Swetha Shankaran

Swetha Shankaran

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
-Swetha Shankaran
-Swetha essentially means "pure". The name originated in India and relates to Hindu mythology of the goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Date of Birth:
-November 26th, 2018.

Current Age:
- 10 years old.

Basic Appearance:
- She has a silky, curly, neck-length shiny Black hair, and is worn in a dignified, uncomplicated style. Swetha is tall for her age, being 5'1", which is not normal for a girl of 10. She is fair, unlike the most Indians. She has almond-shaped Light blue eyes. She's not picky with clothes, often loves to wear jeans and a black t-shirt.

- Swetha is very Intelligent and learns new things rather quickly. She works very hard and believe's in work than words. She is not very outgoing, result of being raised according to strict Indian rules for girls. She is very shy in talking to new people, often keeps to her-self. She is very sweet and kind, likes to help people in need, But can get very angry and annoyed, if disturbed while shes doing her job. She knows the value of friendship and parents, for not having either friend or a parent, being an Orphan.

- Swetha is an Orphan. She was brought up by an Indian Orphanage. According to the Head of the Orphanage, she was left at the door steps of the orphanage while she was not more than a year old.
-Head of the orphanage was very surprised on the day swetha received her letter for admission in HNZ.
- Swetha doesn't own any pet(s) as of now. She really likes pets, and hopes of getting one in near future.

Area of Residence:
- Swetha only knows about the Indian orphanage she was brought up in. Her original birthplace as of now is unknown.

Blood Status:
- Since she doesn't know about her parent's, she thinks she might be a Half-Blood, considering the fact that she has amazing memory.

- Unknown.

Special Abilities:
- None. (As of now)

Interests or Hobbies:
- Swetha loves reading, which she has always been doing since her childhood. She likes to cook up new dishes and experiment, creating new recipes. She enjoys being alone with a Book. She has a great taste for food, she loves new kinds of foods. Everyone is often surprised on the amount she eats, even though being rather thin. She likes sports too, though not into them.

Additional Skills:
- She has a great memory. She can whip up a awesome meal in no time.
-As for flying, she never actually tried to fly. (As of now)

- She is brave, the result of being raised alone. She jumps in without second thought if a friend is in need. She never backs of from any challenges thrown at her. She can forgive.

- She is emotionally very weak. She also can't tolerate know-it-all's. She can be some times dangerous when angered.

Describe your character in three words:
- Shy; Brave; Kind

Favourite place to be:
- A Library, for Obvious reason that she likes reading very much.

- Swetha never had real friends in the Orphanage. She hopes she can make friends now here in HNZ.

Hogwarts House:
- Swetha has loved reading since she was a child and has amazing memory. What house could offer her better than Ravenclaw, A place for wit and Learning.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Swetha hopes to get great grades in all her subjects, and become a well known researcher in the History of Magical world.
-She likes the game play of Quidditch, however she only prefers watching it rather than playing.

Plans for your future:
- Swetha is unsure of her future yet. She has never given it a thought as of yet.

Your Patronus:
- An Eagle, as she always dreams of soaring trough the skies.

Your Patronus memory:
- Swetha never had a best memory, being raised in an Orphanage as it's effects. However, Getting the Letter of admission into HNZ is her best.

Your Boggart:
- A snake. Swetha was bitten by a snake in her childhood.

Your Animagus:
- An Eagle, as previously mentioned at Patronus, The love for soaring through skies.

Mirror of Erised:
- Swetha surrounded with a loads of friends, for she has none.

A page from your diary:
July 22nd,
This was the best day in my whole life. Today I got a letter for admission in Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry(New Zealand). I was very thrilled upon reading the letter, so was Orphanage head.
I quickly packed up my trunk, it was very hard for me to leave the orphanage, being raised in it for 9 years might be the reason. Anyway i am very happy that i got this opportunity. I am looking forward for making great friends here, as well as learn new things, and be the best i can.

If only i knew my parents, They might have been very thrilled to know that i got into HNZ.
That's all for today.
I have a question, I have a question! *raises hand in the air*

So, based on Swetha's information, does she love being alone? And why?

Why does Swetha only love watching Quidditch? Is she afraid of heights or something bad happened to her on a broom?

What kinds of books does she love reading?

Swetha's image in the Mirror of Erised is stated that she is surrounded by friends for she has none. Will you urge your character, Swetha, to become outgoing when she attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy?

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