+ Summer is here!

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Willow Autumn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
★ Missy
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust

Good News!

Missy is now on her Summer Holiday (November - March Next year!)
and she would *really really* love to get some Role playing done!

::Friends of All Ages
Willow wouldn't mind meeting more friends or knowing other people.
She doesn't mind making new friends or just establishing a support network for little Willow.

::It's just...a little crush
It'll be cool if someone was interested in Willow, or vice versa.
Remembering she's only 11 ;)

In other words, if you ever wanted to Roleplay with Willow, then this would be a good time to do it
as I have a lot of free time.

Also, any old Roleplay would do fine. I'm starting to run low on the Role play list,
and it'll be nice to fill up my summer a bit :)

I have Kynleigh Davis who I could offer up as a friend. They are in the same house and there is only a year's difference between them so I could easily see them being friends. Kynleigh's very outgoing and friendly to most everyone with a little bit of a sneaky streak in her. Pretty much a tiny ball of energy if you will.
That'll be awesome, would you like me to start, or would you? ^^
I have Siobhan, she's 2 years older, but maybe she could hang out with Willow on some free time?
I has the Brock.

The Brock features happy goth attiude and is only 12 years older :).

Say we meet at a shop or something? Friends :)

Haha thanks, Brock

P.S. hes not a obvious DE.
Well I hasith some lonely charries who deserve a few Rp’s since they have been in the box for so long its almost criminal :p
Tamalia Kaster, 12, second year Gryffindor
Tamalia is stubborn but friendly enough, when she was first sorted into Gryffindor she hated it and rebelled, even dragging her friend on a mission to the forbidden forest, so I was thinking she could be a sort of older friend to Willow and teach her things about boys and stuff and growing up while Willow can teach Tamalia some responsibility and other stuff ;)
Grace Raven, 11, First year Gryffindor
Grace and Willow have already met through Shiloh and I think they have slot in common and many differences that could help Grace further develop, Willow could help her loosen up while Grace could help Willow be more level headed and if Willow ever needed something in the money department, example she needed a quick plane ticket, Grace could easily organise that :D
And if you dont mind RPing with someone that is not at Hogwarts yet I have Speedy :p
Speed Stark, 14, member person :p
Speed is friendly and feminine, he is very sweet and is never at a loss for words, he is clumsy and doesn’t like fighting and always tries to help people, even if they dont want the help and can never sit still, he paints nails and often talks about how much he loves his family and has a knack for getting people out of their shells and making them happy. :p
So there you go Missy :)
@Brock: Yeah, that would be awesome :D Would you like to start the RP?

@Tenile: Woah, thats a lot of characters haha, I wouldn't mind Roleplaying with ALL of them haha, would you like to start the Roleplays? :)
@Katie: No problem, I'll PM you the link when I'm done ^^
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