Tayla Brookes

Tayla Brookes

OOC First Name
Bree xox
The Basics
Character's Name: Tayla Brookes
Character's Birthdate: December 8 2012
Hometown: Dunedin
Blood Status: Half blood - Mum is a witch, Dad was a muggle
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Hair: Long blond hair
Eyes: Green
Height: Average
Style: Whatever she feels like. Who cares what they think!
Other Distinguishing Features: Definately her klutziness, and curiosity.
A Little Deeper

Tayla was taught magic by her overprotective mother, and never went to a normal school. She couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts, to escape the confines of her house. She didn't know many children her age. The ones she did know were muggles, who her mother disapproved of. As she grew up she was very lonely. Ever since she was old enough to talk, her mother had been teaching her the words to spells, and wand movements, even if she didn't have a wand. Her father died when she was three in a car crash.

When she got accepted to Hogwarts, her Mum was so proud she went out and bought her a kitten. She's a light gray tabby kitten called Buttons, and she was sooo cute. She was Tayla's absolute favourite thing in the whole world. If she ever saw a boggart, it probably would look like Buttons, dead. As she doesn't have any friends, she cared deeply for the cat. Her Patronus would most likely be a type of big cat. And whenever Buttons is with Tayla, she feels safe.

She grew up in Dunedin, and all her family lived there. Her family has lived in New Zealand for as long as they can remember. She loves visiting Obsidian Harbour, as it's so crowded she can escape the watchful eye of her mother and enjoy herself. She loves, and is good at, the performing arts, and so singing and dancing are her favourite pastimes. She loves reading and can speak French, Spanish and Maori, which her overbearing, perfectionest mother taught her. She is moderately good at flying, and really enjoys it, but she'll never make the Quidditch team.

She is shy, enthusiatic and bubbly, so making new friends is hard, but keeping them is easy. She is in Hufflepuff. While she's at Hogwarts, she hopes to make a few good friends, and enjoy her time there.

Her best subjects will probably be care of magical creatures and charms, as these are useful and interesting subjects, but she doesn't think she'll do well in herbology and divination, as gardening was never something she was good at, and divination is too insubstantial for her to believe it works.

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