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Full Name:
- Theodore Bayne Cameron. Theodore comes from the Greek, meaning "Gods' Gift". Bayne comes from the Irish, meaning "Pale Bridge". Cameron comes from the Scottish or Gaelic meaning "Crooked Stream".
Date of Birth:
- Teddy was born at 7:23 on October 15th, 2010 (A Friday)
Current Age:
- Seventeen
Basic Appearance:
- Teddy leaves his hair how ever it looks when he wakes up in the morning. H doesn't really care how people think of him so he dresses how he likes, usually ripped jeans and a tee shirt with a pair of converses or trainers. He is of an average height for his family, slightly taller than the actual average at 5"9. He has drawn in many people with his big blue eyes.
- Teddy isn't a typical Hufflepuff. He is going through a hard time with family and is trying to find himself at the moment. He can be kind and is good with advise and comforting but has a short fuse. He doesn't like people who hold his past deeds against him as he went through a few mean stages. He is quite smart and could get top marks but instead he drifts, only doing what he needs to and nothing more. He easily makes friends and will stick by someone if he trusts them enough and they are worth it in his eyes. He doesn't forgive easily and often makes mistakes that can cost him friends and make him enemies. H is passionate about the things he does as long as thy are interesting to him.
- Teddy has no pets as the flat they just moved into doesn't allow anything other than a cat or owl.
Area of Residence:
- Teddy was raised in Downpatrick, Ireland. Since then he has lived in Wellington, New Zealand, Salem, Massachusetts and is now back in Wellington.
Blood Status:
- Half blood
- Teddy is Irish on both sides of the family. His mother is a muggle and his father is a pureblood.
Special Abilities:
- Teddy has been trained to be a Coyote Animagus.
Interests or Hobbies:
- Flying, not quidditch, looking after his family,
Additional Skills:
- Teddy can swim amazingy and plays rugby quite well though he is out of practice.
- Rugby, DADA, Raising Children
- Easily Angered, defensive, Protective
Describe your character in three words:
- Loyal, Fun-loving and Defensive
Favourite place to be:
- The new flat that He and Alfie live in alone. This is because it's a place of their own.
- Sydney Caine
- Markov Kalforovich
- Angela Marion
- Skyle Darnelle
Hogwarts House:
- Teddy was a Hufflepuff before he dropped out of school.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- N/A
Best school subjects:
- Astronomy
Worst school subjects:
- History of Magic
Extracurricular Activities:
- None as of yet.
- Has not happened yet.
Current Job:
- He doesn't have a job at the moment, nor has he had one before unless you count babysitting siblings.
Plans for your future:
- Short term: Go back to school to graduate
- Long term: Unknown/Unsure
Your Patronus:
- Teddy's animagus form is a Coyote. This is because
Your Patronus memory:
- A day out with the three children and his two cousins in Paris, celebrating Tracey's eleventh birthday and her acceptance into Hogwarts.
Your Boggart:
- Dannii's boggart is anything happening to another member of his family. This is because his world pretty much ended when his father died, and again when his extended family died. The family he has now is all that is left and he is incredibly close to them all.
Your Animagus:
- Teddy's animagus form is a Coyote. This is because
Mirror of Erised : His entire family back from the dead and all in one place, safe.
Family :

Kevin Cameron
April 7th, 1993 - 2023
Half Blood

Michelle Tesla
September 19th, 1994 - Present Day

Stacy Cameron
March 31st 2004 - Present Day

Tracey Cameron
April 23rd, 2016 - Present Day
Half Blood

Oscar Cameron
June 26th, 2024 - Present Day
Half Blood

Olivia Cameron
November 3rd, 2025 - Present Day

Jessi Emmeton
7th April 2010
Half Blood

Alfie Martins
March 14th 2010 - Present Day
Half Blood