Sweet Sixteen And Never Been Kissed

Patricia Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Tail Hair of a Male Unicorn | Willow Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Gold Dust
On the morning of March 18th 2025, Patricia woke up with the usual excitement that one had on their birthday. It was one of the rare days during the week where Patricia didn't have class, so with this in mind she decided to stay in her pajamas for a while and laze around in her room. As she lay in her bed and finished up a bit of homework due for the next day of class Patricia saw an owl drop a few things on the bed in front of her; she had the window open to allow the summer breeze flow into the room. Opening the letters she smiled softly at the birthday wishes from home, even after everything that happened she was so happy that they hadn't drawn her out of her life completely. Opening the bigger packed she saw it had a new outfit in it. It was a lovely blue dress along with a pair of sandals with some blue beads; very pretty. She blushed slightly when she saw the note attached to it from her mother.
Thought the colour matched that necklace you never seem to take off! xx
It was true. Ruki had given her this necklace a year ago today and she always wore it, it was gorgeous, so why should she take it off. Then again these days it acted more as a trigger for her mind to start thinking about her crush. Lying back against her bed she absentmindedly fiddled with the blue pendant on her necklace, smiling to herself as she thought about Ruki. She felt bad that she had pretty much had been avoiding him since the new term had started, but she knew that if she were to see him she wouldn't be able to act the same way as she normally did around him. Anyway she was sure he hadn't even thought about her since the holidays, he seemed to have enjoyed himself with that girl Lola at the Holiday Feast and she was probably occupying his time now anyway.

Around lunch time that day Patricia had gotten fed up of her books and the day was much too good to waste it staying coped up inside doing work. So putting on her new outfit she made her way down to the Great Hall for a bit of lunch. Once she had food in her belly she made her way outside, enjoying the way the summer breeze felt through her brown locks. Without even having to think Patricia made her way down to the lakefront, under one of the many trees, it was a favourite of Patricia's places to just relax. Sitting down she sat against the trunk of the large oak tree. Taking a deep sigh Patricia thought about the past 16 years of her life, she had so many ups and downs but it was her life and she was happy with it.

Thinking about the newest part of her life, her other family; well now her family after she got adopted with them. The end of the holidays had been interesting as she learned a lot of her family history, some of the traditions that she had to know off. Some of it had scared her, then again it was a lot for her to take in in a short amount of time. Her body suddenly froze as a certain family tradition came into her mind. All family members have to receive the mark of the Zefarovich Crest. Patricia swollowed hard as she thought about having a large tattoo covering her whole back. Patricia didn't want to get a tattoo, especially not one that covered her whole back. To be honest she was scared of having to get it, it wasn't like putting on one of those fake tattoos you got in packets of muggle sweets, this was going to be a proper one and she was sure the pain was jsut going to be as real. Sure she was lucky that her 16th birthday happened to fall during the school year so she had a few months to prepare herself, mentally, before she had to get it. Although here and now the 16 year scared. Bringing her legs up to her chest she rested her head on her knees and cried softly at the thought of it, it wasn't like she asked to be part of the family.
March. The air of Summer remained peacefully out-side. It was a huge difference to what Ruki was used to, having hailed from the dark walls of Durmstrang. Still, he had transferred to Hogwarts New Zealand over a year ago; and was happy to say he would never wish to look backwards at his life. The only item the sixth year aimed to focus on was his future career. Well, that and maybe a few of the girls he couldn't stop thinking about. His stomach was constantly a battle of butterflies every time he thought about Lola. He hadn't really gotten to know her all that well just yet, but he couldn't deny now that he liked her. It was three months since the Yule Feast, and several more since they first met. That was enough time to push someone from his mind, but Lola remained. And he was happy for it. Knowing that the feelings where likely to be something silly, especially since they where mixed with anxiety about Dark Arts lessons; Quidditch practice; Apparation lessons; and finding a home of his own to live in once school ended for the year, the seventeen-year-old wondered whether or not he should try to ignore them. Maybe, once everything had settled, so would they. As the afternoon rolled along, Ruki, not having any lessons for a few days, decided to take a walk through the castle grounds. With the sun shining, the place simply looked beautiful. Having started leaving his wand in the top drawer of his dresser over-night, mostly for safe keeping, the sixth year pulled on his jacket with one hand; as he opened the drawer with the other. Battling with his jacket, the young wizard fished about for the often hated wand; and became annoyed when he couldn't locate it. Stopping to pull his jacket on correctly, Ruki then turned his full attention to the draw. Peering in-side, the Gryffindor spotted a small bag he had placed in there at the start of term. Not quite sure what it was, it took him a few seconds to realise why it was there. "March!". Pulling his jacket closer to him, Ruki yanked his wand from beneath a pair of socks; scooped up the small bag; and, shutting the drawer, turned to leave the dormitory. On his way down the stairs to the common-room, the young wizard attempted to remember a specific date. In March of last year, he had been soaring through the skies of Brightstone with Patricia Rogers. "Don't tell me you forgot her birthday.", Ruki muttered to himself; ignoring the slight look he received from a second year entering the portrait hole. Stepping out into the corridor, the sixth year paused for a moment; looking in both directions. Where would be the best place to find his friend. Choosing to start at the Hufflepuff house, Ruki set off towards the stairs. If she wasn't in there, he would try the Great Hall; before the Library. Coming to a stop, Ruki realised it would make a bit more sense to try the Library first. Laughing slightly, and feeling in a good mood, the young wizard made his way down the stairs with a spring in his step.

