summer sunshine

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa walked out to the lake front to soak up some summer sunshine, she had decided to stay at the castle for christmas break because she didn't feel like going to canada and the snow. She set out a blanket and lied down on it before reaching into her bag and pulling out her book, she was really catching behind on her reading lately.
Hazari had decided to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays, one of his brothers had just landed himself in prison, and Hazari's mother was trying to get him out. Hazari didn't particularly want to stay with some batty neighbour for the holidays. He decided to go to the lake and write a letter home. A quill, ink and piece of parchment in his bag, Hazari walked down to the lakeside. "Oh, hi Arisa." he said, a little nervously. Even though he had talked to her a lot recently, he still had a crush the size of Australia on her. Or maybe it was Africa now.
Arisa was just getting to a good part in her book when she heard a voice, nooo, he was just about to kiss her!! she thought franticly before putting it down. She looked up to see it was Hazari, "hey Hazari" she said brightly. "Merry Christmas, hows it been for you so far?" she asked patting the space on the blanket next to her hoping he would sit down and join her.
Hazari sat down beside Arisa and grinned. "Merry Christmas... Good, I guess." he said, shrugging. "My brother got himself in jail, so I'm not going home for Christmas." Hazari said, as if it was big deal. Hazari wasn't too close with his brothers, usually he pretended he didn't have any.
Arisa gasped slightly when he said his brother was in jail, "what? why?" she asked wanting to know the story, "that is, if you don't mind me asking" she added blushing slightly not wanting to be rude. Arisa book marked her page and put it away in her bag, her book could wait, and she was happy to be hanging out with Hazari.
Hazari shrugged. "Dunno, no-one's telling me. Prob'ly got drunk and hurt someone." he said. More likely, he was involved with a gang. "Nah, it's cool. People are bound to ask about these things." Hazari laughed. "So, why aren't you home for the holidays?" he asked.
"I don't feel like hanging out with my mom and her finance" Arisa said in a flat tone. She sighed and lay back down on the blanket, "don't get me wrong, hes a nice enough guy" she added. Arisa looked over to Hazari hes kinda cute she thought which made little butterfly's appear in her stomach out of no where.

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