Stella Parris

Stella Parris

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
The Basics
It's getting late, and I
Cannot seem to find my way home tonight

Full Name: Stella Harper Parris
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 5 June 2025
Age: 12
Hometown: Albany, Western Australia, Australia
Occupation: Student
Magical Information
Feels like I am falling down a rabbit hole
Falling for forever, wonderfully wandering alone

Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Boggart: Herself, but blind
Amortentia: The ocean, brand new magazines
Mirror of Erised: Her father smiling at her and finally properly acknowledging her
Dementor: -
Patronus: -
Animagus: -
I've never felt much smaller, since the fall
Nobody seems to know my name

House: Hufflepuff
Year: 2
Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Subject: Herbology
What would my head be like
If not for my shoulders or without your smile?

Hair: Dark brown, naturally straight, and quite long. Stella usually leaves it down, occasionally throwing it up into a quick ponytail.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4'10''
Style: Whenever she can, Stella dresses practically. She prefers t-shirts and shorts, garments that allow her to move around easily. Her wardrobe mostly consists of cooler colors. Although her outfits usually don't depict much thought, she makes sure she is at least presentable and that colors don't clash. Stella doesn't particularly like her Hogwarts robes as they make her feel like she's drowning in fabric. She also doesn't really like the color scheme of the Hufflepuff house. However, she wears her school uniform when she must so as to blend in. At 11, Stella's a bit too young to worry about makeup, and she keeps jewelry to a minimum although she does have a certain affinity for necklaces.
Other Distinguishing Features: -
Play-by: Samantha Boscarino
General Description: Stella believes herself to be average looking, and she's alright with that. At 4'9'' she is of average height for her age. A wisp of a girl, Stella is quite slender thanks to her love of swimming. Because she spent much of childhood outdoors, she usually has sunburned cheeks and an almost permanent tan. Her arms and legs are covered in mozzie scars and other bug bites. Stella typically doesn't spend much time on her appearance, just whatever is needed to ensure that she looks somewhat decent.
C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me
I'd like to believe in all the possibilities

General Description:
Stella is a largely reserved person, choosing to keep to herself. Despite being introverted, she is not shy and does not have trouble interacting with others. In fact, she likes large crowds of people, partly because it provides her with anonymity. When she was younger, she was expected to entertain herself, so Stella is used to being independent and left to her own devices and often likes it that way.

A natural skeptic, Stella is inclined to view the world somewhat cynically. She's not very trusting and feels uncomfortable divulging the smallest personal details, even if they're silly things that don't matter. This is partly because she does not want to deal with the possibility of opening herself up to prying questions and also because she doesn't have a lot of information about her family, particularly her mother, and wishes to keep what she does have for herself.

However, when Stella does become close to another person, she becomes exceedingly loyal to him or her. This is perhaps Stella's most prominent Hufflepuff trait. Stella often puts those she cares about above herself. She will defend them even if it means breaking a rule or two. To those whom Stella does not know as well, she remains kind as long as they don't give her a reason not to be nice.

Despite her cynicism, Stella wishes to be more positive. She ultimately wants to be a better person and holds herself up to high standards. However, she holds others up to the same standards, even if they are unreasonable. Stella definitely has a black-and-white view of things and can be extremely judgmental when it comes to things or actions that don't fall under her view of what is right. It's easier for her to view things as either good or bad, rather than acknowledging the intricacies of morality.

Stella can be quite inflexible, disliking and resisting change that she does not approve of. She clings to structure and formalities, things that she can rely on. This desire for structure manifests in the strict rules she keeps for herself. As a result, she is very responsible and quite self-aware, constantly keeping herself in check.

Curiosity drives Stella. It's what makes her so determined to find out who her mother was even though she has no recollection of her and does not miss her. Curiosity is also the source of her sense of adventure. For now, her biggest goal is to find out more about the world, both the magical one and the Muggle one. She has spent her entire life confined to a small city in the middle of nowhere, and she wants to get out. Her first taste of travelling-- the journey from her hometown to New Zealand-- was intoxicating, and she wants more. She wants to see the world.

