Sureya Olwen Eidos

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Sureya Eidos

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust


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Family Friends
Protective Over Me
Protective Over You
Former Enemies


Mortal Enemies
Hardcore Enemies
Average Enemies
Mutual Dislike
One Sided Enemy

Romantic Relationships

Puppy Love
Like Family
Mutual Crush
I have a Crush On You
You Have a Crush On Me
I look Up To You


Former Friends
Name Basis
Met Once


Thoughts on Me:
My thoughts on You:
Our History:
Link to relationship thread:
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Name: Chloe Eidos
House/Year: Hufflepuff Alumni
Occupation: retired quidditch pro - turned writer

Relationship: Mother; Close Friends, Protective over You, Mentor

Thoughts on Me: I think you are simply amazing,
you never let anything phase you. You see some
creature injured and you want to help it, you see
someone in trouble and you want to help them; you
listen with a patient ear, you have a heart of gold. You
are everything I always dreamed of in a daughter
and everyday I feel so lucky for having you in my life.
I love you so very much.

My thoughts on You: You are my bestfriend always,
I can talk to you about anything and you will not judge me.
If I get my listening skills from anyone then it's from you.
I feel sometimes when I look at you that I have some
seriously big shoes to fill but then you always tell me to
find my own path, to make my own choices and dreams and
I know that no matter what I choose, you will be there
to support me. Thank you Mommy.

Our History: You were just a little white bundle wrapped
in a pink shroud when they past you to me. The first tear
fell and touched your eyes, waking you up. I thought you
would cry immediately but you didn't. The midwife had told
us and so had all the books we had read that a babies eyes
are usually a dark blue but would change by the 6th week.
Yet yours were the most amazing pale blue and they never
did change. I knew you were special then and still do. From your
first steps, to your first tooth, your first word to your first sleep
over. It all stays in my heart, my own private scrapbook of you.
<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">


Name: Harvey Eidos
House/Year: Ravenclaw Alumni
Occupation: officiate at ministry of magic NZ branch

Relationship: Father; Close Friends, Protective Over You, Mentor

Thoughts on Me: I love you dearly and regret not a single moment
with you. From the very second they placed you in our arms to watching you
leave from the platform for Hogwarts, you have made me so very proud. I am
who I am today because of you. I may be a husband and a ministry official, I
may be a friend and confidante to many but you made me a father. The
greatest gift I have ever been given.

My thoughts on You: I know I am adopted and I know now I am
part-veela but not once in all of this did you ever make me feel less of
a person. I do not care to find out who my biological parents are because
you are my father as Chloe is my mother. I love you daddy.

Our History: You were barely four hours old when we got to see
you and from that very moment we fell in love with you. I take pride in
all you do and always will. You are not just a beautiful face, you are a
beautiful person, gentle and kind and loving and every day I spent and
spend with you, I am shown this.



Name: Hamza Khalid
House/Year: Hufflepuff Third Year
Occupation: Student

Relationship: Student Friend; Average Friend

Thoughts on Me: Sureya is rather a very interesting
individual with. Being Part-Veela gives her an edge over getting
guys, but then again, a wonderful person. You are interesting in
a way that you are shy, sometimes hard to read from your face,
but overall, a very nice girl. I think that you could be a very close
friend of Hamza, seeing as you show a lot of caring, Hamza needs
that in his life the most since him being away from his parent's and
his relationship issues with his ex girlfriend didn't help. There will
be more issues in the future, but Hamza thinks Sureya as a person
he can be more open to than anyone else.

My thoughts on You: You came to the rescue of my
rabbit and loaded me down with advice within minutes, I know I lost
my temper a little which has never happened before but I am glad
we got passed that. I think you are wonderful and interesting and
considerate of those around you. I have a feeling we are going to be
very good friends.

Our History: Strangers -> Friends
Link to relationship thread: Hamza's R.T

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