- Messages
- 15
- OOC First Name
- Jordan
- Wand
- Hawthorn, chimera scales
Name: Talia Casandra Rosewood
Age: 12
Year: Second
Race: Muggle Born
Pet: Bat, named Kio
School: Hogwarts
House: Either Hufflepuff or Gryfindor
Over veiw:
Talia was born blind. Though because of her powers as a witch, she could always see through vibrations in the ground and air. She carries a tennis ball to send waves of vibrations in the ground to get a better sense for things.
Physical Description: Talia is very small and fragile looking, with pale skin, large clouded grey eyes, and straight short black hair with bangs that typically hang in from of her sightless eyes. She is 4 feet tall, and and usually doesn't look at people when she talks.
Personality: Talia is jam packed with a stubborn and head strong attitude. She hates people treating her as if she will break any second, or anyone treating her different because she blind for that matter. She is extremely tempermental, and never backs down from a fight. She is sarcastic, and rather unpleasent at times, but to those she cares about, she protects them to her dieing breath.
History: Talia grew up always being coddled by her parents. She hated it, since they always treated her like freak since she could sense things. They would keep her in rooms padded so thouroughly that no vibrations would come through hoping to squash her gift. When she recieved her letter (in brial of course) her parents put her in lock down. But talia managed to escape when she turned 12, and made it to hogwarts.
Age: 12
Year: Second
Race: Muggle Born
Pet: Bat, named Kio
School: Hogwarts
House: Either Hufflepuff or Gryfindor
Over veiw:
Talia was born blind. Though because of her powers as a witch, she could always see through vibrations in the ground and air. She carries a tennis ball to send waves of vibrations in the ground to get a better sense for things.
Physical Description: Talia is very small and fragile looking, with pale skin, large clouded grey eyes, and straight short black hair with bangs that typically hang in from of her sightless eyes. She is 4 feet tall, and and usually doesn't look at people when she talks.
Personality: Talia is jam packed with a stubborn and head strong attitude. She hates people treating her as if she will break any second, or anyone treating her different because she blind for that matter. She is extremely tempermental, and never backs down from a fight. She is sarcastic, and rather unpleasent at times, but to those she cares about, she protects them to her dieing breath.
History: Talia grew up always being coddled by her parents. She hated it, since they always treated her like freak since she could sense things. They would keep her in rooms padded so thouroughly that no vibrations would come through hoping to squash her gift. When she recieved her letter (in brial of course) her parents put her in lock down. But talia managed to escape when she turned 12, and made it to hogwarts.