Stella Jane Lagowski

Stella Lagowski

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Fame approval ID - 11108961​


S T E L L A ;; J A N E ;; L A G O W S K I ;;
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Another Summer day has come and gone away in Paris and Rome, but I wanna go home
May be surrounded by a million people I still feel all alone, I just wanna go home
And I feel just like Im living someone elses life, its like I just stepped outside when everything was going right..

- - - - {♥} N A M E {♥} - - - -

[FULL NAME] Stella Jane Lagowski.
[VARIANTS] Sometimes Stella-Jane Lagowski, combining her first and middle names.
[NAME ORIGINS] 'Stella' is the Latin word for 'Star', a name created by the 16th century poet Sir Philip Sidney. 'Jane' is a Hebrew name, meaning 'Gift of God'. Lagowski is a Polish surname, which came from her Polish father. Although her name was given to her in honour of her Grandmother, it is interesting that Stella should mean 'Star' as that is what Stella could be called in the muggle world.
[NAME REASONING] Stella's family is particularly family-orientated, and so she was named after her Grandmother and Mother, Stella being her Grandmother and Jane her Mother. This was mainly her Mother's idea, as her father would most likely have given her a more modern name, however Stella is actually quite fond of it and would not wish to change her name.
[NICKNAMES] Stella's name is hard to shorten, though she is sometimes, much to her annoyance, referred to as 'Stel'.
She is also sometimes called 'Stella-Jane', combining her first and middle names, however this is mostly used by her Father when he is being affectionate towards her. Stella's Father has some nicknames for her which he uses lovingly, such as Stella-Jane, but also more unique ones like 'Peanut' and 'Stella-bear'

- - - - {♥} A G E & L O C A T I O N {♥} - - - -

[DATE OF BIRTH] August 20th, 2027, at 08:02
[PLACE OF BIRTH] New York, America
[CHRISTENING NAME] Stella Jane Lagowski
[AREA OF RESIDENCE] Los Angeles, California. With her Father being a Hollywood film director in the Muggle world, Stella had to move from New York to Los Angeles when she was four. She doesn't remember much about her previous home, except that her garden had secret areas to play and hide in. Stella would often play in the garden, acting out stories that she made up in her head. This was perhaps the first hint that she would later become an actress.
[HOUSE] Stella lives in this house with her Mother, Father, Uncle, Aunt, and their children (Aged 5 and 8). They also have a live in butler and cook.
[DIALECTS] English (first language), Polish, and basic French. Her Father is Polish, and he taught her the language along side English as she grew up in case the family ever decided (or needed) to move back to Poland. Her French came from a role she had in a French movie, though the only words she knows are ones that were in her lines in the film, so her vocabulary is limited
[ETHNICITY] White American

- - - - {♥} A P P E A R A N C E {♥} - - - -

[HEIGHT] Slightly below average
[WEIGHT] Average
[BUILD] Petite, though sturdy due to martial arts training
[HERITAGE] 50% Polish, 50% American
[HAIR COLOUR] Dirty blonde
[HAIR STYLE] Mid length, usually down or tied up in a loose ponytail or bun
[EYE COLOUR] Dark Brown
[CLOTHES STYLE] Informal: Stella wears mainly pastel coloured, loose fitting clothes. She also wears denim jeans and shorts, sandals, trainers, sunglasses and floral patterns. In the winter, she will sometimes wear knitted jumpers from her grandmother.
Formal (whilst attending award ceremonies, premieres, etc): Stella will wear dresses, but will not generally wear heels as she finds them too uncomfortable to walk in. She is more often seen in flat pumps.
[TATTOOS] None, and no plans to get one
[PIERCINGS] None, and no plans to get any
[DISTINGUISHING FEATURES] Despite her age, Stella wears a light layer of makeup as she is used to doing so in the Muggle world (though admittedly she would normally have a makeup artist to do this for her, as well as choosing her clothes for public appearances). Her dirty blonde hair is it's natural color, which is unusual.
[BLOOD STATUS] Mixed blood

