Teddy Cameron

Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather



Nickname: Teddy
Name Meaning:
Theodore:The meaning of the name Teddy is 'God's Gift'. The origin of the name Teddy is Greek.
Bayne: The meaning of the name Bayne is 'pale bridge'. The origin of the name Bayne is Irish.
Cameron : The meaning of the name Cameron is 'Crooked Stream'. The origin of the name Cameron is Scottish or Gaelic.
Character's Birthdate: October 15th 2010
Hometown: Downpatrick, Ireland
Current residence: New Zealand and Salem
Blood Status: Half Blood
Blood Type: A+
Wand: Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
School House: Hufflepuff
Pets: None right now.
Playby: Christopher Chace Crawford
Playby Meaning:
Christopher : The meaning of the name Christopher is 'Bearing Christ'. The origin o the name Christopher is Greek.
Chace : The meaning of the name Chace is 'Huntsman'. It is a variation of the name Chase which is of English and Old French.
Crawford:The meaning of the name Crawford is 'Ford of the crows'. It is of Old English Origin.


Teddy leaves his hair how ever it looks when he wakes up in the morning. He doesn't really care how people think of him so he dresses how he likes, usually ripped jeans and a tee shirt with a pair of converses or trainers. He is of an average height for his family, slightly taller than the actual average at 5"9. He has drawn in many people with his big blue eyes.


Describe in five words: Loyal, Protective, Angry, Loving, Mature

Teddy isn't a typical Hufflepuff. He is going through a hard time with family and is trying to find himself at the moment. He can be kind and is good with advise and comforting but has a short fuse. He doesn't like people who hold his past deeds against him as he went through a few mean stages. He is quite smart and could get top marks but instead he drifts, only doing what he needs to and nothing more.

He easily makes friends and will stick by someone if he trusts them enough and they are worth it in his eyes. He doesn't forgive easily and often makes mistakes that can cost him friends and make him enemies. H is passionate about the things he does as long as thy are interesting to him.


Magical talents: Healing spells
Other talents: Rugby, speaking Bulgarian.
Weakness: Short temper/easily angered when it comes to his friends or family being threatened or spoken about badly
Likes: Dogs, Rugby, Family, Friends,
Dislikes: 'Plastic' Girls, selfish people, Lipgloss,
Best subject: DADA, Astronomy
Worst subject: History of Magic
Patronus: A horse
Boggart: His sister hurt badly and Teddy unable to reach her in time
Favourite place: The swimming pool at the back of his house.
Worst Place: The home he shared with his step father.
Good Habits: He makes sure his family is well and safe before anything else, he tries to keep up with his studies.
Bad Habits: He will willingly hurt someone who displeases him.


Sign: Libra
Element: Air
Ruling planets: Venus
Symbol: Scales
Stone: Opal
- Patient and Balanced
- Gregarious and sociable
- Loving and affectionate
- Cheerful and energetic
- Indecisive
- May become careless
- Prone to indulgence
- Emotional and sensitive

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<FONT font="Georgia"><SIZE size="150">Year of the Tiger

Tigers do not find worth in power or money. They will be completely honest about how they feel and expect the same of you. On the other hand, they seek approval from peers and family. Generally, because of their charming personalities Tigers are well liked. Often, failing at a given task or being unproductive in his personal or professional life can cause a Tiger to experience a depression. Criticism from loved ones can also generate this type of Tiger reaction. Still, like all felines, Tigers always land on their feet, ready for their next act in life, pursuing it with unyielding energy and hunting it infallibly.

<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">THE METAL TIGER (2010)

The Metal element gives the Tiger its sharpness in action and speed of thought. Tigers born in the Metal year like to stand out in a crowd. With an inspiring assertiveness and competitive demeanor, they determine their goals and then do anything necessary to achieve them. This good-looking character sometimes suffers from mood swings and temper tantrums. The Tiger can be known to jump to conclusions or to act too quickly without weighing the options or understanding the consequences. This is a flaw Tigers must learn to curb.


