exercise and fairly healthy diet.
I really hate questions like this, you know? I mean, I'm just me. I don't think about it or analyse myself, f**k.
Tempest is a little firecracker. She's a no-nonsense kind of girl, and doesn't take anything lying down. She has a short fuse, and despite acting rather tough and tomboyish at times, she is actually rather sensitive, and hurt easily. She is a good actress, and able to hide her feelings usually, but those that are good at reading others would be able to see through her. She has little to no patience, and is one to move through life at high speeds. Those that dilly-dally, are indecisive, or are just plain slow, would quickly annoy and irritate Tempest. She has a big heart, but also a big wall in front of her. She takes things at face value the majority of the time, and is not one to read between the lines, or slow down to look at things from a new perspective. She can be rather stubborn and hardheaded, but if you approach her the right way, then she can be open-minded and listen to you. It really depends on the person.
If you get on Tempest's nerves, she won't hesitate to insult you or say something mean. However, she does not intend to hurt others, and this is only an impulsive behaviour. It is only around those that she feels wary of or threatened by that she acts defensive and rude. She doesn't trust easily, having been rejected in the past by those that she cares about or looks up to. For example, as a girl she has often been turned down by elite dance crews that she has tried to join, on the grounds that there was simply no place for a 'chick'. She was also bullied quite mercilessly around the age of seven or eight. This has caused Tempest to develop a thick skin, and act and carry herself in a more defensive way. She has a very sharp tongue, and has become the master of come backs and sarcastic insults.
Despite this defensiveness and tendency to easily take offence, Tempest is genuinely lovable and kind (I know right? She reads like a crazy person, but hear me out). She is incredibly loyal, and will fight to the death to protect and stand up for those that she cares about. If you are kind and accepting of her, she will go above and beyond to return the favour. Tempest is the type of friend to gladly take the bullets. For example, if you get into a fight with an enemy, she will do the majority of the talking (or should I say yelling), and therefore come across as the most argumentative one. While she does understand that this only makes her look bad, that is a sacrifice that she is willing to make to be the best friend possible. When talking to friends, she seems a lot softer, girlier, and with a greater level of patience and understanding, but still retains that spunkiness, as that's just who she is.
Tempest is incredibly witty, and always manages to make her friends laugh. She has a subtle humour, and can be very sarcastic at times. While she is a very dedicated and hardworking person, at the end of the day she just wants to have a laugh and have fun with friends. She doesn't necessarily make friends very easily to begin with, and will roll her eyes at or ignore those that she finds bothersome. However, if you can manage to strike up a good enough conversation with her, manage to make her laugh and therefore crack the exterior that she has built up, or otherwise do something interesting to catch Tempest's eye and stand out from the crowd, then you will indeed have a wonderful friend for life that has your back entirely.
When it comes to enemies, Tempest can be rather confrontational if in a bad mood. She is not one to shy away from a fight. However, if she is simply bored and uninterested, then she will use her "I no speak Engrish" technique to get rid of the annoyance. This isn't the only time that she'll tell a lie; in fact, she twists the truth quite frequently. Tempest is not a sociopathic liar, as she does not lie to get what she wants, or to hurt others. However, she often lies simply out of habit. This is called compulsive lying, and it is done usually by those that find it hard to trust others, and are wary of their motives. They feel more comfortable lying than telling the truth. Tempest is not an extreme liar, and it doesn't effect her life at all. Her white lies are only minor, barely considered compulsive lying at all. For example, if someone were to ask her what she got on a test, Tempest would most likely reply with "what's it to you?" before making up a random result.
Tempest is incredibly oblivious to any form of political correctness, which borders on inappropriateness. She may occasionally laugh at a racist or sexist joke, but she does not do so maliciously or with intent to hurt others. She is rather naive when it comes to understanding boundaries, and when she has crossed the line. This probably comes from being raised by parents with an oddly mixed-up sense of cultural understanding. Tempest has never intentionally insulted anyone with her comments, however, some may take them the wrong way.
