Taking the world by storm

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Lilith Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
So for you guys that don't know this is Lilith she used to be a 5th year Slytherin but due to many reasons which maybe one day you will find out Lilith now attends Beauxbatons. I know insane right there has never been a Koshiba at the school well now there is. So what is it I want and or need for this way out of her element Koshiba? Well I need some friends that know nothing of her sisters or her family. I need some girls that do know about her family and hate her. I would like for her to have a boyfriend maybe a finale? I thought I had one for her but that is up in the air. I want to bring Lilith to life in this new place hopefully now that I got her out from the shadows of Eden and Hoshi it can be done.

For or against the S. S. S is up to you. Francine is of the fashion world and a sixth year Beauxbaton. If they meet and they are cool with each other Francine would take her under her wing and show her all of what Beauxbaton has to offer. Be warned though Francine tries to be a real Victorian lady so if Lilith starts something you can best sure that Francine is going to finish it. The S. S. S stands for the Striped Stocking Society by the way.
I could see Francine and Lilith being friends. She seems different from anyone Eden would ever hang out with so that makes all the more better in Lilith's book. I shall start a pm tomorrow and pm it to you?
Doesn't Lilith already have a Boyfriend/Final planned? :r
Naomi is in her fifth year and can possibly be a friend who doesn't know anything about Lilith's family or whatnot. Naomi is veeeeeeeeeery kind and gentle, though. PM me if you're interested. xD
If that Final would ever get online and stay on long enough to have a decent pm and get them together than yes and I will pm you Naomi just as soon as I find my beating stick and use it on Hamza :r
I am online, most of the time anyways. The way my life is, I never know what's coming to me. xD I'm ready though.
Of course Eds :3 I'll be waiting
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