Summer Lovin'

Aries Centauri

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 1/2" ash and paduak mix with unicorn hair core
Aries rubbed the back of his neck as he walked down towards the lake. He had the biggest damn tension headache ever and knew that besides rubbing it, a good decent dip in the lake would be perfect. Walking around to the small pebbled beach he pulled off his jeans and ti-shirt and sneakers. Clad in a most flattering pair of swimming trunks, Aries waded into the water hands raised slightly. When he thought he was deep enough he dove under and began swimming with his long easy lazy strokes. The width of the lake was wide enough but he covered it in good time before turning to swim back to where he had left his clothes.

Wading back out he sat down on stony beach to let the sun and air dry his skin for him. This weather was glorious and as he had spent much of his studying time out doors instead of in, he was now nicely tanned. Enjoying the moment of peace and quiet he wished Violet were here with him to enjoy it as well. Closing his eyes he lay back against the stones and began to drift slowly into slumber.
Seeing as she didn't have a class, and summer was drawing all too quickly to a close, Violet figured she'd take advantage of both of those facts and head to the lake. It was perfect swimming weather, and therefore perfect not-studying-for-OWLs weather, the fifth year Hufflepuff reasoned. So, after self-consciously putting on a pair of swimmers underneath her dress in the bathroom, Violet had made her way down to the lakefront, a cheerful smile on her usually tired features. She'd spent so long indoors that the fresh air instantly seemed to do wonders for her. Happily, Violet skipped down to the lakefront, before she noticed a very familiar figure slumbering by the lake. Grinning, Violet very quietly (and in embarassed movements) pulled off her dress and shoes, before wading in to the water.

It was cold, granted, but it was also a lovely feeling. Of course it was cold - it wasn't like swimming at home in summer, when it could be forty degrees - but after a few initial shivers, Violet got used to it very quickly and started to awkwardly breast-stroke around the lake. She wasn't exactly an Olympic champion swimmer, but she could keep afloat easily and that, she supposed, was the important thing.

After sufficiantely cooling down, Violet decided now was perhaps the time to rouse the sleeping figure on the beach. Carefully and silently, Violet waded out to the stony beach, bending down to scoop up some water in her hands. With a wicked grin, she strode over to her boyfriend and innocently dropped the water she cupped in her hands on to his face, a mischievious glint in her eyes.
Aries' tanned and muscular body dried very quickly as he slumbered, his dreams filled with none other than his Violet. He did not know whether it was the heat of the sun or whether it was simply his own hormones that pushed his dreams in a rather heated direction. It was with pure shock then that he felt cold water splash on him, waking him abruptly and dragging him forcefully to reality with a bang. As his dazed eyes scanned rapidly for the culprit, it was with great amusement that he discovered it had been quite literally the girl of his dreams.

Within seconds he had bounded up from his prone position and was standing now inches from her. His hands out wide at his sides as if any second he would pounce and gather her too him.
"Now what mischief are you up to eh?" he chuckled at her, she looked gorgeous absolutely stunning.

It took him no time at all to break whatever gap was between them. At first he was tempted to scoop her up and toss her into the water but the sight of her in her swimsuit and the memory of how they had been behaving in his dream gave him no other choice. His hands cupped her face and his mouth was on hers, claiming her possessively. It was some moments before he lifted his mouth keeping it a mere few inches from hers.

"Be carefuly what sleeping tigers you wake" he whispered against her mouth and then taking her by the hand, chuckled as he quirked his eyebrows at her before running towards the lake.
Violet was glad her boyfriend knew her well enough to react so well to a little bit of teasing and playfulness. And she was safe and secure in his feelings for her that he could never be mad at her for something like that. Beaming, she chuckled happily as Aries suddenly stood up and placed himself close to her. She worried for a moment that he might take it upon himself to throw her in to the lake, but no, he didn't, much to her relief.

No, instead he chose to kiss her, which was much nicer in her opinion. She loved it when he kissed her, but what could she say? She loved him, more than anything else in the world. It made her truly happy to say for certain that she was his, nobody else's. Violet kissed him back, quite enthusiastically, before they broke apart for air.

"Hah, you think I'd go waking a sleeping tiger without knowing how to tame it?" she replied, raising her eyebrows in return as they ran back down to the water, Violet's spirits soaring. Once they were calf-deep in water, Violet took great pleasure in kicking a leg up and splashing Aries with water, laughing like a mad woman. "You couldn't tell I'm sixteen, could you?" she asked, jokingly, shaking her head as she did so.
Aries wasn't used to Violet being so feisty and he had to admit it he damn well loved it. She was like a siren, teasing him relentlessly.
"So you think you can tame this tiger?" he grinned at her when they were deep in the water. She flicked water at him with her legs and he chuckled biding his time, shaking his head in answer to her he stealthily moved closer. Sweeping her up effortlessly he grinned wickedly at her as he stood up tall in the water. The beads of moisture dripped from their sodden bodies. He stared at her for a long while a smile never far from his lips.