In all, Tempest is a tough cookie, that has learnt not to take the crap that she has often been dished out by classmates. However, if you're able to melt her hardened heart, she will show you a very kind and thoughtful person beyond her harsh and brash exterior.
I'm an only child. I bet my parents were so disappointed with me that they didn't dare have another kid, or they just haven't thought about trying. They say that it's the latter, but who knows, eh? My parents, oh my Lord, they are incredibly oblivious and weird. I mean sure, I love them, they provide a lot for me.. but, wow, they're so incredibly socially awkward. Upon moving to the US, my parents decided that they wanted to prove their worth as total Americans. They tried to learn English from their cousin, but because his own English was so bad, he taught them terribly. They spoke in broken sentences, and apparently it was really kinda funny. After they got their citizenship or whatever, they learnt proper English, so they're pretty good now. They still have accents though.
They also decided that the best way to be truely patriotic was to go crazy every holiday. On Halloween, they dress up as something American. Last year it was Cowboys, this year it was fat people. I've convinced them to dress up as the cast of Jersey Shore next time. At Christmas, they put up so many lights that I swear they could be seen from space. We had these little singing Reindeer things in the front yard, but the neighbours called noise control. Don't even ask what they do for the 4th of July.
I guess in a way it's kind of strange how American we are. I've only ever eaten Korean food when we visited family when I was eight. I hated it, give me a burger any day. The only words I know are the basics: hello, how are you, get the f**k out of my face. Still, since I've been raised to be a total American girl, I guess that's how I like it. Sure, it would be cool to be more connected with my heritage, but that's not a priority of mine. My parents may be a little bit mixed up with their culture, but I find that more amusing than anything.
But joking aside, my parents are actually really cool people. They're pretty meek and mild-mannered, but they mean well, and they've sacrificed a hell of a lot for me. You know why they left Korea in the first place? Well we don't really talk about it, but.. okay, so my dad's a wizarding lawyer. He was preparing a case to testify against these deatheaters, and found some pretty incriminating evidence, with the help of an auror friend. Anyway, a few days before the trial, friends of those deatheaters threatened him, telling him to drop the case or they'd hurt his wife and newborn baby - me. He could have fought them, but instead he kept us safe and we left the country. I can't remember what happened to the auror, but I don't think it was good. Had they succeeded in sending those deatheaters to jail, they would have been f**king heroes. I'm really proud of my dad. I know some people may consider running away to be cowardly, but they're a**holes. I think it takes a strong person to give up everything to keep those they love safe. Dad still works as a lawyer in Boston, but he tries not to get involved with cases related to deatheaters. He doesn't think that they'd give us a second chance (meaning, they'd just Avada Kedavra the crap out of us).
My mom's a healer. She's a really good one, too. There's not really any dramatic story behind her life or her career (she was raised a country girl, and met my dad when she moved to the city for healer's college), but she's saved a damn lot of lives.
Stereotypically Asian parents are really strict, and always pressure their kids to be perfect, right? Well, mine are bit less old-fashioned. Sure, they've raised me to do well in school, and I know that they'd prefer me to be a healer or lawyer like them.. but they don't stop me from pursuing what I love - dancing. In fact, they seem to be really proud that I'm so focused and determined. My parents discipline me like any other mildly-strict parents, and no, I wouldn't dare swear around them. Sometimes I wish that they would stop treating me like such a baby, though. They're not pushy or mean, but I do have tight curfews, and they're a little over-protective.
Visual example 1, 2.
We had a little yorkshire terrier at home called Mr Sniffles. I'm not even f**king kidding you, that was the name that my mother gave him. He died, got hit by a car or something.. I can't remember, I was away at school when it happened.
Visual example 1.
Area of Residence
I was born in Seoul, South Korea, but when I was a baby, my parents moved to America. We live in a Wizarding, suburban part of Boston, Massachusetts. Our neighbourhood's nice, and there are other teenagers on my street that I've known all of my life, like Max Robinson, you know him? The Muggle world is really close, and I've been allowed to visit it a few times. I don't really like the Muggle world, though. It's kind of.. weird without magic. The house we live in is pretty nice, I guess. My parents earn enough for us to live comfortably, but I wouldn't say that it's a mansion.