Arriving on the fourth floor, the sixth year walked along the corridor towards the Library. The very place he had met, and collided with, Lola. With a smile upon his face, Ruki stepped through the doors; and set about scanning the various tables for a familiar face. Not having any luck, and with the librarian giving him a puzzling stare, the young wizard headed back to the corridor. His friends house was in the same area, so at least he hadn't far to walk. Locating the entrance, Ruki looked around for someone making their return; but was once again out of luck. Swinging the small bag slightly, the Gryffindor wondered why it was students where not allowed in to other house common rooms. All of the separation which took place in the school wasn't good. At least Durmstrang had everyone mixed up, and not just in the head. Several minutes past by with no-one arriving at the entrance. Beginning to feel slightly awkward just stood around, Ruki decided it best to head down to the Great Hall. He could always come back up later. Making his way into the hall, the Gryffindor walked towards the Hufflepuff house table; still swinging the little bag in his hand. As a frown crossed his features, the young wizard began to think where his friend could possibly be. He had no idea what lessons she might have, and didn't really feel up to searching every class-room. Sighing, Ruki turned around and walked back to the entrance hall. Still aiming to head out-side, the Gryffindor looked at the bag in his hand. It would be okay to take it out with him. As the card was too big, he couldn't simply fit it in to his pocket; so would have to be very careful not to lose the contents. Passing through the grounds, Ruki began to think about the Apparation lessons he had been taking. If all went well, it wouldn't be long before he could head around the world on his own; visiting the few places he hadn't already been to as a child. With only one more lesson before the examination, Ruki knew he would have to focus hard. And who knew, maybe, in a years time, he could take Patricia to an exotic place for a birthday lunch. It would have to be during a village weekend though, and possibly not too far away. It would be likely his ability to Apparate would weaken over a greater distance, especially with a passenger. Not having paid much mind to his surroundings, Ruki caught sight of the lake a short way ahead of him. The water's surface reflecting the sunlight from above. Pausing for a moment, the sixth year looked around at several students running about having fun of their own. Now he was here, it seemed a good a place as any to take a seat.

Making his way towards the shade of the trees, Ruki though briefly of how he should have brought a bit of lunch with him. Sighing as he turned to look back towards the castle, the young wizard decided it was a little late to worry about food now. He wasn't about to walk all the way back. Shrugging, the sixth year continued through the small amount of trees; and stopped once again as he spotted the figure of a girl. Sat against a large tree, she appeared to be sobbing to herself. Ruki began to move towards her, looking around the area for signs of another student; or the person who may have caused the girl to become upset. Not thinking about her personal space, the young wizard hated to see a girl cry. Rounding a tree closer to him, the sixth year was able to see the girl more clearly. His eyes lit up momentarily, his voice whispering softly, "Patricia?"; before the light swiftly faded from his brown eyes. If someone had hurt her, they would need to answer to him.
Patricia knew it was a silly and almost childish thing for a 16 year old to be crying over a tattoo, most of the people she knew from back home would love to have a tattoo for their 16th birthday. Patricia on the other hand wasn't so excited about such a thing, she wasn't fond of tattoos in the first place but to have one of the Zhefarovich Crest would seal the deal of her been part of the family. A name change wasn't enough was it? She thought bitterly to herself. As she continued to sob she heard a voice speak her name. The sound of the voice immediately stopped her from sobbing as she had the sudden burst of butterflies in her stomach to control before she even dared look at him in the face. Maybe she could just pretend she didn't hear him and he would go away, but Patricia knew all too well that wouldn't happen. A part of her didn't want it to happen. Of course she wanted to talk to him, it had been months she had seen him last and she missed him desperately; even as a friend because she knew all too well that's all they would ever be.

