Closed Taking Stock

Rhys Garner

freelance writer + apothecary assistant
OOC First Name
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Straight 11 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2041 (18)
Rhys had heard some students talking on the train about how big the library was, so he was quite eager to see that for himself. If he was going to be the best in the year, then he was going to need to get to grips with the library and make the most of everything on offer. As soon as he walked in he was already impressed and as he started moving up and down the aisles looking at what they had on offer he was just getting more eager. That was until he turned the corner and almost walked into someone coming in the other direction. But he managed to stop himself before the collision. "Oh, um... sorry," he admitted softly, "I didn't hear you coming around the corner." If they had bumped into each other, then he would be the first to pin the blame on the other boy. But as they hadn't actually hit each other, no harm no foul.

@Zachariah Ezekiel King
Zachariah looked up from the book in his hand. He blinked at the boy standing in front of him. He raised an eyebrow knowing full well if the boy hadn't stopped they might have crashed and it would be his fault. "Ahhh yeah. Didn't see you either." Zachariah said. He didn't exactly understand why the boy apologized, but he sure as hell wasn't going to. His tone might have sounded bored, but truthfully he was actually bored. He had been looking for something to keep him busy and had been failing miserably. His patience was diminishing and boredom was get worse. Zachariah sighed and stepped to the side so the boy could carry on if he wished. Not really knowing if the boy wanted to talk to some or was looking for something in particular.
He simply smiled, not really knowing what else to say in this sort of situation. Rhys wasn't exactly one for conversation and didn't really go out of his way to stop and chat with random people. It was probably why he never really had any friends before, that hadn't bothered him in the past. He was simply more suited to being alone and keeping his own company in the first place. The other boy had stepped to the side to let him past and Rhys started to do just that, but paused as he caught sight of a book on the shelf behind the boy, stopping again to look at it, almost having to peer around the boy. "Uh... can you... you know?" He asked, waving a hand which was his way of telling the boy to move out of the way.
Zachariah raised and eyebrow at the boy. He looked behind him and then back at the boy. "Ahhh yeah sure whatever." Zachariah sighed stepping to the side. The boy didn't seem to be comfortable either and spoke rather softly. Zachariah found it a bit odd. "Is it your first time around magic or something? You seem a bit out of place." Zachariah grunted. The last comment coming off as something unpleasant. He wasn't sure what to make of the situation.
He didn't bother saying thank you as the boy moved, instead offer a simple smile before turning his attention to the row of books he had been interested in. And Rhys thought that would be the end of the conversation and the other boy would leave him alone. But, apparently not. Immediately, he stiffened at the question. Though he hadn't experienced it himself, he had heard how some people could be around people like him. "So?" He simply snapped rather pointedly, keeping his eyes fixed on the spines of the books in front of him.
Zachariah shrugged. He wanted to say something else and thought about it a bit more. He assumed the boy was muggle born because he hadn't been around magic. With a grunt Zachariah turned on his heel. He wasn't about to waste his time on someone who was clearly not interested. He decided to continue his pursuit to find something interesting to do. "Whatever." Zachariah said walking away.
When the boy simply turned and started to walk away, Rhys couldn't help the soft almost triumphant grin on his face as he glanced to watch him go. "That's what I thought," he also added in a soft mutter before turning his gaze back to the books he had been looking at. Sees the other boy was too much of a coward to say anything else about his lack of magical upbringing, which was something Rhys made sure to file away for later. Might come in useful.

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