Visual example 1.
Blood Status
I'm a Mixed Blood. My whole family are wizards, but they're not strict on everyone being Pure. I have an Aunt (married into the family) that's a Muggleborn, so her kids (my cousins) are Half Bloods. We don't have any Muggles in the family, so I guess you could say that we're Pure in a way that everyone's magical.. but specific blood status is not important.
My parents are both from South Korea. I don't know much about history or whatever, so I don't think that I have any other ethnicities in me.. just Korean.
Special Abilities
Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm not a Parselmouth, or one of those Veelas. I don't care to be an Animagi - training would take time away from the things that I actually care about. I'm just a f**king person.
Interests or Hobbies
My number one interest, until the day that I die - is dance. I can't really put into words how much dancing means to me. The way that the music flows through you, and you just.. move. That right there is what I love to do. It all started when I was three, and my mother sent me to ballet lessons. I was always a bit of a tomboy, but when I did ballet, I felt like a little princess. Of course I was f**king terrible, it was a toddlers class, after all. After a while, though.. I got kind of good. At age five I took up jazz and tap, which were a bit more fun. Those styles of dance steered me away from the classicalness of ballet.
When I was ten, I began hip hop, and that's when I realised what I wanted to do with my life. Even though I did enjoy the other styles, I dropped them, so that I could spend more time on hip hop. Dancing is how I express myself. I did take piano lessons from when I was five to eight, but I was never very good. I've never been a singer, or a writer, or been interested in saving the world. I just.. want to dance. Hip hop helps me to let out all of that aggression, all of that bitterness and anger that I have. Whereever I am, I can just put on some music - hell, I don't even need to do that - and move. Dancing is the only pure thing in my life. The only thing that has never let me down.
Additional Skills
Nothing else matters.
Dancing has given Tempest a great athletic ability. She is a keen flyer, and is very interested in Quidditch. It is not her main priority as a hobby, but she is still very committed to her team. She is also quite good at basketball and soccer, among other things.
Apart from the obvious.. I don't know, not taking s**t?
Dancing (obviously), flying, anything physical, academic pursuits (while she does try in school, a lot comes naturally), her loyalty, her subtle humour, her ability to make people smile, and always doing the right thing in the end.
I guess that I can kind of be a bit over the top sometimes.
Knowing when to keep her mouth shut, understanding boundaries, taking things personally and getting offended easily, offending other people (intended or not), cursing more than necessary, time management.
Like, my favourite colour and movies and s**t? Umm.. well, I like try to like dance movies, but sometimes awesome choreography can't make up for the crappy storylines. When it comes to music, you'd pressume that I love hip hop and top 40 stuff, right? Well, no. I dance to that type of music, sure, it has a good beat and stuff.. but me? I actually love grunge and alternative rock. Give me some Nirvana, or Pearl Jam, and I'm f**king set. Ooh, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers! Oh, and the Pixies, Smashing Pumpkins, that kind of stuff. Love it. Kind of surprising though, isn't it? I guess I'm a bit of a contradiction when it comes to most things. Stereotypes sucks. My favourite sport - besides Quidditch, we already discussed that - would be basketball. Aaaand my favourite colour would probably be red. Hot like fiyaaah.
Three-Word Description
Dance. Or. Die.
Feisty, ambitious, stubborn.
Favourite Place
Whereever my legs are. I can dance pretty much any-f**king-where, but I suppose my favourite place would be home. Despite my terribly annoying parents, home has my dance space (aka - garage), my stuff, etcetera. I can go to the mall or the movies, you know? Home is just.. home. School is okay, but you're stuck in one place. I'm a roamer.
I have awesome friends. The people I hang out with are mostly dancers, and I connect with guys the easiest, but I have cool friends at Salem too. We usually just hang out and stuff, but I go to parties as well, sometimes. I'm not one to go wild at parties like some of my friends.. I just don't think that it would be fun to dance with a hangover. Firewhiskey doesn't do it for me. Plus, my parents would kill me if I got in trouble like that. Anyway, my friends are great. I go to Durmstrang now, and I don't have as many friends here. Mainly because not everyone speaks English.. and I don't speak Bulgarian.