Tigers tackle everything in their lives in brief bursts of energy, collapsing afterwards in a heap of exhaustion. Normally they are soon back to full strength, but their approach can cause their long-term health to suffer. They should take it a little easier and learn to pace themselves to keep active longer and to prevent early burnout. They are blessed with flexibility and recover quickly from illness or pain. They owe it to themselves to relax a little. Along with the fitness of their long-term health, Tigers must be aware of how they react to and are affected by the consequences of their tempers. A Tiger's meanest enemy is the damage he can inflict upon himself in the midst of a temper tantrum.


Color Preference: Mid-green
Gems and Stones: Ruby, Diamond, Cat's Eye
Suitable Gifts: Exotic cookbooks, travel guides, sports gear, mystery or crime novel, extreme sport lessons
Hobbies and Pastimes: Amateur theater, extreme sports, loud parties, intriguing vacations
Tigers Dislike: Not getting enough recognition for their efforts. Being inferior to others at work, impolite people


These Tigers play fair and value justice in their everyday lives. They are known to flail in their own personal decision-making efforts.


Teddy was born to Michelle and Kevin Cameron. He had a good first two years where he was spoilt and loved, when he was three things between his parents became slightly Rocky. Before he was four they had divorced and his mother was engaged to his soon-to-be step father, Darren Tesla. Though Teddy loved his father more than anyone in the world, he had to live with his mother while his father went into a spiral of more and more alcohol from the divorce.

Teddy hated Darren more than anyone and blamed him for the break up of his parents. Darren was overly protective of Michelle and, by the beginning of his Hogwarts years, wouldn't even let Teddy be in the same room with her alone in case he would convert her or something like that.

When Teddy was five and a half Kevin got his attitude together and cleaned up enough that he got joint custody over Teddy and Teddy went to stay with him on some weekends and holidays, around the same time his baby sister arrived. Tracey Tesla. He was with her almost all of the time that he could be when he was at his mothers and she grew up hating Darren as much as he did.


During Teddy's first year he made some great friends. He dated a girl called Alexia, only to find out that her best friend and his crush at the time, Imogen Day, liked him back. Alexia dumped him after a couple of week, saying she could tell he liked Immy and that he should be with her. During their kiss goodbye Immy saw them and ran off crying. Teddy chased after her and, after a lot of explaining, they ended up together, They even ended up dancing together by accident at the yule ball. During the time that Immy and Teddy were dating, Teddy met a girl who would also be a big part of his life, Angela Marion.

Teddy met Angela as a reason to get away from the person he was talking to before hand. At the time her aunt had been dating his father and, since she was almost half his age, he wasn't to pleased about it. They got into a small fight but they got over that and became good friends.



Second year wasn't nearly as good as first year. It started off with his father being dumped by Angela's aunt and, by extension, Angela becoming an enemy instead of a friend. He let his anger get the better of him and ended up bullying Angela physically and threatening her. It is not something he was proud of at all. After Kevin found out and had 'a talk' with him, Teddy realised just how cruel he had been, physically breaking her bones and all, and apologised to her. She forgave him and they returned to friends.

During the holidays Teddy and Immy had grown apart and, when they next saw each other, they felt it. Though they were technically still going out, they had both changed and realised they were better off as they had been originally, just friends. Kevin got married to a younger woman in Vegas, a much younger woman. At first Teddy did not approve but, after meeting her, he found that she was a great woman and she suited his father perfectly.

After Teddy and Immy were officially over, he got closer with Angela, becoming one of her best friends. One of the times they hung out something changed, Angela kissed him on a whim, even though she had a boyfriend already, and he just let it slide. They both passed it off as nothing and continued on their day. Of course, it didn't stop there, they ended up kissing again not two hours leter and this time it wasn't so innocent, things got more interesting when Adam, her boyfriend, arrived. Luckily for the both of them, Teddy could always lie convincingly and he just span the truth so it missed out the kissing part. The rest of the year went on normally. Teddy and Angela began to see each other behind Adams back and, although he knew it was wrong, Teddy liked to rush of breaking the rules.



