take control

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
OOC First Name
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
It was the start of the new school year, and Briar was enjoying the weather. it was cold, almost bitter cold for some people but that fact just made the prospect of being outdoors more thrilling for the fifth year. she had taken her broom to the north tower, her favourite place to start flights, and had jumped off. if a muggle had seen her they probably would have thought she wanted to hurt herself (which wasn't out of the question but not to that extent), however what muggles didn't know was that the broom she was holding wasn't just for cleaning the floor, it was made for flying. as soon as she started to fall she mounded the broom enjoying the sudden kick start that gravity had given her. she swooped up laughing as she did deciding where she would fly today. wanting pure speed and clear air she headed over to the lake as then she didn't have to watch out for other people and most flyers didn't like being over the water because they didn't want to fall in. after doing a few laps full speed and a couple of loop the loops she had worn out some of the manic need for speed that she always possessed, most of it was still there but she had let the excess out. wanting a bit more of a challenge she rocketed towards shore and slalomed some of the trees lining the bank. this was the kind of flying she was good at. as a life in the forest made dodging things second nature to her. after a while she started to over heat, the heavy furs she wore were not the best thing to fly in so the came to a stop and dismounted before taking off the offending fur and putting them down. putting a charm on them to keep them clean, dry and safe from other people.
The young Gryffindor had spent too many days inside the Gryffindor common room by the fire or looking around the library. Well at least for Ember three or four days were too many. Now it was time to venture outside and the lakefront certainly was the destination for this rather cold day. Bundled up in a hoodie and even a scarf, Ember walked towards the lake shivering slightly as the wind blew. Pulling the scarf tighter, Ember almost thought of going back inside. Oh how nice the fire sounded at a time like this. Yet the young girl decided to wait a few more minutes to see if her small body would warm up to the winter's weather.

Moments later, Ember was glad she had waited. Noticing something in the sky, Ember stood as she waited a broom (with a person riding it of course) flying about almost flawlessly. Ember had never actually seen brooms fly due to the fact neither of her parents fancied flying and Ember had not yet attended her first flying class. Almost memorized, the pig-tailed girl watched the rider and the broom fly about until landing only a few feet away. Running up to the girl, Ember gave a wide smile. "That was amazing! How long have you been flying?" She questioned secretly wondering how long it would take her, if ever, to be able to do that.
Briar saw that there was another girl on the edge of the lake. she looked cold so she picked up her fur and handed it to her. "this'll keep you warm." she smiled at the girls question, and her enthusiasm for flying. "I started during my first year, and i am in my fifth now, so just about four years. but i have practiced a lot. fancy a ride?" she said adding the last bit on impulse. she had not ridden with a passenger before, but she was always up for a challenge, and the girl would enjoy it. "I'm Briar By the way, fifth year Gryffindor" she said introducing her self the way that was standard among the students. name then house.
Ember took the fur coat and placed it around her shoulders. Warmth came to her immediately. "New Zealand is a bit colder than England" Ember said with a small laugh. Yet as the older girl explained how she had started flying her first year, the young brunette gained a bit of hope. Maybe I"ll be able to fly like that after loads and loads of practice Ember thought happily already setting a goal for herself.

When the older girl asked if Ember wanted a ride, Ember's eyes opened wide. "Wait really?" She said not able to contain the excitement. Ember had not planned on getting on a broom until lessons stated, but she also had not planned for the opportunity to come up until them. "Of course. I'd love to! Will the broom work with two people on it?" The young girl looked from the broom to it's owner. "Nice to meet you Briar. I'm Ember. First year Gryffindor" She said introducing herself.
Briar smiled as the girl put the fur around her shoulders, she could see her face visibly relax. she had always tried to help others. growing up her family had to look out for each other, and it had been drilled into her so much that when she moved over to New Zealand she kept up the habit. "nice to meet you Ember" she said. then she smiled as the girls eyes lit up at the thought of flying. "Well i haven't flown with two people on the broom before, but i'm sure it wont be too hard, and we can start slow over the grass. incase it doesn't work." she said. taking a mouthful of water from a small bottle she kept with her.
Briar picked up the broom trying to decide how would be the best way to do it. "so if i fit on, then you sit on behind me." she said hoping that she would be able to control the broom. it was a firebolt, so it should be able to cope.
The young Gryffindor listened as Briar said she had never flown with two people on a broom before. Honestly this should of worried any normal person, but Ember wasn't exactly normal and her mood and excitement were taking over any logic that would tell her not to attempt what had not been attempted before. This opportunity isn't going to happen again any time soon Ember thought nodding as the girl decided they would start off slow. Seemed reasonable enough for this eleven year old. "Sounds good to me" Ember said aloud as she moved closer to the girl and the broom.

"I'll just sit on the back and hold on for dear life" Ember said only half joking yet a laugh did escape her mouth. "Should I leave the fur here or will it stay on?" Ember wondered guessing that up in the air would be even colder than on the ground. After all there had to be a bunch of wind coming at you when flying, didn't there?
Briar laughed as Ember said just try and hold in for life. "Don't worry. just try to relax, as for the fur, it doesn't matter. whichever you feel comfortable with." she said. Ember seemed pretty cool, full of energy, and obviously up for a challenge, as not every first year would be up for going on a broom ride with a strange older student she had just met, and had seen flying like a crazy thing. "Just shout out when your ready" she said feeling confident that it would work, her firebolt was the best broom not too long ago, so if a cheep bluebottle could carry two a fire bolt would.
Ember swung her leg over the broom, the fur still around her shoulders snugly. Hopefully it would stay on and hopefully it would keep the young Gryffindor warm as well. At first, Ember wasn't quite sure what to expect for this broom ride. It was her first time ever on a broom and so far she was just mimicking what she had seen others do before. Swing your leg over and sit down. What an odd feeling it was. What an odd concept as well. Even though Ember was not muggleborn, she still pictured brooms for cleaning. The image of someone flying on something that was used for muggle cleaning was certainly a laugh.

Taking a deep breath, Ember relaxed her shoulders and held on tight, yet not too tight. She nodded her head, more to herself. "I'm ready" Ember said her heart pounding and the excitement reaching an all time high as her nerves joined into the mix.
Briar saw the little blond girl mount the broom, and she could feel the broom adjust to the new weight. at the word go she gently pushed off from the ground. the broom rose about two foot. leaning forward slightly the broom moved forward slowly. then she started a few slow turns. it was a little slower to respond than normal, but it still moved easily. after feeling comfortable with the handling she started to speed up a little. "How are you enjoying it? she called back. hoping that Ember was enjoying the ride. slowly she started to speed up a little more once again enjoying feeling the cool air against her bare arms.

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