Closed Struggling

Jacinta Ingo

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Too Young to Care
Straight 12 Inch Rigid Pine Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Jacinta wasn't pleased with how much she was struggling with her studies. She had hoped that it would be a little easier, but coming from a Muggle background was hard. She couldn't talk to her parents about it, since she knew they'd just ignore it and wouldn't care, and she didn't really feel like talking to the other first year Slytherin girls. She wasn't sure how difficult the other Muggleborn's were finding it, but she hoped a little they were struggling. She sat down at a table in the library, hoping to learn something and understand it.

When Jacinta read through her notes, she realised she didn't have half of them with her. Why does everything have to be so difficult?! She sighed, trying not to disturb anyone, and slumped in her chair. What was the fun of learning magic if you didn't understand it? Well, you can't be the only one who's stuck. Surely. She pulled out a quill and started drawing on her paper. It wasn't a very nice picture, just some squiggles, but it calmed her down a little. Just start with one book. One. You can manage that. She sighed again, and opened the first book in front of her.
Kara loved the library, just as she thought she would. The Hogwarts Library was far better than the muggle library back home. She entered the large room and smile, taking in the rows and rows of books. Most of her studies were finished and all of her homework was already done, she kind of just wanted to relax and read a fiction book. As she looked around the shelves, she spotted a familiar face browsing the shelves. "Jacinta?" Kara whispered, moving closer to the girl. "Whatcha studying?" She asked her friend with a smile.
Jacinta looked up and saw Kara, a girl she had met briefly during the holidays before school started."Kara!" she whispered back."Hi!" She heard Kara's question and paused."Uh, I'm not sure." She had a look at the cover of the book. She didn't recognise the book or the subject."Something?" It did make it harder to study when she wasn't sure of the subjects. She needed to study over the holidays to catch up.
Kara smiled at her friend who seemed unsure of the subject she was studying or supposed to be studying. “I can help you, if you like.” She was doing well in all her classes and thought she might be of some use.
Jacinta sighed with relief."If you could, that would be amazing!" She loved the idea of someone in her year helping her. She worried that someone older than her would expect her to know stuff she didn't."How have your lessons been? I'd imagine you're doing well, being in Ravenclaw."
Kara smiled at her friend and found a comfortable place to sit next to her. She pulled out her notes, hoping some of it might be of use. "I've been enjoying the lessons. There is a lot to learn though," Kara commented. Everyone always seemed to expect Ravenclaw's to be good at schoolwork and Kara didn't want to let the house's reputation go down. "What's your favorite class so far?" She asked Jacinta.
Jacinta shrugged slowly. She didn't have one, mostly because she was struggling with them all."Flying is fun. I don't really like the theory work of all the other classes." She hoped that the following semester wouldn't be as hard, or that she could at least understand something."What's your favourite?" she asked Kara.

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