Third year was more than exciting for Teddy. It started off with Stacy getting pregnant. Teddy was happy about it because his father was thrilled as well. During the holidays Teddy had changed slightly. He became less open, bubbly and started viewing rules as guidelines instead of the law. He began to skip lessons, choosing to read up on things in his own time, and get into other sorts of trouble.

During the holidays, Angela had begun to feel guilty and, seeing as she loved Adam more, broke it off with Teddy during third year. Teddy really wouldn't have minded her breaking it off with him if she hadn't slapped him, he really didn't like it when people slapped him. As was per usual with Teddy, his anger took over his mind and he decided to do something to get back at her. His choice of revenge was the truth, he found Adam and told him everything. Well, he told him everything in a way that wasn't completely true and ended up with Teddy looking like a hero.

During the same week he heard from his sister, a friend of a relative of a Slytherin, that she was taking sides on a family feud. Tracey insisted that Teddy tell the big sister and, since he was a sucker when it came to his baby sister, he did. Teddy found Shaylah Rouge to be an interesting girl, she applauded the ruining of Angela's love life and accepted him as an ally.

During third year Teddy also made friends with Immy's best friend, Lauren. She had also changed and he ran into her while she was trying to take something from a shop. He had shown her how to do it without being completely obvious and ended up almost using her like he had Angela but, in the end, he couldn't be bothered. He had tried looking for her but had run into Immy instead and ended up having a nice conversation with her. That was the last time he had seen Immy for a while.

When he went home for the Christmas holidays he found that the family had been going through some trouble. Tracey had shown not only signs of magic but proper magic, as in boxes flying around the room magic. Because of it, Darren had thrown the poor eight year old out of the house. Somehow she had taken buses and trains up to Kevins flat and, Kevin being the nice guy he was, he let her stay in Teddy's room. During that night Michelle arrived, demanding that her daughter be returned to her. Darren had told her a completely different story about kidnapping and stuff. Eventually Michelle was calmed down and told the truth, that resulted in the break up of her and Darren. During those holidays they also discovered that Tracey was Kevins daughter, not Darrens. When Teddy got home this was all explained to him and, over the holidays, the situation got more tense.

Darren began to stalk Michelle, he demanded she stay with him at least until his baby was born. When the Camerons took Michelle in with them in their home, Darren began to stalk them as well. Eventually they decided it would be best to move. The whole family decided to move to Salem to start a fresh.



During fourth year the Cameron family returned to New Zealand. It had been a year and they felt it was safe. Michelle and her new baby stayed in Salem while Kevin, Tracey, Teddy, Stacey and the new baby girl, Olivia, moved back home. This was mainly because Teddy was having trouble at Salems academy for the magically gifted. He got into a lot of fights and, in the end, Kevin said he could return to Hogwarts if he stayed out of trouble. Teddy returned closer to the way he was in his first year than his third. He was trying to change back in to the happy, nice guy he had been. It was hard for him as he often wanted to go with his instincts and be mean but he persevered.

Of course, he managed to run into Shaylah during the year who wanted the nasty and cruel Teddy Cameron back but he stood his ground. She ended up deciding she didn't like the nice version of Teddy and they seized to be friends any more.

Of course, just his luck, the person Teddy ran into before Shaylah, when he first returned to Hogwarts ,was none other than Angela Marion. He didn't recognise her at first, she had died her hair red and changed her style completely. He discovered, in their first meeting, that Sarah had died. He had liked Sarah, the only thing he hadn't liked about her was the dating his dad part. He was lucky really, Angela was always so forgiving, she gave him more chances than he deserved.