"Are you feeling brave now Ms. Bellamy?" he chuckled, "How tame do you think this tiger is?"
he nipped at her ear gently before lowering himself into the water as he still held her close. One hand under her knees while the other protected her back. Just when it seemed he would drop her he stood up again freeing her completely from even touching the slightest trace of water.

"You know it takes an awfully long time to tame one" his eyes now pierced hers, "A lifetime."
Lowering his face so his lips gently grazed hers he looked at her again.
"Do you have that much time to spare? Would you be willing to spend it taming... me?"
Of course Aries would get the upper hand on her. He was bigger and stronger...but Violet had to say she didn't mind at all. She took whatever victory she could claim - and yet, it wasn't as though they were fighting for anything, or even fighting at all. He was her equal, in heart and mind, and Violet would have it no other way. She shrieked as he picked her up, holding her close and with great care.

"You couldn't scare me at all, Mr. Centauri," Violet replied, oddly confident for a girl who was, at that moment, entirely at the mercy of her boyfriend. She was about to add something, when her calmness was betrayed by her crying out in shock as he began to lower himself - and herself - down to the water. Hooking her arms around his neck, she pressed herself close to his chest, figuring that if he dropped her the least she could do was take him along. But no, he didn't - rather, he pulled her back up.

Looking up at him, Violet relaxed as his lips met hers, although the words Aries spoke made her heart flutter. After so long, he could still do that to her. It was amazing.
"Aries, I could spare all of eternity for you," she replied, both sweet and matter-of-fact at the same time. "I couldn't think of anything I'd rather spend my time doing."
He loved how she clung to him, as if she never wanted to let go and he seriously never wanted her too. She had come to mean everything to him, his night his day. The air he breathed, the beating of his heart. Violet was the reason he did things with a passion any more, she had taken his world and tipped it off its axis. Careened it upside down by being simply herself. Her beautiful, funny, quirky, intelligent self. He held her closer to his body a bit longer as he lowered them into the lake, slowly he turned around lightly skimming her body across the top of the water. Never once attempting to let her go or make her belief he would.

"Then marry me" he was so in earnest now, "I don't mean this second Violet, I mean when you've graduated of course but I want us to have the happy ever after. If it exists I want it for us. You are my happy ending and all the funny and serious real life stuff that comes after the last page has been turned. I want to grow old with you, I want to have children with you someday. There's so much I want us to do together, I know we're still very young but... " he looked at her and smiled almost shyly "put a guy out of his misery here".
Violet was nearly floored by what Aries had to say. Except for the fact that she was suspended in mid-air and held securely by the love of her life. Instead, she simply gaped, astounded by what she had heard. His words were so beautiful, Violet wasn't sure she could do him justice in her reply.

"!" she exclaimed, almost leaping out of his arms as she moved up to kiss him. "Yes, yes, a million times yes!" Violet basically squealed, unable to form any coherent sentences or even many words except the one word she had to say. Burying her head in to his chest, she grinned madly as she attempted to calm down enough to speak again. Sure, she was only sixteen. Two years too young to marry by home's standards, one year shy of being an adult in the wizarding world. Then again, she still had over two years to go until she graduated. She wouldn't marry him until she was nineteen or twenty, which seemed an awful long time to wait, but for Aries, she would wait forever. She knew that there was nobody else she would rather spend the rest of her life with. Even though she was young, she knew that marrying him was the right decision. She really would have her happily ever after.

"I'll be yours forever, I promise." It was cheesy, but Violet really couldn't care less at that moment. She was simply ecstatic, over the moon, and all she could think of was Aries, and how the two of them were going to be together forever. Visions of her future flooded in to her mind...and for once, Violet wasn't scared. "Should hope that you aren't really miserable, though," she winked, knowing he was only using a figure of speech. "I'll make sure you never have to be."
Aries waited but he knew she would not keep him waiting for long, her words sent a tremor through him and he smiled. It was possibly the most dazzling smile he had ever given her. Was it really possible for anyone to be this happy? He loved her, she loved him and now they were good and well for lack of any other word, engaged to one another.
"You know forever is a long time but I'm talking about everything after that as well. You're my soul mate. In this life and anything after, I'm yours" he kissed her tenderly releasing her very gently so that she could now stand in front of him in the water. His hands held her waist enjoying the feel of her glorious skin. The kiss became slightly deeper, as if he wanted her to know everything that was in his heart and soul at that moment. Involuntarily his fingers clenched slightly as if squeezing her to him.

When he did move his mouth reluctantly from hers, he ran a hand across her beautiful hair.
"I don't think there are any jewellery shops in Brightstone but we can look at the next weekend or try Makutu Mall maybe but don't settle. If there is nothing you don't like then we'll wait until the winter vacation or whenever you do see something."

His mouth lowered to claim hers again, pausing just above her perfect mouth.
"You have made me the happiest I could ever imagine".

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