Taking one last shakey breath she lifted her head and let her legs fall from her chest and lie out in front of her. Quickly flattening out her new dress she whipped away the tears from her red eyes and smiled up at Ruki. Her own brown eyes met his and Patricia could feel the butterflies in her stomach go crazy at the sight of him. Patricia had grown used to the feel and began to embrace it but that was just with the thought of Ruki, the sight of Ruki and everything else that came with being near him caused the feeling to be oh so much stronger. "Hi Ruki." she said softly, trying not to blush as she talked to him. She had to remind herself that she was his friend and could talk to him, she had done it many times before so this time should be no different, right? "How are you?" she asked, trying to keep things normal.
"Hi.", Ruki responded to his friend; his voice remaining quiet. The sight of her crying had began to confuse him greatly, and, having watched her attempt to cover up her tears, the young wizard wanted to know what was wrong. He felt, at least, that the two of them where friends enough to be able to talk about their issues. Even if it was to seek a piece of advice, or to hear another person's opinion. Any thoughts about butterflies no longer ran through his mind. The only thing Ruki cared for now was how Patricia was feeling. Having attempted to fit in more over the past few months, Ruki had decided to drop most of the gentlemanly politeness he had grown up accustomed to. That wasn't to mean he would forget who he was, or how to be polite; but at least around Patricia he felt he could open himself up a little more. Be a little rough around the edges. And not overly perfect all of the time. He had, after-all, already made his impression on her; and she had remained a friend.

Not sure on what to say to the girl first, the young wizard stuttered slightly. "Er, I; I'm okay. Thank-you.". Ruki attempted a smile, which held a puzzled look. "Would you like some company?", the sixth year asked; whilst waving his hand towards the ground, requesting an invitation to sit with her. The longer he remained standing however, the more he took in the sight of his young friend. Her eyes looked to be red and puffy, but she still managed to look beautiful; especially in the blue dress she was wearing. Gripping the concealed bag in his right hand, Ruki pushed the thoughts from his mind. This wasn't the time for them to come back. His friend appeared to need someone, and he was going to listen.
With a few more, subtle, deep breaths Patricia had managed to keep the butterflies under control; but not go away completely. At Ruki's small stammer her fears of her feelings getting in the way of their meeting were slowly coming to light. It was clear that this conversation wasn't maybe off to a good start and she was kicking herself once again for getting these feelings, she knew it would make things awkward. Dropping her gaze to the lake Patricia thought it best to keep her gaze of him, for her own sake. When he asked if she wanted company she shaked her head lightly, laughing, "Like you really have to ask." she said, patting the ground beside her. Despite her feelings Ruki was first and foremost her friend and her friend didn't have to ask to sit with her. "I'd love some company." she said sincerely as she looked up at him one more time, a smile gracing her lips.
At the sound of laughter from his friend, Ruki relaxed ever so slightly. The young wizard smiled as she patted the floor beside her, before stepping forward; and lowering himself to the ground. A few playful groans left his lips, as the seventeen-year-old complained about being too old to sit on the floor. Leaning back against the large tree, having placed the small bag securely behind him, Ruki turned his head towards Patricia. Whether she would talk about what had upset her was un-known, and he wasn't going to pressure in to speaking. Starting up a different conversation, the sixth year hoped to take her mind away from everything. "Haven't seen you around the school. Studying too hard?", he smiled softly. Having been a fifth year student the previous year, the Gryffindor understood how bad the work-load could become; and what the pressure of OWL's where like.

The air around him was still warm, and the slightest of breezes fluttered by; almost un-noticed. Taking in the smell of the grass and the trees, Ruki hoped a conversation with Patricia would take his own mind away from everything he was thinking of.
As Ruki sat down beside Patricia she felt her body tense up a bit but she couldn't help her smile reappearing. Why wouldn't she be happy sitting beside Ruki, she liked him after all and due to this she liked spending time with him. She had been silly trying to avoid him, sure it may make things a bit awkward but she enjoyed spending time with him. Patricia snorted softly as Ruki let out a few groans, nudging him lightly as he did sit down; the contact didn't help with her butterflies. Even when Patricia had been upset only moments ago just the presence of Ruki had cheered her up. It was one of the things that she liked about him, he had always been able to cheer her up and make her laugh, even at times when she didn't want too. When he stated how he hadn't seen her around school much her heart sank a bit, she had of course being avoiding him but she wasn't going to tell him that. When he questioned if she had been studying too hard she nodded her head. "Pretty much. I'm freaking out about my OWLs." she answered, truthfully. "Where have you been hiding?" she asked in return.
Listening to his friend's answer, Ruki turned towards her slightly; his right shoulder resting against the tree. He had been the same twelve months ago. Worried about completing his examinations. It almost seemed as if they had all happened last week. Now a sixth year, the level of work had lowered slightly; and the pressure was off. He was being taught more advanced magic, but at least he wasn't buried deep in notes or text-books. The practical side had always made him worried. His own child-hood haunting him slightly. Taking a deep breath, Ruki looked towards Patricia. "If you need anyone to revise with, I should know all the answers from last year.", the Gryffindor grinned slightly. He had no idea if they changed the questions each year, but could only guess that they never; unless a different professor was substituting maybe.

