Studying for BIG Test

Jessy Stone

Well-Known Member
Jessy rushed up the Library but stopped at the doorway, she wouldn't want to disturb her fellow schoolmates. She found an empty table and took out all of her History of Magic notes for the past weeks. She took out the folder that it was contained in and spread all the notes, she read them first. Taking it all in then started to memorize the facts. at least, that's what she used to do when she was studying in her old school.

Lesson Two

Merlin was the wizard who worked for King Arthur and his father before him. However, that Merlin also had a hand in raising the future King? King Arthur was originally put up for adoption when he was just a baby and Merlin found him a foster father and there young Arthur stayed. He also had a half-sister who was named Morgan La Fey. At a young age he unsheathed the sword in the classic sword and the stone tale. Back in that time that was considered to be a test of strength and power.

Merlin's Birth

Some others say that Merlin was the product of a heavenly angel leaving the young woman with child. Merlin's mother handed him to the care of a priest, whom had Merlin baptized immediately. The baptism protected him from the fate of becoming the same creature as his father, though he did not completely escape his heritage. Some marks were left upon him, including the magic he would wield later in his life.

Merlin's Life

Throughout his childhood, Merlin was unknowingly the victim of a kingdom wide search for his death. The newest king, Vortigern, was in search of the child who was not born f this world. Vortigern was told that if he slayed one not of this world, and covered the cornerstone of his castle with the blood, he would be able to complete it. This would cure the inexplicable cause of his building failure, or so he was told.

When Merlin was finally found, he was brought to the king. Merlin then explained to King Vortigern, that his idea was ridiculous, and that there was another reason for his building failures.
Merlin then told the king of two dragons, whose battling under the castle, was causing the destruction of the newly built fortification. When workers dug up the ground beneath them, they were astounded to see a white dragon and a red dragon beneath them.
The two dragons fought a fight, and when all was done, the white dragon won. Merlin told Vortigen that it was an Omen of his future, and that he would be overrun.

Merlin's Powers

Merlin has many great powers, including:

o Merlin has the ability to shape shift
o Has a comical attitude much appreciated in the court
o Has the gift of prophecy and foresight
o Has the gift of great magic
o Knowledge of the ages

Merlin's Demise

The most thought of story regarding this young woman, is that Merlin fell in love with her when she was but twelve years old, and she promised to return Merlin’s love if he taught her the ways of his magic, in which she was keenly interested. They split ways but later found each other, and she attempted to seduce Merlin into teaching her the ways of his magic. He knew that his fate would lie in the hands of this woman, and at first attempted to persuade him to be the one to build the great house she had asked for. She would not back down, and eventually her insistence wore on Merlin, and he began to teach her the ways of his magic.

Some time had gone on with the teachings. Then one night, Viviane got up, and circled the sleeping body of Merlin, and spoke the incantations she was taught. She then lay back down with him and fell to sleep. When Merlin awoke, he realized that he had been tricked into the home she had built from his teachings, and that he was powerless to leave.

Lesson Three

Notes for History of Magic:

* Trials held in 1692, Salem, Massachusetts
* The grave site serves as memorial
* Residents were split into two groups - farmers vs. economers
* Farming families felt economy made it too individualistic - this was in opposition to the communalism of their Puritan beliefs
* Putnams were a large farming family - they were the leaders of the Separist group.
* Putnams established congregation separate to Salem Town under Rev. Samuel Parris in 1689.
* Parris received not only the usual house, salary and firewood but also the title and deed to parsonage and land.
* In 1691, a new Salem Village committee was elected - most oppesed Rev Parris.
* The Puritans believed in witches and their ability to harm others.
* Tituba (Parris' slave) baked a witchcake for the girls.
* Sarah Osbourne (an elderly lady) and Sarah Good (a homeless woman) first to be accused for being witches, then, Tituba.

Lesson Four

Ceramics of China

Jessy Stone
Ravenclaw 1st Year
History of Magic

The Chinese porcelain covers a wide range of high-fired ceramics, some may not be known as porcelain by Western definitions. It is usually green-fired or once-fired. After the body of a piece is formed and dried, coated with glaze, dried again and fired. In the high temperature of the kiln the body and the glaze are stuck together to become one. Chinese potteries are also made in this way.

Its precision of hard paste porcelain in the Ming Dynasty followed an attractive record of ceramic production. They contain words and images that scan the scale of China's history from Neolithic times.

Illustrations follow this development from the first pottery tomb figures to excellent porcelains made during the nineteenth century for the Emperors that time.

Did you know that President Lincoln kept important papers inside his top hat? According to tradition, this is the hat he wore on the night of April 14, 1865 when he went to Ford's Theater.

Did you know that the most famous horse in the 19th Century America, Lexington, was race horse? He was so fast that in 1855, he ran his most important race against the clock—not a horse! Lexington ran four miles in 7 minutes, 19 and 3/4 seconds, setting a world speed record that would stand for twenty years.