Hogwarts House
I don't even go to Hogwarts.. they don't have houses like that at Durmstrang.
If Tempest were to attend Hogwarts, she would most likely be in Gryffindor. She is bold and confident, very loyal to her friends, and not afraid to stand up for herself. Then again, she is very dedicated and determined when it comes to dancing, so that gives her a slight Slytherin streak. However, I don't think that she's cunning or sly enough to be in that house - she's far too straight-up.
School Hopes and Ambitions
I want to win the Quidditch cup. Unfortunately that probably won't happen, because our team sucks. My parents would like me to become a prefect, so I don't want to disappoint them. Whether I've been good enough to make prefect is debatable. We'll see.
Best and Worst School Subjects
I do pretty well at all subjects, to be honest. I put some effort in, but a lot of it comes naturally. However, my favourite subject would be Defence Against the Dark Arts, because you get to learn badass spells, and how to protect yourself and stuff. My least favourite? That would probably be History of Magic. I just don't have the patience to enjoy sitting in a stuffy classroom writing essays.
Extracurricular Activities
We have a dance crew at Durmstrang, I'm in that. I'm also a beater for the quidditch team, apparently that's good for aggression and stuff. Bulls**t, I just like to hit things. I do like qudditch though, it's pretty fun, an adrenaline rush.
Current Job
I don't have a job right now. Maybe I'll get a summer job at some random place back home.. I could use the extra money, I guess.
Plans for the future
When I leave school, I hope to become a professional dancer. Of course I'd love to be something extraordinary, but I could always settle for being a backup dancer. That would be fun, actually, getting to go on tour with big stars. If that doesn't work out, I could always become a choreographer. They got paid a ton to work on music videos and s**t. I might go to a performing arts school after Durmstrang, but I haven't decided yet.
My Patronus is a wolf. We fierrccce.
Her Patronus is a wolf for several reasons. Firstly, wolves are hardworking animals, and are absolutely loyal. Like Tempest, they are expressive creatures, and are easily angered. They are stronger and more aggressive than the average dog. Also, there is such thing as the Korean wolf, however they are often known by other names. This ties in to Tempest's ethnicity, but her inability to indentify with the culture, calling herself instead an American.
Patronus Memory
My Patronus memory would be the day that I won my first talent show. It was just a little local thing, but hearing the clapping and cheering, for me of all people, was just such a buzz. It wasn't necessarily the winning that I think of as my Patronus memory.. it's more likely just the actual dancing. I had been having trouble with the routine, but somehow I managed to dance the best I ever had. My parents had been wary for me to enter the competition - we're clearly a family that don't enjoy failure - but when I won.. they were so proud of me. And I was so proud of myself! I think I was eleven at the time. It was a f**king ace day.
I'm not interested in becoming an Animagus. Why would you want to turn into an animal? Sure, it would be a cool novelty, but it would get kind of stupid after a while.
If Tempest had to become an Animagus, her animal would be the same as her Patronus.
My boggart would most definitely be anything that meant that I could never dance again. Maybe paralysis, s**t, that would upset me so much, I can't even describe. But then again, I don't think a boggart could take the form of paralysis.. So maybe just a clone of me that couldn't dance? Nah, that wouldn't scare me though, I'd know that it was just a fake clone, and it wasn't hurting me. Maybe.. I don't know, the cliched murderer chasing me? Not my first choice, but who wouldn't be scared by that?
Mirror of Erised
If I looked into the Mirror of Erised, I would be faced with myself.. except that I would be a successful dancer - the best in the world. That's pretty much all I want.
She also wishes to find someone that will love her for who she is - having been rejected in the past, but wouldn't dare to say so out loud. Love is lame, right?
Diary Excerpt
Dear diary,
I hit it today. You know that front flip that I was having trouble nailing? Yeah, I f**king hit it.
Tempest isn't one to brag, but this entry shows how proud she is that all of her hard work has paid off. You can imagine her with a massive smile on her face while writing this.