Style according to Hoshi

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Hoshi Watanuki had her own style. Everyone knew it and either loved her or hated her for it. Today uniqueness came in the form of a black corset topped with green and a plade skirt. The heels where needle ends and tall giving Hoshi a good two inches on her five foot even frame. This meant that if she made one wrong move on the shoes that she would fall flat on her face.

Hoshi had a bit too much grace to do that though. She was looking in the window of a second hand store at the end of Brightstone thinking of what she could do with pieces she got from there. Hoshi would never call herself Glam but she did love fashion when it came to Gothic fashion. That and the only reason they hated her was because of her mortal enemy Isabella Chaos.
Brighstone village reminded Sally of the cousin of hers. He used to run around this place like a maniac but not anymore since he grew. The place hadn't changed a bit which was odd. She had always wanted to stick around her boyfriend Scipio but he was too busy making homework along with her brother. Durmstrang was a disaster, Sally had never imagine being tortured by someone else especially not in school. She hated the school, she wanted to be transferred back o Beauxbaton, but the only way to be around her boyfriend was if she stayed in Durmstrang. And that way, Zac could graduate easier, if he was too transferred to Beauxbaton then he had to learn French, etc. Everything was too complicated, there were too many things that had been going around lately.

With a White dress and green pastel accessories, Sally sat on the bench. She took out a small thermos of her and poured hot green tea on the green mug of hers and start sipping it slowly. She stood up and start walking slowly and notice a familiar face. The girl reminded her of these Japanese family in Durmstrang who enjoyed bullying other students. The Watanukis.
Hoshi saw the girl and smiled wide. Hoshi unlike her cousin was a natural star. It had been said of her ever since she started to walk that she had the air of a celebrity. Even in her dark clothes. "Konichiwa what brings you to this end of Brightstone?" She asked the girl. She didn't seem like the type to look at second had things or even to know what second had meant. Judging by the dress, there was a good chance that the girl could be Glam. There was a good chance that she wasn't though and this was a chance that Hoshi was willing to take.

Hoshi had taken the Watanuki name when her own father disowned her for not being up to his standards. Or rather she disowned herself. Her mother's brother had been kind to Hoshi and taken her in. She had met the siblings before and thought they where just a riot to be around. Especially her cousin Sunako who loved all things dark like Hoshi but there seemed to be something off about her. Hoshi was sure that if she could spend more time with Suna-chan she would be able to make things better for her.
This time Sally was sure that the girl must be related to the Watanuki, they looked alike. "It's annoyeong haseyo or Ni hao" She said, Sally was half Korean and half Chinese, unlike Zac whose father was Chinese and mother was half Korean and half Japanese. Sally bowed showing a respect to the girl, she didn't want to mess up with her. Her white dress was new and it was a gift from her brother, she didn't want to ruin it or spill blood all over it. "I don't why I'm here" She laughed, Sally lived in Sofia along with her brother after moving to Durmstrang but during summer holiday, she went back to China to meet up with her parents.

Sally observed the girl up and down, it was a habit of her's. She was too curious, she wanted to know everything about everyone's business and that habit should be stopped even though it was hard.
"By the way, any chance in knowing the Watanuki?" It was just a guess, she wasn't sure if the girl was one of them but there was no harm in asking her about those psychopaths. But the girl seemed nice... Or... Not??
There was a striking resemblance between Hoshi and Sunako but that was where a lot of the similarities ended. Hoshi laughed and shook her head. "Alright we can end that if we're going to talk in languages that the other can't understand." She said jokingly. She wiggled her hips as if full to the bursting with energy then pointed to the store. "If you don't know then you won't mind coming with me inside and telling me what I can throw together. I'm running out of loudness to show the school." She said with wink.

Hoshi if anything lived to be looked at and the best way to do that was to dress as loudly as she could. A few would call it attention wh0ring but Hoshi called it having fun. She lived to see the look on people's faces when they saw her whether it be good or bad. "Those are my cousins. Don't worry I don't like to kill like my cousin Kyouhei does. He's a little too trigger happy if you know what I mean." She said with a laugh. Her family was dark. Hoshi was a bright sort of dark though.
Sally exhale when the girl told her that she was nothing like her cousin. "Oh great! You should tell him to cut his attitude and his sister too. Especially that Kyouhei dude, he had been bullying other students FOR NO REASON!" She complained. What was worse was that the dark art professor wont do anything about it. "Seriously! Can you pleaseeeeeeeeee help me?? Even though I don't know you... Well... Not yet" She widen er eyes and plastered on her goofy grin on her face and start sipping her green tea.

