Sunako Watanuki

Sunako Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 10 1/2" Sakura core
The Basics

Character's Name: Sunako Watanuki
Character's Birthdate: May 21
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Black Walnut 10 ½ inches Sakura core
Educated At: Drumstrang
Occupation: Student​


Hair: Raven black
Eyes: deep coffee brown
Height: 4”11’
Style: Black robes under a black trench coat. Both go down to her feet along with an ankh necklace. The only speck of color on Sunako. The tips of steal toed boots can be seen under her robes.
Other Distinguishing Features: She walks in a room and the lights seem to flicker from her presence as well as plants tend to die. Bad seeing as her parents own a nursery. Her eyes maybe brown but they have a sharpness to them that makes them look black that comes along with a stare that makes moral men quiver in her presence and known to make girls faint from the fright.

A Little Deeper

<SIZE size="150"><COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Impact">Personality: Sunako grew up among the flowers and good smells of the Watanuki household. Sumomo coddled her daughter a little more than her sons making Sunako think that she could get anything she wanted. She came with a determined air and a bit of stubbornness. All this was taken from her when a boy from school told her that he didn’t like ugly girls. Since then Sunako’s self-esteem hit the floor.

Special Talents/Abilities: None

History:Sunako Watanuki is the daughter of a muggle born and a muggle. The house that they lived in looked like it was in the middle of a forest there were so many plants. Akito and Sumomo Watanuki own a nursery that sells both muggle plants and wizarding plants. Because of this Sunako grew up among flowers and good smells. It wasn’t until the age of seven that she started to show signs of magic. It was about the same time that Akito had started to talk to her brothers in privet.

Sunako had a good home life. The brothers barely picked on her and when they did it was all in good fun and she had good friends at her muggle primary school. But then came the day when she got accepted into Tokyo Academy of Magic. At first things where good even though it seemed like the purebloods ran everything. She made friends. It was in the second year when she fell for one of the pureblooded boys. It took her a lot of courage but Sunako finally got the guts to tell him how she felt about him.

She was shot down with an “I don’t like ugly girls”. Sunako was crushed. She locked herself in her dorm for a few days and refused to see anyone. When she came out she was different. Her eyes had become sharp and piercing, her clothes outside of school had become darker, and everything about her seemed to have become scary. She started talking about body parts and the analysis of the minds of killers. Things that seemed not normal for anyone. When one of the teachers caught her with a one of the knives from the dining room muttering about wanting to see a real corps she was sent home.

Since then she has been homeschooled in magic and in basic other things and has only seen sunlight when she was made to by her older brothers even then she only does it under a black parasol.

Sunako was sent to New Zealand at the age 14 hoping that a change in atmosphere would do her some good. I only succeeded in making her a new 'friend' within Link Woods and letting her find some more books for her collection. Sunako was not accepted into Hogwarts that year which meant that the Watanuki parents went with plan B, Drumstrang. Sunako hates being around people but for the sake of being left alone she bared it. The real cause of the state of her mind has come forth and Sunako has become a servant of Koshiba not as a gaurdien but as an assassin.
Watanuki - Two parents, four brothers
Koshiba - two cousins, one master, one aunt
Sunako's Scrap Book (As kept by Sumomo Watanuki)​
<SIZE size="50">Sunako, a picture taken right after she exited Tokyo Academy of Magic.


Sunako now, Isn't she pretty?

<SIZE size="50">Jj the raven, don't be fooled he will eat you


Sketch made by Hoshi of one of Sunako's pets. Don't what happened to it.

This thing is about as big as a fingernail. It's still gonna kill you

--I fear there are more mutations to come--​

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