Taylor Hirst

Taylor Hirst

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Avodire Wand 16” Essence of Griffin Claw

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Taylor Alex Hirst
[First name:] Taylo: To cut
[Middle name:] Alex: Defending man
[Surname:] Hirst: Deer
[Character's Birthdate:] January 18th 2008
[Hometown:] Cambridge, England
[Current location:] London, England. But as he travels a lot with his job he has residences in; Outside Obsidian, New Zealand, Nice, France; Chicago, USA
[Blood Status:] Half Blood
[Wand:] Avodire Wand 16" Essence of Griffin Claw
[Hogwarts House:] Ravenclaw
[Occupation:] Pilot
[Martial Status:] Divorced

Dark brown, short hair
[Eyes:] Dark brown
[Height:] 5'10"
[Style:] Fairly casual clothing on a daily basis when not at work, mostly a shirt and a pair of jeans.

[A Little Deeper
Taylor is a very friendly guy and could get along with pretty much anyone. He has a lot of male friends that he can be a complete 'dude' around and goof about but he also has a sensitive side which always made him a hit with the ladies. He's always one to make a joke and liven up any party. When he's not being the life of the party (and when he is) he is very sensible and very smart. Having been sorted into Ravenclaw he's always been into books and naturally smart so while he took his studies seriously he could be known to slack off but would always able to catch up.

[History:] Taylor grew up in Cambridge, England in the countryside in a lovely country house with his parents and 3 siblings. He had a lovely childhood, with his family being slightly well off due to his father having a well paying job as a Pilot. Taylor got to grow up seeing a lot of the World as his family travelled when his father was on long stay overs when on flights and became quite cultured from a young age learning French, Chinese and some German. He loved being able to travel from a young age and learning things about different countries and cultures. Although he missed it when he went to Hogwarts but soon learned to cope with it as he got accustomed to Hogwarts and his new lifestyle very easily, making friends almost instantly. In his third year he became Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and in his fifth year he became Prefect. Also in his fifth year he began dating one of his best friends; Maia Purdue. For a long time he had found her very attractive and was extremely happy when she agreed to go out with him.

Everything had been going fine with him and Maia until his final year. A few weeks before Graduation he and his friends snuck out of the castle to Hogsmede Village and stayed in the Hogs Head that night. On the course of that night he and his friends got very drunk. That night there was a group of girls that were travelling and ended up in Scotland. On the course of that night Taylor got very close to a certain girl, Kimber. At the end of the night Kimber came to Taylor's room and they ended up sleeping together. They decided to forget about it the next day as they both knew it was just a drunken one night stand. Although not long after Taylor received a letter informing him that Kimber was pregnant and he was the father. One his last day at Hogwarts, just before getting on the train he broke up with Maia as he planned to propose to Kimber and be there for his child - figuring it was easier on Maia that way.

Not long after Kimber and Taylor got married and played happy families for everyone but really didn't get on too well and fought a lot but stayed together for Jessica; their daughter. Two years later, while on one of his breaks from his job, Taylor bumped into Maia. All the time he had been together with Kimber he still loved Maia and often thought about her. They got to talking and when she agreed to take him back he was ecstatic. As soon as they had gotten back together he began to file his divorce with Kimber. Although, just before the divorce was finalise, Maia found a picture of Taylor, Kimber and Jessica on one of their holidays. He tried to explain the situation but Maia broke it off with him and no matter how hard he tried she wouldn't listen to him. Now divorced and without Maia, Taylor became very depressed and suffered a stint of being an alcoholic, causing him to do and say things that he regretted as soon as he became sober again but it was too late; Maia had moved and no one knew where too and if they did they weren't going to tell Taylor.

After Taylor sobered up he returned to his job and had gained part custody of his daughter Jessica who he got to see on his breaks and holidays. Taylor was getting his life back on track and had even bought a few residences in some of his favourite destinations so he could live in comfort rather than style when he went to those destinations. He even began to start dating again but nothing serious as he still loved Maia.

In August 2028, while having sometime off, Taylor found him in New Zealand bumped into Maia again. The two started to talk and became friends again over time. With the company of Megan on some nights it was like the good old days, being back in Hogwarts, the three of them talking and laughing about old times and new as if nothing had changed. Taylor, still very much in love with Maia, is finding it harder and harder to keep him feelings aside but in fear of loosing her again is remaining just friends with Maia until he can see something that would indicate that maybe, just maybe, she felt the same way.

[Ex-Wife] Kimber Conway
[DOB] May 25th 2008
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Ministry Offical
[Education] Beauxbatons

[Daughter] Jessica Hirsh
[DOB] January 27th 2027
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Too Young
[Education] Too Young

[Mother] Hilary Hirsh (Kent)
[DOB] May 23rd 1974
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Housewife
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw

[Father] Drake Hirsh
[DOB] June 3rd 1972
[Blood Status] Muggle
[Occupation] Pilot
[Education] Muggle Schooling

[Brother] Steven Hirsh
[DOB] July 15th 2003
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Professional Quidditch Player
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Gryffindor

[Brother] Jason Hirsh
[DOB] October 6th 2003
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Bookshop Owner
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw

[Sister] Megan Hirsh
[DOB] April 5th 2009
[Blood Status] Half Blood
[Occupation] Waitress/Actress
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland, Hufflepuff

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