Stella Garcia

Stella Garcia

OOC First Name
Alexis Joyce
.....Biography of a Mexican hottie

Full Name: Stella Sylvana Garcia
Birth Date: January 14 2009
- Age: 15 years old
- Birth Place: Guadalajara, Mexico
- Current Residence: Sofia, Bulgaria

Blood Status: Half Blood
- Blood Origin: Muggle Born Father and Pure Blood Mother
- Heritage: Whole Mexican

Civil Status: Single
Current School: Durmstrang Institute

.....Body, Brain and Personality

Hair Style
- Long
- Wavy
- Brownish

Eye Appearance
- Round
- Blue

- Slim
- A little muscles
- Tall of 5'4

Stella is a caring and loving daughter and sister, she sometimes act bad when it comes to friends. But it was her true personality, she is evil, no mercy and insecure. She always get what she wants whenever she wants even though she has siblings.

.....A great thing to know her

She likes to do farm stuffs like milking the goats; Making fights, she always loves it; Reading and playing her lyre, Stella loves the tune of the lyre it sues her ears.

Clothes and Bags, people who will stick to her and people who won't be a wannabe

Wannabe's, Flirts and Banana


Father's Name: <B>Aurelius Caius Garcia
Age: 45
Birth Date: October 15 1979
Birth Place: Mexico
School Attended: Durmstrang Institute
Current Work: Journalist

Mother's Name: Amalia Camelia *Elyssia* Garcia
Age: 45
Birth Date: December 25 1979
Birth Place: Mexico
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic
Current Work: Ministry Employee

2nd Eldest Sister's Name: Felicia Lavinia Garcia
Age: 12
Birth Date: September 23 2012
Birth Place: Sofia, Bulgaria
School Attended: Beauxbatons Academy for Magic

Middle Sister's Name: Marcella Rosalia Garcia
Age: 11
Birth Date: May 5 2013
Birth Place: Sofia, Bulgaria
School Attended: Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry Scotland
<B><SIZE size="150">.....History
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Stella is a quiet and loving daughter to her parents and only inside of their house. But when it comes to her friends and outside house premisses; she is mean, selfish and arrogant. It doesn't matter if she disappoint other people, Stella only thinks for herself and only for herself.

Stella Sylvana Garcia was born on January 18 2009 to a journalist and a housewife. She lives at Guadalajara, Mexico were she was born and raised. Stella has two sisters and one unborn brother.

When she was 6, her father taught her how to ride a broom at a very young age. When she was 12, Stella try out for the Durmstrang team and got the position of keeper. She really loves quidditch and promise to be a professional one.

At the age of 14, she was nervous when her parents announced on her birthday that she will transferring to another school that she didn't barely knew. This make Stella angry and didn't talk to her parents for about one week. When her sisters talked to her, that's the only time she understands why she had to move.

Now, she had to face another yea at another school. But she always loves Durmstrang and her parents only wants the best thing for her. The dark arts can sometimes be a drug to her if she didn't go to another school.

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