Likes: [ul][li]Photography
[li]The beach and swimming
[li]Magazines, especially the nicer quality ones with well-designed spreads
[li]Travelling and airports
Dislikes: [ul][li]The smell of rain
[li]People who pry
[li]Her hometown
Secrets: Much of her background remains a secret. She finds that it often inspires intruding questions and pity, so Stella tends to avoid talking about her life before Hogwarts.
Ambitions: [ul][li]To find out more about her mum
[li]To see the world (both Muggle and magical)
[li]To become a professional photographer[/li][/ul]

So don't leave me to sleep all alone
May we stay lost on our way home?

After graduating from Hogwarts Scotland, Marietta Dioli locked up her wand. Marietta was sick of the discrimination she had faced due to her blood status and thus decided that she would remain in the Muggle world for the rest of her life as she felt safer among Muggles. She wanted a new start in life and decided that the best way to achieve that was to adopt a new name and choose a Muggle university far away from her hometown, Florence. Finally, Marietta settled on Monash University in Victoria, Australia, and chose to go by her middle name, Adelia.

At Monash, Adelia met a Muggle named Daniel Parris who she soon grew enamored with. The two quickly fell in love, and a few years after graduating, the two got married. Everything seemed to be fine until their second year of marriage, when Adelia discovered that she was pregnant. The young couple panicked; they were far too young to be parents. After much convincing from their friends and family, they decided to keep the child, and Adelia realized that she would have to confess to being a witch soon as there was a very good chance their child would be one as well.

Daniel did not take the news well. It was less about the fact that Adelia could do magic and more about how she had kept this from him for the past eight years. Tensions rose, and the two were locked in bitter fights for the next nine months.

The day Stella was born was not a happy one. It was a difficult birth, and for three days, Adelia lay on her hospital bed, suffering immensely, unable to see her newborn daughter. Despite the urging of Daniel, she refused to see a magical healer, and after drifting unconscious on the last day, she finally passed away.

Daniel quickly became a shell of his former self, mourning the loss of his wife while regretting all the fights they had had right before her death. He took little comfort in Stella as she only reminded him of Adelia. For the first few years after Adelia's death, he largely neglected Stella, only barely fulfilling his duties as a father as he shuttled Stella to and from day care.

Despite being surrounded by other children, Stella mostly kept to herself. There was only one person's attention she wanted, and that was her father's. However, she rarely saw Daniel as he was always locked in his office, working. When Stella did manage to draw Daniel into a conversation, he would speak as if he was in a daze before hurrying off, complaining that he was tired.

By the time Stella had entered Flinders Park Primary School, she had learned that her father would always remain distant. Aside from occasional halfhearted attempts at capturing his attention, she learned to become satisfied with being left on her own. Stella made very few friends at school, but she grew close to those she did befriend.

Shortly after entering Primary, Stella began to ask questions about her mother. She didn't particularly miss her mother or even want one, but she was curious. All the other kids in her school had both a mother and a father, and she wanted to know where hers was. Daniel ignored Stella's questions, giving vague answers only when necessary. He still couldn't bear to talk about Adelia, and he didn't intend to unless Stella started exhibiting magical abilities.

Stella's eighth birthday came and went, and Daniel started to relax. After all, Stella had not exhibited any signs of magic yet, so it was unlikely she would be a witch. However, a few weeks after her birthday, Stella was sent home from school. No one was sure what had happened. One second, the book she had been holding was perfectly fine, and in the next, it had gone up in flames. It had obviously been Stella's doing although no one knew just how she had done it.

Daniel knew immediately that it had been magic and that it was time to tell Stella about her magical heritage. Slowly, he started revealing bits and pieces about Adelia, whom Stella had known by name only. Stella was initially skeptical; the concept of magic was far-fetched and sounded like something her father would make up to get her to stop asking so many questions. However, it was the only possible explanation for the book's spontaneous combustion.

