Stepping away from it all...

Ford Harkonnen

Well-Known Member
It's made of wood, I suppose
Ford walked out of the Slytherin Common Room hurriedly, the past few days had been fairly confusing for him. For the past few years of his life, he had been fairly quiet and unintrusive on those around him, but now he was mired in teenage drama. Having just recently broken up with Kaela and asking Sophia out to the Sorority's Banquet, he decided that he needed to get away and clear his head. By now, the entire school would have heard about his personal life, it was an unbreakable law of nature. Nobody frequented the dungeons and they were fitting to Ford's mood at this point.

He turned a corner into a long corridor he had never been down before: a light coating of dust carpeted the stone floor and the arched ceiling faded into black. Ford flourished his wand, "Lumos!" In the light, footprints became visible on the dusty floor, but nothing out of the ordinary made itself apparent. He strolled lazily down the hall until he came upon a doorway on the right. It was bronze and the process of oxidizing, giving it a greenish tint. He pushed it open and stepped into a smallish abandoned room. It was damp and a stained glass window in a corner bathed the room in a pale red glow. A quick scan of the wall to the left of the door revealed a small waterfall which slipped through the cracks in the floor to the unknown depths of the Earth.

Some of the walls were lined with empty bookshelves and there was a large desk in the center of the room. "Nox," Ford incanted vaguely and pocketed his wand. He walked over to the desk and laid down on it, crossing his arms behind his head, and let his mind wander.

He liked Sophia, the was the long and short of it, but he had buried the feelings deep down as a result of his own guilt and sadness. He thought Kaela was really cute, but when he thought about it, it was Sophia for whom he felt the strongest. Why does this feel more complicated than it is?

He sighed to himself and sat up, it was good to get away from the busy life of the rest of the school, Although, he surmised, This peace won't last long. Some one is bound to come down that hallway soon. He pulled out his wand and spun it around his fingers, considering his life.

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