Letting out a sigh, the young wizard placed his head against the tree. Where had he been hiding. He thought about joking with her, saying he had been hiding from her since the holidays. It may cheer her up, but then; it may also cause awkwardness for him. He had no reason to hide from her, but with everything he was feeling for her; Lola; and practically any girl that past by him; it wasn't something he was looking to announce just yet. "From myself.". Ruki's eyes darted to the left. Had he really just said those words. Hoping, with every ounce of his mind, that Patricia had not been listening, the young wizard slowly moved his gaze back to her. He should have gone with the original idea.
Oh yes, the fifth year was extremely worried about her OWLs, and what fifth year wouldn't? It was the first exams that she had taken at Hogwarts that were truly important and decided her next two years at Hogwarts and what classes she could and couldn't take on next year, which in turn dictated her future. She had pretty much become dead set now on becoming a Healer when she left Hogwarts and now that she lived with Niccy that dream may be a bit more easier accomplished now. She wondered what Ruki wanted to do once he left Hogwarts, it was something that she just realised they have never discussed; she must ask him sometime.

When Ruki offered to revise with her the birthday girl's heart began to race just a bit, a secret smile forming on her lips. A study date with Ruki sounded like the perfect thing to Patricia, but she shook that idea from her head, knowing it would just be studying and nothing else; unfortunately. "That would be amazing, even if it is cheating." she said, adding the last bit in jest. Although she wouldn't actually mind, she would need all the help she could get. Sure she revised almost every night but of course she knew it wouldn't be enough, then again she thought the same thing each time exams came around.

With the girls head stuck on her OWLs she had missed what Ruki's reply to her question was. Damn it. She thought, mentally kicking herself for not paying attention to him. She had gone three months with trying to avoid him and now she actually got to spend sometime with him and she wasn't even paying attention, just great. Patricia didn't know what to say, she couldn't respond to his answer so she tried to think of something that seemed like she was listening to but still lead him to believe she was listening. "Well what brings you out today?" she asked, biting her bottom lip in anticipation as she waited for his reaction and that her words were enough to save her.
Sighing in-side at the apparent avoidance of having to explain his words, Ruki mulled the young Hufflepuff's following question over. He had only really ventured out-side due to the sun-light. There was also the card for his friend, but that came as a secondary action; and could always wait for another day if he hadn't stumbled across the girl. Answering, his head once more rested against the tree, Ruki took in the beauty of the surrounding area. "Well if you need me; I am available. And I have a free time-table." The Gryffindor paused, as he relaxed his shoulders a little. "I also heard a rumour that someone had a birthday.", Ruki continued, "So I thought I would pop down and try to find them. To see if there was any cake.". The sixth year couldn't remember exactly when Patricia's birthday was though; as the visit to Brightstone hadn't arrived for the students yet. "But;", Ruki went on, "I stumbled across you instead.". A small smile crept across his lips, and the young wizard turned his head side-ways. "So you will have to do.", he finished; his eyes glistened slightly as he spoke.
Patricia felt like jumping for joy when Ruki didn't seem off or give any signs that showed her question was completely unexpected to what his original answer had been. Despite Patricia having dodged the bullet this time, she didn't want it to happen again she she straighten up a bit as look over at Ruki to be sure not to miss anything he had to say. Although, she had to admit, as she looked over at her crush her heart couldn't help but make a motion that was a mixture of swelling and melting, at the sight of him; she was hopeless that's for sure.

She nodded her head as he said that he was available if she wanted him, she would definitely keep that in mind. She greatly appreciated him for considering to help her out, if anything Ruki was a great friend and Patricia knew they would never be anything more so she was grateful at least that she had him in her life; even if was only as a friend. Patricia noticed Ruki relax slightly against the tree. She noticed how in the past year or more how he had seemed to relax a lot more around her, compared to the perfect gentleman that he was when he first met her, even on a broomstick. Not that Patricia minded, she sincerely couldn't care less if Ruki didn't act like the perfect gentleman 24/7, she liked the fact that he seemed comfortable enough around her to be able to relax every once in a while.

When Ruki continued to answer her question as to why he had ventured out today of all days she couldn't help but clearly blush. Lowering her head slightly, her smile widening. When he finished Patricia lifted her head again only to meet Ruki's gaze. A small laugh escaped her lips as she rolled her eyes at him and looked away for a moment. "Well I'm sorry if I'm not who you were looking for," she said, going along with the act. "But I do have cake." she said with a sly grin. Well she didn't have the cake with her, it was back in her dorm room along with the rest of the presents she had received that morning.

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