The next few years passed relatively quietly with very few outbursts of magic. Stella learned to recognize the peculiar sensation that often preceded one of these outbursts and managed to successfully hide her magical abilities or explain them away. Daniel had stressed the importance of keeping the whole thing a secret, and Stella obeyed, if only because she didn't want to attract any attention. Being magical was obviously not normal. However, that didn't stop her from occasionally practicing by herself at the beach near her house, manipulating the seashells and drawing shapes in the sand telekinetically.

Aside from reminding her to never reveal her magical abilities, Daniel remained distant, so Stella found solace in her friendship with Addison. Addison's mother, Stephanie, had noticed that something was wrong in Stella's home life. After all, most children, especially those as young as Stella, weren't allowed to roam around the neighborhood freely, without supervision. When Stella and Addison became friends, Stephanie opened up her home to Stella, allowing Addison to invite Stella over whenever she wanted. As a professional photographer, it was Stephanie who introduced Stella to photography, which Stella quickly grew to love.

Shortly after Year Four ended, Stella received a letter from Lake Dumbleyung School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, inviting her to start her magical education there. Both Daniel and Stella were shocked. It had never occurred to them that Adlia's alma mater, Hogwarts Scotland, was not the only magical school in existence. They had also not thought the letter would come so soon. Surely, it could wait until after Primary?

There was another reason why Stella was dismayed. She had been hoping that by attending Hogwarts Scotland, she would find out more about her mother and perhaps somehow feel closer to her. The young girl had been looking forward to getting out of Western Australia, or at the very least, getting out of tiny Albany. And now she was supposed to attend a school in an even smaller town, just hours away from Albany. Stella wrote back, asking for more information about other magical schools.

The next day, a school official arrived at their house, ready to field questions. Stella soon learned that there were magical schools all across Australia. However, none interested her. Not while Hogwarts existed. The school official wasn't very familiar with Hogwarts Scotland, but he did know that a second branch had opened up in New Zealand.

That night, Stella and Daniel had the longest conversation they had ever had together, and most of it consisted of fighting and shouting at each other. Stella was adamant that she be allowed to attend Hogwarts Scotland. Daniel insisted that Lake Dumbleyoung, or even a school in Perth or Melbourne or Sydeny, would suffice. While Daniel had never shown Stella much attention, the idea of her travelling halfway across the world bothered him. Although he had a feeling that he had already lost Stella, he didn't want to grow further apart from her, and a move across the world would definitely tear apart whatever remained of their tenuous relationship. Besides, she was all he had left of Adelia. While he was starting to accept her death, he still missed her terribly.

Stella couldn't imagine why her father was so insistent that she stay nearby. If anything, Hogwarts Scotland sounded like the perfect school. She had long suspected that her father would prefer if she kept out of his way, and what better way to do just that than to send her to Scotland? They would both be happier that way.

Finally, they compromised and agreed on Hogwarts New Zealand. It wasn't the same, but Stella supposed it was close enough. Besides, there was always the chance she would be able to persuade her father to allow her to transfer to the Scotland branch in the future. Daniel, for his part, was still reluctant. Yes, it was the same hemisphere, same continent, but New Zealand was a different country. He tried to reassure himself-- at the very least, plane tickets would be a lot cheaper.

Hogwarts New Zealand didn't start until September, so when Year 5 started, Stella remained at Primary, continuing the keep up the illusion that she was just a normal student all the while knowing that she would have to disappear after the first semester. She finally received her acceptance letter on her 11th birthday, and suddenly, it became real. She would actually be attending a magical school thousands of miles away in just a few months. Not wanting to leave Albany in the wake of a ruined friendship, Stella confessed her acceptance to Hogwarts New Zealand to Addison, who became excited for Stella and helped her deal with the last-minute doubt that plagued Stella days before her departure. And it was with her best friend's support that Stella set off for New Zealand.

Family: [ul][li]Daniel Mason Parris - Father
39 years old || Human Resources Recruiter || Muggle
<LI>[li]Marietta Adelia Parris née Dioli - Mother
26 years old || Deceased || Muggle Born

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