During a Brightstone weekend Teddy managed to trip over Angela's cousin, quite literally, Skyle Darnelle. After Skyle realised he was serious about changing they began to hit it off and got along well enough to begin to write to each other. Teddy really like Skyle and, from what he could tell, there was a chance she liked him back. While they wrote to each other they discussed telling Angela that they were friends, or even more. He knew she liked him, deep down she always had. After the letter that Skyle sent saying she would tell Angela, Teddy got no more replies from the gorgeous blonde girl.

Eventually the yule ball came around and he ended up going with Angela as friends, he hadn't been to the yule ball since his first year. They ended up going outside and sitting under the stars talking. Teddy as still curious about why he had no reply from Skyle and decided to bring up the subject of her slyly. He casually mentioned that he had met her cousin and watched Angela's reaction, She pretended that she didn't care and kissed Teddy. While Teddy would've enjoyed it in the past, he pushed her off of him now. Now he only had eyes for her cousin. The night ended with Teddy realising Angela had thought they weren't at the ball as friends before she ran off. Teddy realised from that experience that there probably wasn't a chance that he could be with Skyle. Skyle cared for Angela too much to hurt their relationship, even if it was for love.

During a Brightstone weekend, while Teddy wondered alone due to his lack of friends, he ran into a very old friend. Imogen day was there with her sister, Pixie. They had a short conversation, ending with Teddy getting her address and being given orders to owl her as soon as possible. From their short conversation Teddy found out that she had left school just before he had. He wanted to find out why but it was obviously a touchy subject so he didn't push it.

Imogen and Teddy kept in touch through Owls for the rest of the year. About two weeks before the year ended Teddy got some bad news. He discovered his father had passed away. Teddy became distraught about it and made a new sort of friend and got closer to Sydney. At the end of the year, when they went home, he found that Stacy was in a worse place than him only she was also looking after three children. At least, she was trying to. He sent in a letter to the headteacher explaining the home situation and why he would not be returning to the school.



Fifth year started off badly. He was home alone with his three siblings, Tracey, Olivia and Oscar, as Stacy had a habit of going out at night and not returning for a while. A while was usually somewhere between three hours and two days. He found he was almost a natural at parenting and that his newest siblings were as awesome as Tracey was. Olivia liked attention but was a brat when she didn't get it. She helped out as much as she could, only just being able to crawl and that. Tracey usually laughed and helped Olivia feel important by giving her simple things to do. Oscar was already talking away, well, he was trying to. No one had a clue what the small boy was saying but at least he was trying.

Teddy slowly got used to becoming a parent and was getting along well when his cousins turned up unexpectedly at his door. He was struck by the news that, during a family reunion with both of his cousins families in one house, there was a house fire that killed all of them. Only Alfie and Jessi remained as they had left the house briefly. Teddy invited them to live with them in the large house, Stacey didn't notice.

The parent work became easier with Jessi and Alfie there to help him, though there was some tension between Alfie and Teddy that came from both being very powerful personalities. They didn't fight though, Teddy knew they had both been through enough to make them tough and they needed their families now. He had some time to himself but was still around often.

He ran into Sydney again a few times, learning of her change of schools. She also learnt of his past and they became close. Close enough that he was one of the first she wrote to when her mother and her partner were killed. He immediately rushed to her side and, after a breif encounter with Markov who didn't trust him after he accidently caused a fight that made Shaylah break up with him, he comforted her.

Teddy also reconnected with an old aquaintance, Liberty Corvus. He discovered she was also out of school and, like him, was looking after a child. Unlike him, however, the child was her own and she was happily living with the father. They bonded and became friends, leaving with a promise to visit her often in France, where she now lived.



Sixth year started off better than the year before by far. He ran into Sydney once more and they became close friends, helping him become closer with Markov as well. He bacame a part of the group along with Moriah and Ivana too. At the beginning of the year there was a run in with Shaylah that left her on the floor and Markov being dragged off. Teddy found himself having to calm Markov down, a difference from being the one who normally had to be calmed down. She had suggested that Ivana was sleeping with Markov's friends and, well, anyone who knew Markov knew now to talk about Ivana like that. It was her own fault she got hit anyway.