"Well my step-mom is Japanese and I've been living with her since I was little so... Konnichiwa, Watashino namaewa Sally desu"
She bowed and stood up fixing her dress. "Nice corset, but why black and green? OH I know... You're a Slytherin?" She had seen a lot of Slytherin students wearing those kind of outfits. Sally was too stereotypical and her brother had been telling her to cut the attitude but she could never do that.
Hoshi put hands on her cheeks and smiled brightly. "Oh to that's what my cousins are up to. Oh well I'll tell them to back off a little bit. Goodness knows that your can't have people messing up in another place when they have your name." She said cheerily. Hoshi was a bright girl by nature but she still had a bit of her 'royal' training in her system. There was something about Hoshi that screamed high class even though she dressed in second hand clothes made to look gothic.

Hoshi nodded and laughed. "Well Sally-chan your right. Slytherin through and through." She said putting her hands on her hips. "I do some outfits in Gryffendor red too though because that color is cool. Ravenclaw blue is cool but it makes me look like a Cyber-goth instead of a glam goth. Can't do a thing with yellow if it isn't bright and neon." She said thinking about the outfits she had made for herself over the years. Yes most of them had been green but the rest had been a play with other colors.
Sally started to like the girl when she started to talk about fashion. "I love baby colors although I'm typical with baby pink or baby blue... Well basically, pastel colors" She winked as pointed at the ribbon on her head which was baby green. She looked good in bright colors instead of dark, just like her younger sister Vivian. It took hours when it comes to Vivian and Sally shopping together. And poor Zac had to hold all the bags, but Zac was also a big fan of fashion. Everyone could tell when they saw his outfit. "I don't like neon" She shook her head "No... No... No... No" She laughed and opened her purse checking if she still had money or not because she promised her brother to buy him a shirt for him.

"So what's the name onee san?"
She asked her, Sally was used to Japanese, her mother was half Japanese anyway and she was more Japanese than Korean. An owl came toward her as she took the letter from it, she fed it and start reading the letter which was written in Chinese. It was from her younger brother, Brad telling her that he was going to Hogwarts New Zealand soon. She smiled and fold the letter and put it in her purse. "So how many siblings do you have onee san?" She asked politely before sipping her green tea.
Hoshi looked at her and nodded. "Yeah you can pull off the pastels real well. You could even go Lolita if you wanted to." She said thinking of lolita friends that she had in Japan. Pastels where just not Hoshi's thing though. "I don't do pastels often but if I ever think about doing the Lolita things I can pull from you it seems." She said with a bright smile. She saw Sally looking through her bag which reminded her of something. She looked at the fake gallion around her neck and sighed. She was hoping that Sinclair was going to contact her soon. He was running out of time to ask her to the Yule Ball.

Hoshi smiled. That was her nickname when it came to the Asian students in the school. The outcasts, the turned way always called her little sister. "Only one. My twin brother Tohoru goes to Hogwarts too. My mother has her brother and they're a big family but I have my Tohoru-nee" She said with her hands together. Hoshi loved her younger brother with all her heart even though they seemed to have drifted apart.
"I still don't know your naaaaaaaaaame" Sally sang and smiled. She sat on a bench beside her and put the plastic bags beside her, there were too many of them. She bought too much things, well if there were too many then she would just give it to Vivian. She was sure that her sister had the same style as him. She opened the bag and took a hand lotion, she could smell rose scents when she put it on her body. She then offered it to the acquaintance of her "Want some? My sister bought it for me, i was quite surprised that she has such a nice taste" She giggled. Sally was a typical girly-girl and she had been friends with most girly-girls. Some people were annoyed but she didn't care, after all it wasn't her problem if they dislike her.

