Talking to Myself

OOC First Name
Karuka ^_^
Brenna wandered along the edge of the lake, talking to Bee, her imaginary friend. "Bee, do you think I'm weird?" she asked in a worried tone. Bee smiled at Brenna. "Of course I don't, you're lovely just the way you are. Don't listen to anyone who calls you weird, they're just jealous!" she promised. Brenna smiled gratefully, and looked out at the lake. Bee was one of her only friends at Hogwarts, and Brenna really wished she had more friends. But the problem with Brenna having friends was the fact that she had been labelled 'weird' by a lot of the other first years.

Brenna and Bee walked together in silence for a little while, as Brenna had nothing to say. She wasn't good at talking to people, so people didn't like her. Brenna missed her home, and hated herself for choosing Hogwarts over her family. Her new foster family were okay, but they weren't her real family.

(Anyone who posts, you can't see Bee so it looks like Brenna is talking to herself!)
Bella decided to take a quiet walk. She needed some air, to clear her head, which was buzzing from thoughts of excitement from her first few days at Hogwarts. Heading towards the lake, she saw a girl in the distance, talking to herself. She shrugged it off, thinking maybe she saw wrong, or maybe she was singing.
Bella walked in the direction of the girl, watching her silently walk by herself. She quickened her pace, hoping to meet someone new. The excitement in her head had given her an adrenaline rush that she never knew herself to have.
Bella caught up with the girl, and walked alongside her.
"Hello," She greeted her. "I'm Bella. Who are you?" She smiled.
Brenna wondered what her life would be life if she had chosen not to come to Hogwarts. It would have been a lot simpler, and she knew for certain that she would have been much happier. Brenna heard footsteps, and Bee smiled at her. "Bye, Brenna." Bee said, fading away into the air before the newcomer could see her. Brenna looked at the girl who had just joined her. "Hello." she replied, in a somewhat confused tone. She wasn't used to talking to people, and it showed. Brenna desperately wanted this girl to think she was normal, so she tried to act natural. "I am Brenna Dunayevskaya." Brenna said slowly. Not many people could pronounce Brenna's surname, which irritated her a little. Her family name was very important to her. "I am in Slytherin house. What house are you in?" she asked, awkwardly trying to make conversation with Bella.
Bella smiled as the girl introduced herself. But the smile quickly faded into confusion as the girl pronounced her surname.
"Duna. . .what? Say it again?" Bella asked. She understood the importance of a name, and she wanted to get it right. But boy, was this a hard name!
Bella smiled slightly as Brenna stated that she was in Slytherin.
"I too, am in Slytherin. Though, I knew that fact before I came here." Bella replied smugly. "What do you think of Slytherin? And Hogwarts in general?" They continued to walk along the lakeside, and Bella looked out to the lake, hoping to see something different.
(I hope you dont mind :) )

Chihiro groan as she stomp her feet on the ground. She couldn't find any of her cousins, she hated that. Especially when otosan (father) sent an owl to her and ask her to give it to Keitaro no matter what happen. But as the matter of face, Keitaro was no where in her sight. She got another owl from her father, and he was yelling at her for not getting a reply from Keitaro. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" She yelled as she walk toward the Lakefront.

Chihiro then noticed two other girls were talking to each other. She had seen them in the common room or during the sorting day but she couldn't remember their names. She decided to talk to them.
"Konnichiwa" She greeted them. "I mean hello!"
Brenna allowed herself a half-smile. She was glad Bella seemed to care about her surname. "Du-na-yev-ah-skay-ah." she pronounced each syllable. Brenna thought carefully about the question. "Hogwarts is..." she paused, wondering how she could describe Hogwarts. "Different. I did not go to a proper school before, so it is strange." Brenna said quietly. "And, Slytherin is okay. I do not know what to think about some of the people here though. Strange how personalities sort the students, isn't it?" Another girl walked up to the two, and Brenna scanned her face. "Hello." she greeted, in a tone that was as close as Brenna got to being cheerful.

(not at all :) )
((I hope you dont mind but im bored it seems to be spreaded...))

Tamalia was bored, what could she posibley do that can entertain her even the slightest, after going to the forest she lost all excitment because nothing was interesting anymore nothing so she went for a walk to try and entertain herself even the slightest but it was not working, when she got to the lakefront she saw some girls, probably about her age maybe a little older, though she had never seen them before, they may be in another house, what if their from Slytherin, Tamalia didnt see the problem with Slytherins but most Gryffindors hated them, Tamalia thinks there her sort of people and she has met alot of awesome Slytherin girls and some Ravenclaw but she dosent have a friend in Gryffindor weird isnt it
"Hi there im Tamalia who are you?" She asked as she waved at the girls smiling slightly
"Du-na-yev-ah-skay-ah." Bella repeated slowly. She repeated a couple of times again in her head, to make sure she had it right.
Bella nodded in understanding as Brenna explained that she didn't go to a proper school beforehand.
"Neither did I." Bella admitted. She had been tutored by one of the many helpers her dad had employed to work around her house.
A girl came up to them, and greeted them in Japanese. She quickly corrected herself in English. Bella nodded to her in acknowledgement as Brenna said hello. She didn't mind getting to know another Slytherin. However, a girl that seemed to be around their age, but in Gryffindor came towards them, and introduced herself as Tamalia. Bella sighed.
She wasn't in the mood for Gryffindors. And she definitely didn't want this to turn into a huge social gathering.
Bella sighed again, but didn't reply. She stood there, with her arms folded across her chest, looking out over the lake.

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