Surprise Party for Neita

Ares Taylor

Well-Known Member
Ares brought down a whole load of food and set it out near one of the sides of the lake, he had organized a surprise party for Neita and this was only part one - a evening picnic down at the lake front and he had invited everyone he knew. He set out the orb he was given that played music and he blew up a beach ball in case they all decided to go swimming, all that was left was for all the guests to arrive before he could go and retrieve Neita.
Arianna had been playing her guitar on her bed, when she'd caught a glimpse ofher bed side clock
"Damn" she muttered, realising she should be down at the Lake for Neita's party. She quickly put on her party clothes and made her way down to the Lakefront. Aside from it being Neita's birthday, Ari was looking forward to spending more time with Ares. Beause you're his friend she told herself firmly.

Reaching the Lakfront, she saw that she was the first person to arrive
"Hey you" she said, sitting down beside Ares. Spotting the beach ball she raised her eyebrows
"Going for a mid winter swim?" she asked him. It was definetly getting colder now.
Ares smiled as he noticed Ari was the first to arrive "hey there!" he said with a friendly smile. He looked down at the beach ball dumbly, he hadn't even considered the weather when packing it. He coolley shrugged it off "pish" he said pulling a 'I'm too cool' face "A little bit of cold it the water cant affect me!" he said with a scoff, really hoping no one tried to make him prove it.
Oliver had been within earshot of Arianna and Ares, and had also wondered why Ares had packed a beach ball, let alone planned a picnic in the middle of autumn; when mornings were foggy and trees were beginning to collect frost. Announcing his entrance, Oliver stepped between the two and burst into laughter.
"I bet you were planning to get Ari cold so you could warm her up after?" Oliver accused, still laughing at his best friend and his beach ball.

When his laughter had finally subsided, Oliver looked around. "So ugh... Where's the birthday girl?" He had a badly wrapped birthday present in his hands and, not knowing what to do with it, thrust it into Ares' arms. It had taken him a while to decide what to give Neita, but at last, he had found something. She probably wouldn't like it, but Oliver didn't really care.
Ares grinned at his best friend as he walked up to them "I bet you were planning to get Ari cold so you could warm her up after?" Oliver said and Ares shot him the look of death and was silent for a moment "Uh-um-uh" he settled for punching Oliver on the arm. "Idiot" he said hoping Arianna wouldn't think into what his friend just said.

He rolled his eyes at Oliver "Well obviously, its a surprise party!" he smirked "We dont get her till everyones here" Ares took the present and looked around wondering what to do with it.
It took all of Arianna's self restraint not to roll her eyes, but couldn't keep a grin off her face.
"Sure sure, well we'll probably see about that won't we?" she said, shooting the Lake a glance. She had a feeling that at least one person would end up in the Lake at this party, she just hoped it wasn't her.
"Hey" she said, smiling up at Oliver. Oliver's next comment made her blush furiously, and she was very glad it was half dark. To cover up her own embarrasment, she nudged him and said teaslingly
"Well, Viv should be here soon, so speak for yourself"
Oliver had not talk with or even seen Vivienne since Masquerade Ball, and was slightly avoiding that first awkward meeting. 'Oh well,' he thought, sighing heavily. He might as well get that over with now that he knew she was coming to the party. The only thing Oliver was unsure of, was how he felt about Vivienne. He had to admit that he had a great time with her at the Ball, even as friends. And once or twice, he had hoped that they could be something more. But now that so much time had elapsed between them, he just couldn't understand what he had felt that night for her anymore.
Deciding a change in subject was in order, Oliver punched Ares dumbly and asked, "What did you bring to eat, man? I'm starving!"
Arisa walked down to the lake front with a wrapped present in her hands. It was getting colder every day so she had decided to wear a warmer outfit. Once she was there she saw Ari and Ares along with some other boy so she walked over to them, "Hey guys, birthday girl not here yet?" Arisa asked with a smile.
Ari raised her eyebrows. Oliver had exactly denied anything. Maybe he did really like Viv? Ari shook her head slightly; boys were so hard to understand.
"Hey Arisa" she said, when her friend arrived. Seeing her reminded Ari of the present she'd gotten Neita. She felt around in her pocket, until her hand closed on the little package. Relieved that it hadn't fallen out she looked back to her friends
"What did you guys get for Neita?" she asked them all.
Vivienne wandered through the corridors, on her way to Neita's birthday party. In one hand she held a mid-sized boxed, wrapped in soft gold paper. The young Hufflepuff hadn't seen her friend Neita in a while, seeing as she had just gotten back from two months out of school, so this was sure to be a nice reunion. As Vivienne crossed the lawn to reach the group, she smoothed down her blue dress in anticipation. Nearing the group, she was glad to see that Neita had not yet arrived. Phew! Vivienne wasn't late like she had worried she would be. With a smile, she looked around, seeing who was there and who wasn't. "Hello everyone!" Vivienne said, before going and hugging everyone in turn. Ares, Oliver, Arisa, and then Arianna. "So.. When's Neita getting here?" she continued, placing her present with the others in a pile.
Ares laughed as Arianna teased Oliver about Vivienne. Right back atcha! he thought. As Oliver punched him asking about food Ares motioned at the baskets of food on the ground "help youself" he said with a grin "Stomachs dont have to wait for the birthday girl"

