Swim, drive, find, backup

Hamza Khalid

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hamza [Main]
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" with an Essence of Griffin Feather core
Hamza was at his favorite area again, the lakefront, thinking about his future. With his hands in his pocket, wearing a dress shirt with his collar puffed up, two front buttons open which reveals a gold chain he's wearing underneath, black pants, and a bracelet on his wrist, he was walking along the trees that lead to the lake. There were many things on his mind such as the Profession that he may want to go to, what may his father want for him to go into, and the fact that he had not seen his mother yet, nor had she made the effort to get in touch with made him a little sad. Hamza raised his face to look at the sky while walking and said, "I'm not worried. Mom is a Professor now, she's very busy, but I know, I'll see her one of these days. I'm sure she is missing me just as much." Hamza then smiled and reached the lakefront. He walked to a nearby rock, he climbed and sat on it. Hamza opened few more buttons of his shirt, and laid back. With his white undershirt showing, he looked at the sky wondering what his future holds for him.
Kynleigh was much too rambunctious to be cooped up in a stuffy castle all day long. In fact, hyperactivity was pretty much her signature of sorts. Her parents always said that she had far too much energy for one person and it was probably true, but you would hear no complaints from the young Gryffindor. It was a really nice day in New Zealand and Kynleigh wasn't about to waste it so she headed down to the lake to see what she could possibly get herself into.

As she neared the glassy surface of the water she saw a boy who looked to be about her age sitting on a rock. The closer she got to him she thought she recognized him from at least one of her classes though she knew he wasn't in her house. Not one to shy away from anyone she walked right up to him and said cheerfully, "Hi there! I'm Kynleigh, I think we have a class together."
Hamza was enjoying the sun hitting his face, which made him want to swim. Hamza stood up and took off his shirts. With the sword-like scar on his back, he was about to jump into the water when he noticed someone coming to him and saying hi. Hamza turned around to see a girl standing there in casual clothes saying hi to him. Hamza put his white t-shirt back on and walked towards the girl. With a smile, Hamza said, "Please to meet you Kynleigh. I'm Hamza." Hamza didn't remember her from any of this classes that he had. "I'm not sure if we have a class together or not. What house are you in? I'm from Hufflepuff." said Hamza. Hamza looked back at the lake and he wanted to sit near the water. "Let's sit over there." said Hamza pointing towards his spot that he wanted to sit at.
"Hamza? That's a pretty awesome name you've got. Definitely not boring or plain. I like that," Kynleigh said with her usual gusto. It had to be said that everything the eleven year old did...she did with enthusiasm and complimenting on someone's name was no exception. "Myself, I'm in Gryffindor, though if I'm being completely honest with myself and everyone else I probably have qualities that could have easily landed me in any of the other houses, but I got placed in Gryffindor." Kynleigh tended to ramble at the best of times, but it never embarrassed her that her mouth ran faster than her brain did she just chalked it up to that hyperactivity that everyone always claimed she had. "Sure sure," she said as she traipsed over to the spot that Hamza had pointed out for them to sit, though sitting and this Gryffindor usually didn't go hand and hand. Plopping herself down indian-style on the ground the brunette wiggled and squirmed until she got herself comfortable (or well as comfortable as she ever was staying in one position). "So...Hamza from Hufflepuff...are you a first year yourself?"
Hamza smiled as Kynleigh commented on his name and said that it was a pretty awesome name. Hamza then thought that there weren't many people that thought his name was pretty good, but he had a thought on the back of his mind that it was good to know someone thought his name was good. "Thanks Kynleigh. Although you have a pretty unique name yourself. Very soft, easy spelling and very easy to remember name as well." said Hamza with a wink. Hamza did like her name truly and thought it was a very cool as well. "Everyone has qualities that got them placed in their respective place and I'm sure the Sorting hat did good thinking in putting you in Gryffindor." said Hamza with a smile. "I myself thought that I would be placed in Gryffindor, but rather I got placed in Hufflepuff, but I don't mind it at all. So, are you having fun being in Gryffindor?" said Hamza questioning Kynleigh with a smile. Hamza was finding Kynleigh to be a very interesting person because of her interesting attitude, her being hyperactive which Hamza liked, and the last thing he wanted were lazy friends. "A little hyperactive I see in you, I like it a lot." said Hamza with a small laugh as he sat down next to Kynleigh. "Yea, I'm a first year. Not much fun though since I don't know many spells and can't have much fun. What about you?" said Hamza.

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