Everything started getting better from then on. Jessi and Alfie took more time to be with the kids, Jessi more so, and Teddy got free time to hang out with his friends.

A few months later, Teddy ran into Skyle at the park. He was shocked to see her and discovered he still held a torch for her. They made plans to keep in touch and see each other again. Teddy left that meeting with a fluttering feeling in his chest.

The fluttering was short lived however, as he ran into Angela a couple of weeks later and found the news that their adoptive father had died. Teddy could see in her eyes that Angela still liked him but, to his relief, he found he no longer like her. Just her cousin.

Teddy saw Skyle again less than a week after his run in with Angela. When he arrived at the meeting place he found her writing a song. After she let him read it he found she felt about him as he felt about her and the shared a passionate kiss before he asked her out properly.


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During the holidays before his seventh year, Teddy visited Skyle, and Angela's, new foster home. He did, however, make the mistake of kissing Skyle at the front door. It appeared she hadn't told Angela about them yet and, as the kiss broke apart, Angela could be seen running away in tears. Although Skyle followed and tried to calm her down, the redheaded girl resorted to violence and threw a glass snow shaker at Teddy before running out of the house. Luckily he was only hurt a little bit. The whole ordeal set Teddy and Skyle off into a conversation about his past and some of the things he had done to Angela, like when he broke her ribs. He explained and it brought them together as a couple though it was not too last.

Just before the end of the holidays, when Teddy was set to start up his education at Durmstrang, His grandmother on the maternal side of the family, got in contact. It seemed she had left the party early and wasn't caught in the flames as the rest of the family was. She was overjoyed to hear they were alive but horrified to see three teenage boys raising the children. She immediately took the children back to her home in Ireland and extended an invitation to the boys as well. Only Jessi took it. Teddy and Alfie moved out of the home they had been in, now empty as Stacy had been reported to social services as well, and into a flat they shared together.

Teddy and Alfie grew closer and, through it all, Teddy changed once again. He realised he was free, there was no longer the great responsibility he was used too, he could be a normal teenager. He decided to follow in his cousins footsteps and realised he preferred single life to a settle one. He promptly broke up with Skyle, he could sense she saw it coming, and lived his life as a normal kid. Over the year he discovered he wasn't the same person as Alfie and was too nice to mess girls around the way his roommate did. He settled for a comfy place in between, not a bad boy but not always good either.



March 2009

Aimless Wandering - Elliot Thunders (Obsidian Harbour)

April 2009

Birthday boy. - Elliot Thunders, Imogen Day, Taylor Marks, Jessi Emmeton, Alfie Martins (Obsidian Harbour)

May 2009

Wand time - Dorothy Ollivander (Ollivanders)

Settling In - Minx Potter, Alex Wester, Emilie Silverfox (Hufflepuff Common Room)

It's a lake! Closed - Jessi Emmeton, Taylor Marks, Alfie Martins, Imogen Day, Elliot Thunders, Judy Sherman, Scarlette Mansen, Megan Vine (The Lakefront)

huffleypuffleys - Liberty Barnett, Alfie Martins, Vivienne Esquire, Angelbert Swift (Hufflepuff Common Room)

Apologies and forgivings. - Imogen Day (Obsidian Harbour)

Here we go - Judy Sherman, Emilie Silverfox, Renesmee Rochers (Hufflepuff Common Room)

Down by the Lake - Barbara Grant (The Lakefront)

June 2009

Nice and Toasty - Arial Wright (Hufflepuff Common Room)

New Friends - Imogen Day, Liberty Barnett (Library)

Taking a walk - Jacob Cooper (The Lakefront)

It's been a while - Imogen Day (The Lakefront)

July 2009

Feeling Hot - Alexia Smith, Imogen Day (The Lakefront)