- - - - {♥} O C C U P A T I O N & E D U C A T I O N {♥} - - - -

[OCCUPATION] Hollywood child actress in the Muggle world & student
[PRIMARY SCHOOL] Home educated after filming
[SECONDARY SCHOOL] Hogwarts New Zealand
[HOUSE] Hufflepuff
[FAVOURITE SUBJECT] Undecided, but most likely History of Magic so far
[WORST SUBJECT] Currently Flying
[FAVOURITE PROFESSOR] Professor Justin Joussane
[FUTURE CAREER] Stella does not want a career in the magical world. She would like to continue with acting as soon as she leaves Hogwarts. However, this may change as she gets older.
[FRIENDS] Though Stella has chatted to several students, she isn't yet sure she'd be comfortable labelling them as friends. Stella is keen to keep to herself so that her actions won't ever have consequences on friends she makes. She is also rather distrustful, since she has always known for people to speak about her behind her back, and assumes that friends at Hogwarts will do the same if they find out who she is in the muggle world.
[WAND] Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Length: 'A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.'
Style: 'Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?'
Wood: 'Strongly tied to the witch and wizard they choose, vine wands are often held by witches and wizard who dream of something bigger beyond the mundane for their lives.' Stella's bond to this wand may have something to do with her ambition and drive to do her best and be loved in return. She often daydreams of her work as an actress whilst at Hogwarts, and misses it greatly.
Core: 'Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.'
Flexibility: 'Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.'
[PETS] Miniature Hebridean Black, named 'Seren', short for 'Serendibite'. Serendibite is a precious stone that can be black in colour. Stella found this fitting for her dragon. When she purchased it, she was unaware that a Hebridean Black was a dragon. Her Father had played a practical joke on her by writing it on her shopping list.

- - - - {♥} R E L A T I O N S H I P S {♥} - - - -

[RELATIONSHIP STATUS] Too young to care/single. At the moment, Stella doubts she will ever be in a relationship whilst at Hogwarts, as she has no intention of finding anyone attractive. Being so young, she's not completely aware that attraction is involuntary.
[SEXUAL ORIENTATION] Too young to care
[CRUSHES] None. If Stella did find herself attracted to someone, she would most likely keep her distance from them. Stella tends not to show her true feelings, and may react to a crush by avoiding and/or being rude to the individual in question.


P E R S O N A L I T Y ;; W A N T S ;; F E A R S ;;

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- - - - {♥} P E R S O N A L I T Y {♥} - - - -

{♥} Diligent {♥} Stubborn {♥} Generous {♥} Sweet {♥} Dramatic {♥}

[MORE DETAIL] Stella has a difficult personality to understand, as her years of acting have led her to be extremely good at concealing her real personality and/or emotions when she needs to. Her main flaw lies in the fact she often hides the way she is really feeling from others, instead acting indifferent or lashing out. This can lead the people around her to believe she's genuinely uncaring and unkind, which is far from the truth. Her Muggle acting career has taught Stella to be hard working, diligent and conscientious. However, she is also used to getting what she wants, and is challenged when faced with situations that are beyond her control.
Whilst in a good mood, Stella is cheerful, bubbly and kind. She tends not to be the best person to talk to about deep issues, as her mind quickly wanders to other things. It isn't that she doesn't care, but she finds it hard to pay attention to people for any length of time. Besides this, Stella can be fun to be around, and will crack jokes with a big smile on her face.
When unhappy or scared, however, Stella's personality changes drastically. She will go from being the kind, bubbly girl she normally is to a closed, indifferent, often rude girl. She doesn't mean to be this way, she is only acting to warn people to leave her alone, but in doing so often accidentally pushes away people who care about her. If people meet Stella for the first time whilst she is feeling this way, their first impression of her can be that she is always rude, and to those who met her whilst she was happy and then suddenly experience one of her tantrums or moods, they might think they have done something to upset her, which is likely not true.
When Stella wants something, she will do everything within her power to achieve it. As a general rule, she will not purposely do anything that would cause someone else to suffer because of her actions, though this can mean she has to distance herself from others so that her actions do not have consequences on them. She is thoughtful enough to do this, and would never intentionally hurt someone without an extremely good reason to do so.
Although trained in martial arts and happy to defend herself, Stella worries about what others think of her. Growing up followed by cameras and the media has caused her to feel she must always be looking and acting her best in public, or else unkind stories will be written about her in Muggle papers. Reading these stories upsets her a lot, as she is rather over emotional and takes everything others say to heart. She would never show another person (unless a close friend) that she was upset by something, she would laugh and shrug it off, but inside she would be torn up about it for weeks. For this reason, she tends to try to be on her best behaviour at all times so that nobody will write anything bad about her.
When happy, Stella is extremely generous towards strangers and friends. She often to go out of her way to help anyone in need, as she has already figured out that giving her time and possessions to others makes her happier than if she keeps it all to herself. She can truly be a sweetheart, sacrificing things she loves to make other people happy.

