Taloola Mist

Taloola Mist

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name: Taloola Mist. Also known as ‘Looey’ by friends and family

- Birth Date: 21 October 2011

- Current Age: 11

- Basic Appearance: relatively small (4ft 11in)

- Parents: She lives with her mother, her step father (Calvin), her 5 year old half brother, Harry, and her grandmother. Her Father was murdered by death eaters when she was 13 months old.

- Siblings, if any: 1 half brother, Harry.

- Pets, if any: she has a grey Burmese cat called Feygan.

- Area of Residence: A caravan in the middle of the forest of dean.

- Blood status: she doesn’t know for sure because her mother has tried to keep magic away from her, but her mother and her father are both magic, except they are/were both muggle born.

(If your character is a sorted student):
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

Muggle school
- Best school subjects (And why): Music – she doesn’t find the ordinary academic subjects very interesting, but has a creative flare.

- Worst school subjects (And why): everything except from music, because she just doesn’t pay any attention in them because she finds them really boring.

- What would their Patronus be? A deer, because their quiet and easy to frighten. Also because they live in the woods in family groups.

- What would their Bogart be? It would probably be a death eater, because one of them killed her father.

- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) It would be a deer, for the same reason as her patronus.

- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her and her real father fighting the death eater that killed him. And they are winning against the cloaked figure.

- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Sitting in her PJs with her mother and father at night when she was little, with a hot chocolate, counting stars out of the window.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
I got a letter today from a school named Hogwarts. It said, in the letter, that it is a school for “witches and wizards”. I used to think about magic when I was little, but I’ve not believed for years, mom still says it’s a load of garbage, but I heard Grandma saying earlier that I must know the truth, and that if I accidently use magic one day without meaning to, and without knowing how to do it properly I could get into a lot of trouble! I don’t know what to think any more.
Hello Taloola.
I'm going to ask you some questions, you may ask in character or out of character if you like.

1. For the basic appearance, you only have her height, but could you give me some more? Like her hair colour, style and length. Her eye color. Does she have any scars or freckles?

2. Is Taloola's family particularly unwealthy?

3. Do you feel your character would be good at Astronomy because of her joy in counting the stars?

4. Why was her father murdered by death eaters, aside from the fact that he was a muggle born.

5. Could you give me five descriptive words (personality wise) of Taloola and all her family members, including her father before he died?

6. If her family lives in a Caravan (that's just a car right? not a trailer?) how come they have her grandmother living with them and a cat?

7. Do you feel that your characters interest in schooling will heighten because she was raised as a muggle?

This is all for now, I may come back with more later.
Alexis. :D
Hi Alexis,

well Taloola has long black hair, that reaches half way down her back, it has a ginger streak in it, where she tried to dye it blond once. she has bright blue eyes, the same as her mother. she dosen't have freckles, but she has a circular scar on her elbow where she fell out of a tree when she was 9, and a kind of 'splat' one on her foot where she nocked the kettle off of the side, and scolded herself with the boiled water.
Taloola's family have never been particulaly welthy (hence the fact they are living in a carravan), but they have enough to just get by.

If she gave Astronamy a chance, she would probably be very good at it, along with a lot of other things. But Taloola has a very low attension span, and unles she really really enjoys something, she will probaly soon give it up.

Taloola dosen't know why her father was murdered. her mother saw fit to keep it away from her. the true reason being, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Taloola: Quiet, Independent, daydreamer, musical, shy but can be quite friendly.

Taloola's Mother (Marie): Controling, Persuasive, Argumentitive, Moarning (over the loss of her huspand) but caring.

Taloola's Grandmother (Jillian): A free spirit, a muggle, encouraging, helpful, leval headed.

Taloola's Father (Fredrick): Brave, Kind, Supportive, allways saw the best in people, full of life (before he died, of course!)

Well technically a carravan is the one that gets pulled by a car. They are only living there for now. They could not keep up with the morgage on the house, so Marie is trying to find a better job and a house to rent. Jillian has lived with them ever since her huspand past away due to cancer when Taloola was 7. The cat, Feygan doesn't really have a reason for living with them, he just does. Marie hates him because he brings things for his own supper (Mice, small birds, other small rodents) and Marie says "he is manky and discusting!"

When Taloola starts Hogwarts I think she will find it all very fasinating and interesting for a while, but after she has got used to it, it will just be like 'boring old school again', probably.


Willow (Taloola Mist)

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