Tanner Hanson

Tanner Hanson

Well-Known Member
Yet To Be Decided
{|}Basic Overview{|}
Name: Tanner Bryn Hanson
Nicknames: No Nicknames At This Time
Birthday: October 25
Place of Birth: New Zealand

Family: [ul]
[li]Father:Tanner's father, Brian Hanson, works in the ministry of magic. Brian was a formal Ravenclaw when he attended Hogwarts Scotland. He is a very kind and caring man that seems to love to go out and teach Tanner loads of muggle sports. Even though Tanner won't admit it, she looks up to her father more than her mother</LI>
[li]Mother: Tanner's mother, Marie Hanson, works as a muggle writer writing mostly child books. She is a bit more uptight than either Tanner or Brian, but still knows how to have a good time.
[li]Siblings: Tanner has two siblings. She has one sister and one brother. Her sister, Bobbie Hanson, is nine years old. Tanner's brother, Dakota Hanson, is eight years old.
Type of Relationship with:
[ul][li]Father: Tanner likes her father slightly more than her mother because Tanner and her father have sports to keep them connected.
[li]Mother: Tanner of coarse loves her mother though finds her annoying at times. The constant need for her mother to remind Tanner that she should dress more like a 'girl' gets on Tanner's nerves hurting the connection that could be formed between this mother and daughter
[li]Siblings: Tanner loves her siblings to death. She is close with both of them and even hangs out with them and watches them when not asked. [/li][/ul]

Eye color/shape: Medium round brown eyes
Hair color/style: Long blonde hair with natural loose waves. Usually put under a baseball cap.
Build: Tanner is of a normal build for her age if not on the smaller side. She plays a lot of sports and loves to run so she has an athletic build. Tanner's build shows how sporty she is, but really she normally wears comfortable baggy sweatshirts,because she loves sweatshirts, so her build isn't obvious
Stature: Tanner carries herself with confidence. Never is she shy to walk up into a crowd of people and just start talking. Her head is always held high though not in a stuck up fashion.
Normal Attire: Tanner is normally in a nice sweatshirt or hoodie that is comfortable not always fashionable. Jeans are the normal bottoms though of coarse in the summer she loves to wear shorts. A baseball cap or a hat of other kind is usually upon her head.
Tattoos: not at this age
Scars: Tanner has one scar on her knee from a bad ice skating accident. As well as she has another scar on her shoulder from falling out of a tree when she was five.
Piercings: Tanner has her ears pierced
Other Markings / Body Art: Tanner has no birthmarks or anything like that
Initial Impression: Others usually see Tanner as just one of the boys. At this age, this doesn't bother her, but really excites her that she can fit in so easily, but as she grows older it is slightly going to bother her that everything thinks she is nothing but a tomboy.

Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Year: 1st Year
House: Ravenclaw

{|}Politics & Economics{|}

Mother’s Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Father’s Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Economic Class: Middle Class

Normal Personality: Tanner is usually a very upbeat person. She loves life in general and is nice to just about everyone. Her personality does make her slightly competative and she hates to lose. Though she is not a sore loser, she will beat herself up(not literally) when she loses
Fighting Personality: Tanner does not have an short fuse, but when provoked enough she will get into a verbal fight first. Once the point of a verbal fight is progressed, Tanner will get into a muggle style of fighting usually forgetting that she has a wand at all to use unless the other person starts to use their own wand.
Personal Quirks: Tanner finds herself rearranging shelves in stores or putting things in their proper places all the time without thinking anything of it. But really Tanner does not keep her own room clean for she finds things hard to find in a clean room.
IQ: Since Tanner is in Ravenclaw, she is rather smart. Though really she doesn't find herself smart and even considers herself the lower part of the Ravenclaw house even if her grades are up to par.
Hobbies, Past times: Sports such as baseball, volleyball, softball, football, soccer, rugby, ice skating, and just about anything else. Tanner also loves to sing and dance randomly (not any certain dance just anything to music)
Personal Ambitions: Tanner wants to make the Quidditch team while at Hogwarts. She also wants to be the a profssional softball/baseball player when she is older
Personal Disappointments: Tanner regrets losing a few of her sports games even if she did try her hardest. She really does hate to lose.
Attitude Towards Life: Tanner loves life of coarse
Bad Habits: «what bad habits do they have?» Tanner procrastinates and bites her nails at times of imense stress
Strengths: Ambition, Determined, Self Confident
Weaknesses: Too Competative at Times, Can Be Found PushyFears: Fears the Number 13, Fear of Being Poisoned, Fear of School Buses

{|}The Good And The Bad{|}

Before Hogwarts New Zealand:
[ul]<LI>[li] Good: Being the only girl to make the all star baseball team
[li]Bad: Missing a Very Important jump during a skating competation
[li]Good: Landing a triple in a skating practice
[li]Bad: The Death of her rabbits babies
[li]Good: The many sports games won
[li]Bad: The many sports games lost
[li]Good: Acceptance Letter To Hogwarts

First Year At Hogwarts:
[li]Good: Getting Sorted into Ravenclaw

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