- - - - {♥} F A V O U R I T E ; T H I N G S {♥} - - - -

[COLOUR] Stella's favourite colour is orange, like a sunset. She associates the colour with warm evenings, sitting by a roaring fireplace and one of her favourite drinks, so it has a lot of meaning to her.
[PLACE] If she could choose a general place rather than one specific one, she would choose being on set with her fellow actors. This is because she feels most at home whilst acting, and many people would choose home as their favourite place. If she had to choose a particular location, she would say New York, since it is not only where she grew up, but she also loves the buzz and excitement there.
[NUMBER] Stella's favourite number is 36. When she landed her first role in a film, she was the 36th person to audition. Although she had a huge advantage, what with being the director's daughter, she still feels as though it is a lucky number. However, Stella doesn't particularly believe in luck, so it is more a fondness of the number.
[DAY OF THE WEEK] Monday. Though most people would call this their least favourite day, it is Stella's favourite since the weekend is finally over and she can get back to work. Whilst at Hogwarts, she is not so keen on it as it means the beginning of lessons again, however away from school Monday is her favourite day of the week.
[TIME OF DAY] Sunset. Whatever time the sun goes down is Stella's favourite time of day, as she finds sunsets beautiful. It also signifies the beginning of the night, and Stella is a bit of a night owl, rather staying up all night and sleeping all day than the other way around.
[FOOD] Stella's favourite food is pizza. She has a bit of an aversion to healthy foods and vegetables, and would much rather eat pizza or chips than a salad. She doesn't mind fruit so much, though, especially when in liquid form (see below)
[DRINK] If asked, Stella would say that her favourite drink (if it can be called that) is orange juice. Truthfully, although she would never admit it, orange juice is actually her second favourite drink, with her first being Rosé wine. Her parents often allow her to drink this with dinner, however she has many a time sneaked into the wine cellar without permission to drink some.
[SEASON] Stella's favourite season is Autumn. The world is blooming with shades of brown, sienna and orange, and the sunsets are beautiful at this time of year. She also likes the fact it isn't too warm, nor too hot. Besides, kicking around in leaf piles is extremely exciting to the young girl. Autumn also signifies that winter will soon be coming, and Stella snowball fights.
[WEATHER] Light rain/overcast. Except at night, when she would want it to be clear so that she could watch the sun set, Stella loves the rain. Her favourite day would be one in autumn whilst it was raining. If it begins to rain whilst she's outside, she will often purposely go out and stand in it in bare feet as she finds it invigorating.
[SMELL] Burning wood. This smell reminds Stella of sitting by the fire on cold nights, and she also has many memories of sitting at home with family and friends around a fireplace, exchanging stories and jokes. For this reason, every time she smells it, she finds it comforting.
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