Sally then put the lotion back to her purse.
"My younger siblings are going to go to Hogwarts or Beauxbaton, Vivian and Brad and yeah they're twins. I got an older brother as well, he's in Durmstrang. But they're all my half siblings" She said, even though her mother wasn't the same as theirs, Sally still loved them no matter what happen. After all, they grew up in the same house and they had the same parents. Sally was taken care of Zac's mother since she was a baby. Zac's mother was the same as Vivian's and Brad's. Sally was the different one but she didn't mind.
Hoshi kicked one heeled foot up then started to march other to the bench Sally was sitting on. "Oh right, Yeah. I'm Hoshi Watanuki." She said laughing. Hoshi was wondering if she should buy something. A lot of the things she had she made herself out of things that she found in second hands like this. The clothes ended up being more wild looking than when she had started off with them. Hoshi saw what Sally was using and tilted her head. Hoshi nodded and smelled it. She had a hunch of who it was made by. Hoshi turned it around and nodded. "I knew it. A Haruhi Koshiba product." She said with a smile before she put the lotion on her own hands and handing it back to Sally.

"That's my mom you know. She bought the Ice cream store not to far from here but she still makes beauty products. The girls in my school would freak if they knew that most beauty products in the stores where branches of my mother's company." She said with a sly grin on her face. Hoshi didn't often say that she was the daughter of someone like Haruhi. To everyone at school only Hoshi's father was rich and famous. Or infamous if you could say that. "Cool, one of my friends goes to Drumstrang now. Sad to see her go but I'll see her again." She said with a finger up. Through Sunako. Hoshi wouldn't admit this but she thought of Sunako as a tool like most of family did.
Sally rose her eyebrows when Hoshi told her that the product that she was using was her mother's. "I shall tell Vivian about your mother then... Vivian loves the product" She smiled, Sally had met several other people like Hoshi's mother so it wasn't something extraordinary. Her father was the owner of a fancy restaurant in 10 countries called `The Kuang`. She was proud of her father even though he was rarely at home, but the family would gather every summer. So even each of them were busy, they still make time for each other.

"What's your friend's name? I really can't stand your cousin, they're..."
She paused and made this wierd face "Scary" She said, she was glad that Hoshi wasn't like her cousins, Sunako and Kyouhei. They were too crazy and were too violent. "My father is always busy though, I wish he got more time. I mean heyy! I want him to visit me in Sofia!" Sally had been living in Sofia with her dear brother. She knew that Zac used to have a rough time since their father was too busy.
Hoshi could tell that this girl was not of exactly 'noble' birth but she had been in scene. "Vivian should love hearing about Mom. She's sweet to anyone who gives her compliments." She said laughing. Hoshi was also proud of her mother. Haruhi Koshiba may not have been able to take care of Hoshi a good chunk of her life but she worked hard and honestly. Unlike her ex-father who did anything he could to get out ahead of his opponents.

"Larissa! I know she'll make friends where ever she goes." Hoshi said. Laissa was part Veela and a good speaker if anyone could make it in Drumstrang, she could. Hoshi just wished that she could make that kind of move herself. Then again she loved Hogwarts too much to ever leave. "Oh they not all that scary and Suna-chan is sweet when you get to know her." She said brightly. Sunako was sweet to Hoshi because she had to be. Hoshi got a brake as a half blood because she happened to be the daughter but 'Boss Koshiba' when she was still in the family but Sunako being related to Hoshi made to Sunako was little more than a servant. Something Hoshi was quick to point out when she met her.
Sally smiled at Hoshi, she would love Vivian to meet Haruhi someday, she knew that Vivian would love that especially if Haruhi gave her discounts, she would love her even more. "Does your mom give discounts?" She asked cheekily, but hey! There was no harm in asking, right? "My father's the owner of `The Kuang`, I think there's one here in New Zealand and of course... Japan... But I'm not sure if it's located in Brighstone village. I think it's in the capital" She said proudly. Sally wasn't a snob type but she was too proud of her father that she wanted to tell everyone everything about him. She was also proud of her step-mother, she helped her father as well and had been a good cook for ages.

Sally had never heard the name Larissa before since she was also new in Durmstrang.
"Well obviously she's sweet because she's YOUR COUSIN" Of course the girl was sweet, Vivian wasn't bossy to Sally as well because she was her sister. Same thing as the Watanukis. "And I've never heard of your friend before... I hope she's not too violent" She said fiddling with her bracelet. If she was then Sally would have to stay away from that girl. Sally didn't want to be slammed to the wall. Worse... For no reason!

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