Tara Sitara

Tara Sitara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
You call My name
Character's Name: tara Sitara
Tara, a hindu godess
Sitara, hindi for star
Character's Birthdate: 23rd march 2016
Hometown: Joshmath,
Blood Status:(Note: Purebloods must be approved) muggleborn
Wand:(All the information on it you can provide)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
My Face
Hair: Long, dark, It is usually in a long plat down her back.
Eyes: Green
Height: small for her age
Style: She tends to wear traditional indian clothing. however she is starting to adapt them to a more western look
Other Distinguishing Features: she is indian, like wearing bright colours, and floating clothing
it's the inside that matters most
Personality: Tara is very nice and quite bubbly, and happy go lucky. she will never dislike someone unless she has good reason to, and even they it isn't real dislike. she is confident, and enjoys spending time with her friends and family. however she also like spending time her own and takes time to draw, and paint.

History:Tara was born and grew up in in her home town, she was always a little different and spent much time outside drawing, she grew up in a hindu family and is a hindu herself. she Is pretty close to her family. she moved to new zealand when she was eleven. and now attends HNZ
Mother: Hara Sitara (nee, singh), as in her green eyes, she a muggle, she works in her garden, and grows food which she sells, she also makes food and sells that.
Dad: Sakti Satara, farther, he works in the local national park, doing upkeep, and also tours, and is part of the rescue team, if anyone gets lost.
Brother: Keval Sitara, older brother, 3 years older than her. they get on pretty well. he now works with her farther, working in the park. he is also good with his hands and makes small animals wout of soap stone, Hara sells them on her stall. when Tara left he gave her a small elephant with another elephant inside it, this she keeps on her bed side table.
First year
During Taras first year at hogwarts she was sorted into hufflepuff.
she made many frends. from all houses.
thease were.
Kate moon, Sara moon, Grace Raven, Stefan Arcer, Kayden Kight, Georgena knight, Shiloh Denton
On her first Day at the school she bumped into a fellow First year, Stefan Archer, a slytherin. What a Beautiful Day

A week later she met A Gryffndor first year Shiloh Denton, whilst she was painting in the grounds blowing in the willow

She still kept up with her culture, she celibrated Diwali and Met third year Grlyffindor Roze Castro Candles on the lake

She went to the yule ball with some friends, and met many more. she had a good time dancing,wating and socialising Our first yule ball. During the ball she spoke to Hogwarts monthly editor Beth, and was interviewed for the magazine

After the holidays she met another (american) indian student Kayden Knight. Underneath the willow

one evening she explored up to the north tower where she met Stefan Archer again. Some pictures can't be drawn

she was initiated to Heta Omega

For her twelth Birthday she hosted a birthday party for many of her friends. It was basically a version of the Indian Festival holi which was on whilst she was born. It basically consisted with a huge paint fight. Colord Powder

She went to the moon twins birthday party An Irish Ceili and Stefans Birthday, Stefans Birthday

Second Year
Over the summer Tara ventured to england to atend The Moons summer home warming party. a homewarmng party

one day Tara returned to the common room and met Dymetris Kozlov. they hit off instently and by the end of the evening they were going out, and had both enjoyed their first date Card Games

she spent most of her time with him having annother date before the holidays a summer date where he asked her to go to the ball with him. which she did, and have an amazing tme, however they did get a little bit of unwanted attention form one of the professors.Having a ball

After the holidays they met up for annother date. and they had their First argument, as they had different views on when they should tell their familys that they were going out. Dymetris wanted to but Tara didnt. dont want to keep you hanging

their last tade of the year was on the first day of the holidays. they met in the park in Brightstone and were having a good time until Dymetris' uncle interupted them. forcing shouting profanities at tara in russian and ended with him aporating away with dymetris. this experience Distressed Tara a fir bit (I cant post a link as it is in brightstne and i have no link in my inbox)

Third year
When Tara returned home she was so shaken up by the days events that her family noticed immediately. and managed to force the truth out of her. they found out that she was dating Dymetris and reviled something that they had been arranging her marriage to Praneil Patil since she was six. she was left with a choice of ether agreeing to the engagement, or never returning to school, after many sleepless nights she agreed to the engagement under the condition that she didn't marry until she had graduated school.

When she returned to hogwarts she went to the north tower to try and work out how to best break the news to dymetris. however she didnt have much time to think as Dymetris also wanted time to think. she told him. this upset them both, and as he walked away, Tara realised that she was in love with Dymetris, and wished that she hadnt agreed to the marage. I am so sorry.

whilst still trying to get over her breakup she met Kate moon by the lake. so far from home and even further from last year

She made a new friend Sapphire Clow, a mute girl from the year above. they seemed to get on pretty well. uniting in drawing a huge poster in the entrance hall. Paintbrushes

Her Friend Kate Convinced her to attend the halloween feast. she went as Princess Jasmne from aladin. here she met up fifth her friends, Stefan archer, Sapphire Clow, Kate Moon, and met Danielle Warbeck A whole new world
Tara and Dymetris
Tara and Dymetris met in the comonroom one evening and alhough they came from totaly different backgrounds they hit off and started going out that same evening.
(I am not going to post every topic again just look under second year)





Jai ho

break up
the story of us

Tara and Praneil
Tara and Praneil have known each other for as long as they could remember as Praneil is taras brothers best friend. they got on, and Praneil became like a second brother to her. what she didn't know was that their families had been arranging their marriage since tara was six and he was nine. currently they are engaged but Tara has no romantic feelings for him.

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