He smiled as Vivienne and Arisa turned up "Hey guys. No Shes not here yet. Was about to go get her." he looked around "well I invited a few more, but we cant wait forever" he stated. He laughed as Ari asked what they got for Neita "I got her my friendship!" he said with a smirk "Finally decided to be nice to her. Happy Birthday Neita!" he joked. Hoping she would like the quidditch set and fancy broom him, his mother and sister had bought her.
Ari grinned as her best friend arrived
"Viv!" she said. She giggled as she realised this was how she always greeted Vivienne. The 'customary' greeting.
Ari laughed lightly
"I'm sure she appreciate it" she told Ares. Her stomach had turned over when he'd said that. She wasn't sure why, but she found what he'd said funny and cute. Shaking her head slightly to clear it, she grabbed some chips
"Yum" she mumbled.
Ray yawned as he woke up from a short nap and glanced at the clock. Crap he realized I'm late. He quickly got dressed grabbed Neitas already wrapped present and jogged down to the lakefront hoping he wasn't too late.
As he arrived he found his two best friends and a couple of girls he knew vaguely "Ares! Oliver!" he said with a smirk "So lovely to see you" He gave a friendly smile to the rest of the group "Hey girls" he said.
Ares tapped hands with Ray. "Nice of you to finally come!" he said rolling his eyes. "Well I'm gunna go get Neita." he said after a moment and he wandered off to the castle to look for his cousin.

A couple of minutes later...

Ares walked back to the lake, with his hands around Neitas eyes so she couldn't see where she was going or what was happening. He smiled as he motioned for everyone to keep quite as he turned Neita to face her friends, the picnic and the presents then he released his hands, waiting for her reaction.

[godmodded with permission]
Neita tried to keep up as Ares led her outside telling he had something for her. Wow, she thought shocked he actually remembered my birthday she thought amused. As her cousin covered her eyes with his hands she decided it wasnt some kind gesture He's gunna trash me! she thought alarmed remembering how back home on your birthday people covered you in egg and flour. But as he released his hands and Neita looked around wincing preparing to be trashed, she gaped in surprise, there was a picnic set out, and wrapped presents but more importantly all the people closest to her. She pouted "Ohhhh you guys didnt have to do this!" she told them off.
Arisa bounced over to Neita and hugged her "Happy Birthday! and we didn't, Ares did" Arisa replied with a laugh. Arisa had forgotten how fun birthday parties, and parties in general could be.
Neita smiled at hugged her best friend back. "Thank you" she said with a grin. She looked over at Ares suspiciously, the idea of Ares planning this hadn't even passed herhead, it was totally unbelievable. Unless of course he has ulterior motives she thought continuing to look at him suspiciously.
"Hey Ray," Oliver greeted his Gryffindor friend. "Glad to see you out of the castle for once." Chuckling, Oliver then nodded as Ares went to get the birthday girl. When she arrived, Oliver flicked out his wand and used the wand writing charm to write in large bold letters:
Happy 10th 11th Birthday NITA!!

Smiling, Oliver walked over and patted his best friend's cousin on the shoulder. "You'll never guess what I got you for your birthday!" he exclaimed brilliantly. "How old are you now anyway? Eleven?" Oliver joked. He liked teasing the poor girl and saw it as a sort of sport. But he figured she was used to it on a daily basis from him, so why wouldn't she not be expecting it for her birthday?
Ray grinned as Ares brought Neita down from the castle. "Buddy!" he said walking up to his friends cousin remembering the first time they met was while he was on gender fudge. "Long time no see!" "The extra weight looks good on you!" he joked quickly looking away and whistling at the sky.
Neita rolled her eyes as she saw Olivers sign in the air. He patted her on the back and asked if she was eleven, she smiled back sweetly "twelve" she told him, "And you'll be nine soon?" she asked. She evil eyed Ares other good friend as he told her she put on weight, "Your extra weight would look good on you if you grew a bit" she teased back, getting rather used to her cousins friends.
Oliver laughed at Ray's joke, poking his tongue out at Neita playfully as she mocked him back. "Thank you very much but I've been told that I look quite old for my twelve years. And you know what they say: 'a woman is always younger than a man of equal years'. So in saying that, you are indeed eleven years of age." With his hand, Oliver ruffled Neita's hair a bit trying to get on her nerves. He didn't really have a problem with the girl, he just enjoyed teasing her and hearing her smart alec replies.
"Seriously though, happy birthday," Oliver said with a somewhat decent smile that he took for common politeness.
(( Don't students turn 13 in their second year? :o *is confused* :lawlz: ))

Vivienne gave a polite wave when another boy joined the group. She didn't recognice him, but said a small "Hey there!" anyway. After glancing around randomly for several minutes, Vivienne was pleased when Neita finally arrived. Her dreamy expression becoming slightly more alert, she smiled brightly and went over to the birthday girl with everyone else. "Neitaaa! Happy birthday!" she laughed lightly, giving the taller girl a hug. "Has it been a good one so far?" Vivienne then asked, hoping the surprise party had made it even better.
[they do he's being an idiot]

Neita rolled her eyes at Oliver "I'm sure its the other way around" she said sweetly "Because a man is always more immature than a woman of equal age!" she said. She smiled as he wished her happy birthday "Thank you" she said sincerly.

She grinned as Vivienne came up to her and she hugged her good friend back "ohhh thank you" she said grinning "It has been good, even though I thought everyone forgot" she said with a giggle looking around.

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