Lesson Five

The Golden Trio

The Golden Trio are like nicknames to the close group of friends, widely known as Harry Potter; Ronald Weasley; and Hermione Granger. They went to school on Hogwarts (the original one) and hardly attended their seventh year due to other priorities. Like finally getting rid of the Dark Lord! They got into lots of stick situations starting as early as their first years. They went after the Philosopher's Stone; in their second year, they figured out who, more likely what, did the attacks; on their third year, helped an Azkaban prisoner hide; on their fourth year, helped Harry go through the Triwizard Tournament, during their fifth year, helped organise Dumbledore's Army (or Defence Association); during their sixth years helped in the battle in the Astronomy Tower; and helped FINALLY destroy the Dark Lord Voldemort.

Ron Weasley


Full Name: Ronald Bilius Weasley
Birthday: March 1st 1980
Blood Type: Pureblood
Mother: Molly (Prewett) Weasley
Father: Arthur Weasley
Siblings: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Ginny.
Location of childhood home: 'The Burrow,' near Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon.
Wife: Hermione Granger
Children: Rose and Hugo

Ronald Bilius Weasley was Harry's best friend and had blue eyes and flaming red hair. He was tall, thin and has freckles, big hands and feet. He was in Gryffindor House and was the Gryffindor Keeper in his later years at Hogwarts. Ron has earned 7 OWLs and was a Prefect.

Hermione Granger


Full Name: Hermione Jean Granger
Birthday: September 19th 1979
Blood Type: Muggle-born
Mother: Unnamed Muggle
Father: Unnamed Muggle
Siblings: None
Location of childhood home: Somewhere in the Muggle World
Husband: Ron Weasley
Children: Rose and Hugo

Hermione Jean Granger has brown eyes and brown and bushy hair. She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth. She was in Gryffindor House and earned 11 OWLs. She came back to school to take her NEWTs because she hardly took her seventh year as they were fighting the Dark Lord. Hermione was also a prefect.

Harry Potter


Full Name: Harry James Potter
Birthday: July 31st 1980
Blood Type: Half-blood
Mother: Lily (Evans) Potter
Father: James Potter
Aunts, Uncles: Petunia Dursley, Vernon Dursley.
Siblings: None
Location of childhood home: 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey
Wife: Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley
Children: James Sirius, Albus Severus, Lily Luna
Godfather: Sirius Black

Harry James Potter has brilliant green eyes and black very messy hair. He wears glasses and holds a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. It was rumoured that he has a Hungarian Horntail tattoo on his chest but was just started by Ginny. It was not true. Harry was sorted in Gryffindor House and earned 7 OWLs. He was also in the House team as a Seeker and was the Triwizards Tournament Champion and defeated Voldemort.
"hey Jess,oh you studying history."said kasey as she grabed a chair beside Jess's.She had this weird Question on her mind but didnt know if it was right to ask it to her or not??
Belleza had been wandering on the Fourth Floor, and decided to pop into the library to see if anybody might have needed help with some homework. She noticed two girls talking, and decided to join them.

Gliding towards them, she smiled. "Hello there, I'm Belleza DeLaLuna. Do you need any help with any homework?" She asked in her high pitched voice.
Jessy looked up and saw Kasey as she grabbed a chair. Jessy blushed and apologized for the huge amount of notes on the table. "Sorry for the mess, History y'know. Lots of facts to remember. Kasey was looking quite troubled so Jessy asked quite concerened, "Is there anything that you want to tell me?" At that moment, a ghost floated in th Lobrary. Jessy recognised her as Belleza DeLaLuna, she glided towards the two of them and asked if Jessy and Kasey needed any help. Jessy replied in her most polite voice, "No thank you, we are quite alright. But you can stay if you want"
Belleza nodded her head, and decided to stay. She floated among some of the books, trying to remember any book she may have read before.
"Oh nothing."she lied."Well actually i know exams are there and all but i never see you doing anything apart from studying?"she asked if jessy would mind her question
"Of I'm studying, I don't to fail the tests don't I? And I don't study all the time I also..." Jessy broke off from her sentence, she just noticed that she hasn't as they say in the movies 'got a life' beyond schoolwork. :-B. "Oh gosh, I really should do something elso besides from schoolwork!" She said with a bewildered look on her face.
Belleza just remembered something else that she had to do, and floated away promptly.
"Bye Belleza! Hope to see you around soon" Jessy said as Belleza floated away. Jessy's face was still bewildered...
"bye"she said to the ghost.She forwarded her hand and hoped Jessy would shake it"You could be my best friend and you could teach me to study and i could teach you to enjoy"she said with a smile
((Sorry I took so long to reply...:D))

Jessy stood up, took out her hand and shook Kasey's hand. "Ok, bestfriend." Jessy grinned. "I appreciate you teaching me how to enjoy stuff, and I promise I'll teach you to be more studious." Jessy let go and sat back down.
"thanks"said kasey with a big smile"So first lesson is to attend a party.We have a christmas-holiday party in the friendfinder club and we are asked to bring a friend and so i ask you,will you be my friend and come with me,its in the room of requirment."she asked

(if yes post coming there! :) )
"Of course I know, I've heard people talk about that special room. So, I'll just meet you there?"

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