Day Household - Imogen Day (The United Kingdom)

Walking the lady home. - Imogen Day, Alexia Smith (The Seventh Floor Corridor)

After the drama - Imogen Day, Alexia Smith (The Seventh Floor Corridor)

August 2009

It's Greaat to see you. - Imogen Day (The Lakefront)

Making older friends. - Tobias Barnett (The Three Broomsticks)

Away from home... - Angela Marion (The Three Broomsticks)

Birthday Time - Cyril Tokarev, Imogen Day, Lauren Gem (Great Hall)

September 2009

SOME FUN - Kyle Alcott, Alex Cullen, Sam Prince, Beaumont Karhunlappi, Danny Boyd, James Gardner, Calvin Spencer, Derrik Agile (Hufflepuff Boys Dorm Room #2)

Freinds to enemies - Angela Marion (The Great Lawn)

October 2009

Run and Hide - Angela Marion (The Great Lawn)

November 2009

This Distance Between Us - Imogen Day (The Lakefront)

In a hurry - Alexis Ziamian (The Seventh Floor Corridor)

December 2009

Meeting the Step Son - Stacy Cameron (Brightstone Village)

Second Year Elective Time - Professor Aurora Merrythought, Kyle Alcott, Dannii Merrythought, (Hufflepuff Common Room)

Stress... Lots of stress... - Angela Marion, Adam Simons (The Forbidden Forest)

What my boyfriend doesn't know - Angela Marion (The Rosebush)

January 2010

School stuff - SALE ARCHIVE

The new me - Lauren Gem (The Muggle Market)

February 2010

What are you saying? - Angela Marion (The Hogwarts Garden)

What you looking at shorty? - Same Carter (Hufflepuff Common Room)

Hey, it's you again : ) - Lauren Gem (The Lakefront)

Something I'm sure you want to know - Adam Simons (The Lakefront)

March 2010

You mean you're with us?! - Shaylah Rouge (The Great Lawn)

you babe! - Shaylah Rouge, Markov Kalforovich (Brightsone Village)

Wrong girl but nice suprise - Imogen Day, Cyril Tokarev (The Great Lawn)

April 2010


May 2010


June 2010

Haha, long time no see; jerk! - Angela Marion (The Seventh Floor Corridor)

July 2010

And So The Plot Thickens - Skyle Darnelle (Brightstone Village)

Old Friend - Shaylah Rouge (The Lakefront)

Hey you - Angela Marion (The Lakefront)

Night time wander from all the noise - Angela Marion (The Great Lawn)

August 2010

Lived And Learned - Imogen Day (Brightstone Village)

My old friend - Imogen Day (The Owlery)

September 2010

I'm Sorry, have we met? - Sydney Caine (The Lakefront)

There's just no way. - Ava Prince (The Lakefront)

October 2010

Hmm, So who could you be? - Caley Shale (Brightstone Village)

Woah! Who do you belong to? - Chalky (New Zealand)

November 2010

Nowhere else to turn - Alfie Martins, Jessi Emmeton (New Zealand)

December 2010

Time Out - Liberty Corvus (Brightstone Villiage)

We Have To Stop Meeting Like This - Angela Marion (Tākarokaro Park)

# Long Time No See, How've You Been? - Sydney Caine (Obsidian Harbour)

January 2011

What The Hell Do You Want? - Markov Kalforovich, Shaylah Rouge (Brightstone Village)

February 2011

March 2011

Old Friends - Skyle Anne Irene Darnelle (Tākarokaro Park)

April 2011

Long Time, No See. - Angela Marion (New Zealand)

Meeting him Again - Skyle Anne Irene Darnelle (Tākarokaro Park)

May 2011

Visit To The Home, This Could Be Fun - Skyle Anne Irene Darnelle, Angela Marion (New Zealand)

