Teach And Be Taught

Angela Marion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Angela Had been cooped up in the school for the longest time. She had been putting up with drama and adolescent hormones alone for too long. So, on the sunny day of her choice; Angela left. She wanted to make new friends; maybe even an unsorted student to teach. She had never taught before. And like an answer to her prayers, she found one. A bleach blond girl, shorter then herself. Being as brave as she was, she walked strait up to her. "Hi." She said smartly.
Loreli had been getting braver and braver as the time progressed. She had been getting out of the house more, and even tlaking to her step mom. She loved the feeling she got from talking; though she still couldn't manage to get rid of her stutter. She had been looking into shop window, not really planning on buying anything, when she was approached by a girl; not much older then her. The sentence she spoke was simple and in a tone that made Loreli smile. "H-hi." Seh looked around. "D-do you need s-some help?' Having lived here for a while, Loreli at least knew where she was.
The girl spoke with a stutter. She must have been shy; possibly slow. Angela wasn't going to bring any of that up. She smiled at her and answered her question. "No, I'm just saying Hi. I'm Angela By the way." She adjusted her tank, pulling it down over her hips. Her outfit was perfectly arranged; even though it looked like an accident. She smiled and waited for the girl to make her move.
The girl introduced herself confidently, as Angela. why couldn't Loreli be that confident? She smiled though and nodded, "I'm Loreli. I-I love y-your neckl-lace." She complimented. It was in the shape of a diamond, and was the same color pink as what Loreli could see of her shirt.
"Well thanks Loreli." Angela toyed with the necklace a bit, not even thinking. "That's an interesting name; Loreli." She said repeating it. She liked how it sounded. It fit the girl too. Her striking blue eyes and pale skin went lovely with her blond hair. She looked at her and smiled. "Are you from around here; I haven't seen you around school."
She noticed Angela toying with her necklace, and she toyed with her own. It was involintary, like a chain reaction. Seh smiled and messed with teh edge of her flipflops. Seh felt so plain in her outfit compared to Angela. "Thanks. M-my mother p-picked it." The girl asked if she was around their, and then implied school. "O-oh, yeah. Not to far f-from here. I-I don't go to school yet. I-i'm going t-to Hogwarts NZ soon t-though." Seh cursed her tongue as she stuttered more.
Angela looked at the blue dress this girl was wearing. It was definitely something different. She usually wore bright colors, but not something so girly. Maybe it wasn't Loreli's choice; maybe it was her parents. Which compelled her to ask; "Do you live with your parents?" She was curious, and hoped it wasn't a sore subject.
Loreli thought about Angela's question. She did and she didn't. And that's how she answered it. "Well, s-sorta. I mean... I h-have two moms.... I n-never knew my dad." She said. she usually didn't open up so far; but Angela made her feel safe. Like she could trust; something she didn't do often.
Angela hadn't expected that answer. She didn't even have something like that. She just didn't have a dad. That they had in common; she supposed. "Well, that's interesting; definitely." She smiled. "It must be interesting though, having two mom's." Angela couldn't even begin to imagine what it would be like to have another mom. Especially since she really couldn't recall what it was like to have a mom.
Loreli nodded and smiled at her. It was interesting; but lately, it was as if she was back to one mom. Lyneth; her real mom's fiance, had been going out really often. She knew it worried her mom to a great extent. "W-what about you? W-what's your family l-like?" Loreli asked with a slight smile. She hoped that it was nothing like her family.

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