take them i really don't need them!

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Madlyn Ateara

Part Giantess (7'6) 🦉 CoMC 3-4 🦁 Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Chayton's ❤

Nate Wolfe
Slytherin 3rd Year and Tyler Hawken's cousin. he was born in South Africa and I think that's it, if you want you can have him but he's inactive.

Seth Makwa
Makaylah's older brother and Leia's twin. He's Native American but they were all born in Hawaii. Their Native tribe is Makah's(this just so you need more information about them.) He works at the ministry but I think under magical creature control, otherwise he lives in NZ with his brother Quil Makwa.

Ashutosh Makwa
Another Makwa, he's the calm one in the family and is suppose to be seventeen right now. He had sort a fling with a drunk girl last summer, but that's it. You can do whatever you like with him :), I don't mind!

Isobel Montiez
Born in South America and has a twin name Laura Montiez. She at Drumstrang and if you want she can go back to Hogwarts as a fifth year slytherin I think. She the opposite from Laura, in fact she hates her sister Laura and wants nothing to do with her. She influence by the dark arts.
I might add to this list or just make these inactive, but they are here if you want them ^^
done :). just out of curiosity will they still be apart of Makaylah's family? Thanks for taking them bros!! :wub:
I have no problem with keeping the history the same :)
Can I have Nate please?
Madlyn Margera said:
Yeah sure if you want him he's all yours :)
What's the pass then?

Thanks! :D
Hezikiah Weatherwax said:
Madlyn Margera said:
Yeah sure if you want him he's all yours :)
What's the pass then?

Thanks! :D
I sent it to you under nate name under Hezikiah Weatherwax account, hope you got it.
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