June 2011
A Party To Remember - Taneaka Kalforovich, Aaliyah Flintwood, Adonia Vincent, Ailis-Naithi Quinlan-Maddix, Sydney Caine, Maia Purdue, Markov Kalforovich, Rue Undersee, Angela Marion, Solenn Goldameir, Alfie Martins, Aisling-Soifra Quinlan-Maddix, Tynan-Conor Quinlan-Maddix, Skyle Anne Irene Darnelle, Alexia Mason, Alexander Remington, Raven Valentine, Riley Smith, Jared Mccoy (New Zealand)

Ummmm, Yeah, About That - Skyle Anne Irene Darnelle (New Zealand)

July 2011

first time for everyting - Briar Rowan (The three broomsticks)

New Me, New Friends - Ash Richards (Obsidian Harbour)

August 2011

Got To Love Those Lazy Days In Summer - Solenn Goldameir (New Zealand)​



Kevin Jason Cameron - Father
Kevin Jason Cameron was born on April 7th, 1993. He died, aged forty, from severe brain damage after a car accident on his way home. He was a half blood who was brought up around magic. He worked as a muggle plumber, fixing things with magic away from the eye of his muggle clients. Kevin was still childish in mind, though he was generally mature when it came to important situations.


Michelle Tesla - Mother, 36
Michelle Tesla was born on September 19th, 1994. She is a muggle who fell for a wizard, as did her two sisters. She has no job, choosing to be a housewife instead. Michelle is a responsible woman who likes a settled life but doesn't seem to be able to have one.


Darren Tesla - Ex Step Father, 37
Darren Tesla was a muggle man who liked to have a controlled way of life. He does not like magic and, by association, Teddy and Tracey. He likes life a certain way, predictable and planned.


Stacy Cameron - Step Mother, 21
Stacy Cameron was born March 31st 2004. She doesn't work either, though she had dreams of becoming a model they were shattered when Kevin died. When he died she became a shell. She rarely leaves her room and, when she does, it's only to find a drink. She no longer cares about anything, including her children.



Tracey Cameron - Sister, 11
Tracey Louisa Cameron was born to Michelle Tesla and Kevin Cameron on April 23rd, 2016. She is a sweet girl who wants nothing more than to grow up like her brother. She idolises him as he has been there for her her entire life and never let her down at all though the hard times she's faced in her short life.


Oscar Cameron - Half Brother,
Olivia Cameron - Half Sister,

Oscar and Olivia are both small children. They are both developing nicely but haven't fully formed proper personalities yet.

Extended Family


All but two members of Teddy's Autns, uncles and cousins were killed at a family event. During a family reunion between his mothers sisters and their families (his could not attend due to various situations preventing them) there was a fire. Two of his cousins were out getting snacks for the party while the rest sat upstairs. The fire broke out downstairs and, by the time anyone noticed the smoke and flames, it was too late. The names of the deceased are listed below, some of their pictures are shown above.

Alexis Emmeton (35)
Jasper Emmeton (39)
Ocean Emmeton (9)
Skye Emmeton (9)
Aiden-Owen Emmeton (7)
Noah Emmeton (4)
Leila Martins (37)
Josh Martins(38)
Laurie Martins(10)
Edward Martins (8)
Cassie Martins (5)


Jessi Emmeton
Jessi Emmetone was born to Alexis and Jasper Emmeton. He was slightly child like in his behaviors and likes but not to a disturbing level. After his families death he withdrew and leant more upon his cousin, Alfie. He spent more time with Teddy's siblings and pushed himself to be a member of the family.


Alfie Martins
Alife Martine was born to Leila and Josh Martins. He was just slightly more mature than Jessi until his families death. He become colder and tougher, more defensive and protective over the family he had left.
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather


Holly possesses protection qualities which far surpass any other wood and is on record for it overall strength. Holly is the chosen wood for use in preforming and guiding dream magic. Holly is very pure and will not tolerate dark forces or energies and will best be used to channel positive energy for the betterment of the world.​

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