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- Yet To Be Decided
-Full Name:
Tanner Bryn Hanson
- Birth Date:
October 25
- Current Age:
10 years old
- Basic Appearance:
Tanner has long dirty blonde curly hair that is usually kept under a baseball cap when she is just hanging out. Her eyes are a common enough shade of brown. She is about five foot tall and is a normal build weighing about 95 pounds. Tanner's style is rather comfortable. She enjoys wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans out where ever she goes. If she has to dress up she may wear a pair of leggings with a nice long shirt or possibly a sun dress, nothing more formal.
- Parents:
Tanner's father, Brian Hanson, works in the ministry of magic. Brian was a formal Ravenclaw when he attended Hogwarts Scotland. He is a very kind and caring man that seems to love to go out and teach Tanner loads of muggle sports. Even though Tanner won't admit it, she looks up to her father more than her mother. Tanner's mother, Marie Hanson, works as a muggle writer writing mostly child books. She is a bit more uptight than either Tanner or Brian, but still knows how to have a good time. Tanner is close to her parents as well as her two siblings.
- Siblings:
Tanner has two siblings. She has one sister and one brother. Her sister, Bobbie Hanson, is nine years old. Tanner's brother, Dakota Hanson, is eight years old.
- Pets:
Tanner has one pet at home that is really her's and that is her rabbit named Clea. Though at the Hanson house there is one dog, two birds, and then Clea. Now for the school year she had a new kitten named Payton who has a mind of her own.
- Area of Residence:
New Zealand
- Blood status:
Mixed Blood
- Desired Hogwarts House (And why):
Tanner really doesn't care which house she is put in though if she got to choose she would pick Ravenclaw. Not only for the reason that she would like to be in the same house as both of her parents, but for the simple fact that she has more charactertics of a ravenclaw than any other house.
- Possible Best school subjects (And why):
Tanner would probably be best in History of Magic. She knows that this subject is know for being one of the boring ones but Tanner loved History all her life, well her whole school life, and hopes that this love will continue through her Hogwarts career.
- Possible Worst school subjects (And why):
Tanner's worst subject would possibly be Charms. Though she knows that it is one of the most important subjects, she still can't find herself being good in it, that may change though if she puts enough effort into it. Another subject that may give Tanner a bit of a hard time is Defense Against the Dark Arts.
- What would their Patronus be?
Tanner's patronus would be a Hummingbird
- What would their Boggart be?
Tanner's boggart would probably be the separating of her family. Whether it be a death in the family, a divorce, or anything that could break the closeness that the Hanson family has.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
Tanner's animagus form would probably be a hummingbird.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
There are plenty of happy memories that Tanner could use to create a patronus. One memory that would probably work the best would be the day that Tanner became the only girl accepted to the school baseball team.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
I can't believe I am actually using you. Sorry to say but you are one of those ugly pink and girly ones that my mother always tries to talk me into buying. Finally I got one just to make her be quiet about the whole thing. Anyway, today was a basic day. I hung out with Bobbie most of the day. We went out and played a few games of basketball. Even Dakota joined in after awhile, though he isn't the best at basketball. We always tease it is because he is still shorter than Bobbie, though I know he will be taller than even me some day. I will just have to improve my skills so that I can still beat him.
I've also spent a bit of time in the shopping area, some harbour. I mean it's not really my style at all. I didn't really go shopping. Instead I spent a few times rolling down a huge hill that I found and got a few grass stains, mom wasnt' too happy about that went I came home. But I also went and got some ice cream. Met a few people as well. Things seem to be going as normal, but I'll let you know as soon as something big happens.
Tanner Bryn Hanson
- Birth Date:
October 25
- Current Age:
10 years old
- Basic Appearance:
Tanner has long dirty blonde curly hair that is usually kept under a baseball cap when she is just hanging out. Her eyes are a common enough shade of brown. She is about five foot tall and is a normal build weighing about 95 pounds. Tanner's style is rather comfortable. She enjoys wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans out where ever she goes. If she has to dress up she may wear a pair of leggings with a nice long shirt or possibly a sun dress, nothing more formal.
- Parents:
Tanner's father, Brian Hanson, works in the ministry of magic. Brian was a formal Ravenclaw when he attended Hogwarts Scotland. He is a very kind and caring man that seems to love to go out and teach Tanner loads of muggle sports. Even though Tanner won't admit it, she looks up to her father more than her mother. Tanner's mother, Marie Hanson, works as a muggle writer writing mostly child books. She is a bit more uptight than either Tanner or Brian, but still knows how to have a good time. Tanner is close to her parents as well as her two siblings.
- Siblings:
Tanner has two siblings. She has one sister and one brother. Her sister, Bobbie Hanson, is nine years old. Tanner's brother, Dakota Hanson, is eight years old.
- Pets:
Tanner has one pet at home that is really her's and that is her rabbit named Clea. Though at the Hanson house there is one dog, two birds, and then Clea. Now for the school year she had a new kitten named Payton who has a mind of her own.
- Area of Residence:
New Zealand
- Blood status:
Mixed Blood
- Desired Hogwarts House (And why):
Tanner really doesn't care which house she is put in though if she got to choose she would pick Ravenclaw. Not only for the reason that she would like to be in the same house as both of her parents, but for the simple fact that she has more charactertics of a ravenclaw than any other house.
- Possible Best school subjects (And why):
Tanner would probably be best in History of Magic. She knows that this subject is know for being one of the boring ones but Tanner loved History all her life, well her whole school life, and hopes that this love will continue through her Hogwarts career.
- Possible Worst school subjects (And why):
Tanner's worst subject would possibly be Charms. Though she knows that it is one of the most important subjects, she still can't find herself being good in it, that may change though if she puts enough effort into it. Another subject that may give Tanner a bit of a hard time is Defense Against the Dark Arts.
- What would their Patronus be?
Tanner's patronus would be a Hummingbird
- What would their Boggart be?
Tanner's boggart would probably be the separating of her family. Whether it be a death in the family, a divorce, or anything that could break the closeness that the Hanson family has.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
Tanner's animagus form would probably be a hummingbird.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
There are plenty of happy memories that Tanner could use to create a patronus. One memory that would probably work the best would be the day that Tanner became the only girl accepted to the school baseball team.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
I can't believe I am actually using you. Sorry to say but you are one of those ugly pink and girly ones that my mother always tries to talk me into buying. Finally I got one just to make her be quiet about the whole thing. Anyway, today was a basic day. I hung out with Bobbie most of the day. We went out and played a few games of basketball. Even Dakota joined in after awhile, though he isn't the best at basketball. We always tease it is because he is still shorter than Bobbie, though I know he will be taller than even me some day. I will just have to improve my skills so that I can still beat him.
I've also spent a bit of time in the shopping area, some harbour. I mean it's not really my style at all. I didn't really go shopping. Instead I spent a few times rolling down a huge hill that I found and got a few grass stains, mom wasnt' too happy about that went I came home. But I also went and got some ice cream. Met a few people as well. Things seem to be going as normal, but I'll let you know as soon as something big happens.